Chapter 2465 Domination Power

“Mo Jingtian, I advise you to break the Void Demon Race into parts and hide them in God’s Domain. This may delay some time.”

“Otherwise… Once God’s Domain attacked, the only result of the Void Demon Race was the annihilation of the entire army.”

Old Ancestor Xueyang was silent for a moment.

Now that the expeditionary army of Xiu Xian Universe has not yet arrived, the ancestors of the blood sun naturally hope that the Void Demon Race can contain God’s Domain for more time, so as to delay the growth of those top powerhouses in God’s Domain.

When he first contacted Xiu Xian Universe, what he passed to Xiu Xian Universe was only the situation in God’s Domain at that time.

The ancestor of the blood sun can expect that the expedition force sent by the Xiu Xian Universe this time should not be too strong.

If the Void Demon Race were really destroyed by God’s Domain in this way, the God’s Domain without any worries would soon reappear the grand occasion of the ancient times.

By the time.

Even if the expeditionary army of Xiuxian Universe comes, it may not help God’s Domain.


Mo Jingtian nodded, apparently agreeing with the proposal of Old Ancestor Xueyang.

They are very good at the way of space. If they are scattered and hidden in the world of the gods, it should be difficult for the gods to find them one by one at a time.

Only in this way, they might be able to deal with God’s Domain and delay until the advent of the Xiuxian Universe powerhouse.

Mo Jingtian took a deep breath. Just as he was about to order the Void Demon Race to disperse and leave, a figure of the Void Demon Race appeared in front of Mo Jingtian and the others.

“Devil… Lord Demon Emperor, something is not good. Just got news that there are a large number of powerful gods who are approaching where our Void Demon Race is.”

Following the words of this Void Demon Race, the expressions of Mo Jingtian and others couldn’t help but change drastically.

The movement of God’s Domain was much faster than they thought.

It seems that God’s Domain is determined to destroy their Void Demon Race.

Mo Jingtian suppressed the horror in his heart, and slowly took a deep breath and said: “Immediately pass the order and let everyone escape quickly by themselves.”

“I’m afraid it’s too late.”

As the ancestor Xueyang said, those twinkling bloody eyes directly penetrated the endless space and looked towards a certain direction in the void.


And at the moment when the words of the ancestor Xueyang fell, a horrible aura that made everyone present was heart palpitating, also instantly rippled across this world.

“This is… the breath of Martial Dao’s dominance?”

Feeling this breath that made him extremely familiar, the pupils of the ancestor Xue Yang suddenly shrank involuntarily.

As the Mahayana cultivator who invaded God’s realm that year, the ancestor of the blood sun fought against the Martial Dao master of God’s realm more than once, and the breath of Martial Dao’s master of God’s realm is still fresh in my memory.

The aura rippling from heaven and earth in front of him is definitely the aura that only the real Martial Dao ruler can possess.

Martial Dao dominates!

Hearing the words of the ancestors of the blood sun, the expressions of Mo Jingtian and others also became horrified in an instant.

Although they also knew that God’s Domain was unified, after returning to the ancient times, their strength was recovering at an extremely terrifying speed.

But they still didn’t expect it.

In just three years, the Martial Dao ruler was born in God’s Domain.

Dominated by Martial Dao, this is the supreme existence comparable to the Mahayana cultivator.

After the Great Tribulation of God’s Domain, their Void Demon Race was only one step away from being able to completely conquer the continent of God’s Domain.

Unexpectedly, at a critical moment, God’s Domain gave birth to a powerhouse in the realm of Qing Deva, Jiang Qingtian, who turned the tide on his own, defeated the Void Demon Race, and expelled them back to the Eternal Void.

Now that the Martial Dao ruler was born again in God’s Domain, with their current strength of the Void Demon Race, there is no resistance at all.

And just when Mo Jingtian and the others were terrified, a few monstrous auras filled the sky directly above the Void Demon Race.

at the same time.

A cold voice also resounded slowly between heaven and earth in an instant.

“The devil is shaking the sky, and he didn’t come out quickly to die!”

Mo Jingtian suppressed the horror in his heart, and appeared directly above the Void Demon Race in a flash.

He raised his head slightly, his gaze fell on the Daoist shadow thousands of feet away.

The first person was the Moon God Palace Master Mingyue Xin who had reached the half-step dominance at the beginning.

Now the aura exuding from his body is more than many times stronger than when he fought him.

Even with his Cultivation Base, facing the breath that Mingyuexin exudes, it seems that there is a feeling that he is about to breathe.

Behind Mingyue’s mind and body, there is really Cang Ming and Wu Zhantian.

The two God King Ninth Stage Heavenly Powers who were beaten by him without the strength to fight back, now I am afraid that they have touched the level of Martial Dao’s dominance, and have the strength of half a step to dominate the realm, and their strength is no longer his. Down.

Behind these three people, there are at least ten strong men with no fewer than ten god king Ninth Stage days.

Seeing the incomparable lineup of God’s Domain, Rao Shimo Jingtian couldn’t help feeling a panic at the moment.


Today’s God’s Domain is really too powerful!

Such a powerful lineup, even if the Void Demon Race was in its heyday, I am afraid it might not be an opponent.

Mo Jingtian suppressed the horror in his heart, and shouted with anger on his face: “Mingyuexin, my Void Demon Race is far away from the center of God’s Domain, why bother to kill them?”

“Void Demon Race, the lackeys of the Universe Cultivation Universe, you shouldn’t exist in God’s Domain, you should be blamed!”

Mingyue’s cold voice fell, and she directly stretched out her finger to point out the Demon Shocking One lightly.

This finger is silent, and there is no energy fluctuation at all.

Only the demon under this finger shocked the sky, but felt that the world was frozen, and his whole person was shrouded in the shadow of Death.

Mo Jingtian’s expression became horrified in an instant, and his mouth also let out a sky-shaking roar, and a Heavenly Demon phantom also condensed from its back in an instant.


Even though Mo Jingtian broke out with all its strength, it couldn’t resist the power of Mingyuexin at all.

I saw the Heavenly Demon phantom under Mingyuexin’s invisible finger, and it collapsed in an instant.

And Mo Jingtian’s figure was also directly flew out by a finger flick, flying backwards for thousands of miles like a meteor, smashing the sky out of a bottomless chaotic black hole.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Mo Jingtian’s mouth, and his whole body was cracked with cracks visible to the naked eye.


Even the powerful physical body that the Void Demon Race is proud of can hardly withstand the power of Mingyuexin.

The dominating state is the real supreme state after removing the emptiness and ethereal immortal state in the divine realm cultivation system.

The power of dominance can overwhelm all the power under the dominion.

Even if it is such an existence as strong as the magic shocking sky, in front of the real Martial Dao ruler, it is almost no different from the ant!

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