Chapter 2439 Domineering Bloodline Curse

Changshenggu was actually cursed with supreme curse!

Hearing the words of the gray-robed old man, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but an incredible horror appeared in his eyes.

Changsheng Valley!

This is the dominant force in the ancient times of God’s Domain, extremely powerful.

Who on earth cast such a supreme spell that made everyone in the Longevity Valley gradually transformed, and it has continued to the present?

Even a general Mahayana cultivator can never have such a terrifying method, right?

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and couldn’t help looking at the gray-robed old man with a look of doubt: “Isn’t senior from Changshenggu?”

The gray-robed old man in front of him was unfathomable in strength, and he was not inferior to the powerhouse of the god king Ninth Stage like the real Cang Ming.

Since Changshenggu has been cursed, how does this old guy possess such strength?

“The curse of the Changsheng Valley should be a very deep blood curse. I don’t have the blood of Changsheng Valley.”

The gray-robed old man shook his head, and did not give too much explanation on this issue.

He looked at Jiang Chen and said: “In short, you want to find a genius to cultivate life Martial Dao in the Longevity Valley, I am afraid you will be disappointed.”

“That’s not necessarily.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Senior, let’s go back first. Junior plans to live in Changsheng Valley for a while.”

Although the bloodline curse limits the cultivation talents of the people in the Longevity Valley, it may not be able to change the talents of the people in the Longevity Valley in essence.

Jiang Chen planned to live and see if he could find a talented person in Changsheng Valley.

Although the curse of Changshenggu was overbearing, as long as he brought the people he found back to the eternal palace, the eternal king might not be able to resolve it.

after all.

The existence of the bloodline spell cast by the Longevity Valley is after all just the top cultivator in the cultivating universe, while the Longevity Immortal King is a real immortal!

“In that case, do it yourself.”

The gray robe old man’s voice fell, and his figure flashed immediately before dissipating in front of Jiang Chen out of thin air.

After the gray robe old man left.

Jiang Chen directly bought a yard in this ancient city in Changsheng Valley and settled down in Changsheng Valley.

In a blink of an eye, two months passed quietly.

During these two months, Jiang Chen was looking for young talents in the city during the day, and at night, he cultivated the sword celestial art he obtained from the eternal immortal king.


The curse of Changshenggu was really too domineering, almost cursing the vast majority of Changshenggu people indistinguishable from ordinary people.

Jiang Chen observed for two full months, but couldn’t find any clues.

very quickly.

Another half a month passed in a flash.

Before you know it, it’s time for the annual Martial Dao talent test in Changshenggu.

Early this morning.

Jiang Chen was also preparing to go out early, and went to see the Martial Dao talent test in the Longevity Valley, and wanted to see if he could find some clues in the talent test.

after all.

Longevity Valley was suppressed by the bloodline curse, and most people had completely transformed themselves, and they didn’t even have the qualifications to cultivate Martial Dao.

Those who can detect cultivation talents are obviously not ordinary people.

Push the door open.

Jiang Chen was about to go out, when a cute and lovely girl in Tsing Yi appeared in front of Jiang Chen, poking out her head.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, this is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake I just made. Try it quickly.”

The girl in Tsing Yi handed a food box in front of Jiang Chen, with a pair of smart eyes full of expectation, like a child waiting to be praised.

“It tastes good, Xiaoqing’s craftsmanship is getting better and better.”

Jiang Chen took a sip and couldn’t help but praise it.

The Tsing Yi girl’s beautiful big eyes suddenly turned into a crescent moon with a smile.

The girl in Tsing Yi was Jiang Chen’s neighbor, named Lu Xiaoqing. Her parents died of hunting and one of them was left behind.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoqing was pitiful, Jiang Chen kept him by his side.

Since then, Lu Xiaoqing has regarded Jiang Chen as his last support, and has almost stayed with him.

During this time, Jiang Chen was also used to having such a little girl beside him.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, today is the annual Martial Dao talent test. All people under the age of fifteen must take the test.”

“It is said that thousands of people participate in the Martial Dao test every year, but only a dozen people can detect cultivation talent.”

“It would be great if I could have the talent for cultivation.”

The girl was chattering non-stop, her little face was full of expectation.

Jiang Chen smiled and comforted: “Don’t worry, Xiaoqing is so powerful, he will definitely be able to detect the cultivation talent and become the most powerful Practitioner in the Longevity Valley.”


Lu Xiaoqing clenched her small fist slightly and nodded confidently.

“Let’s go, let’s take the test.”

Jiang Chen touched Lu Xiaoqing’s head with his hand, and then led Lu Xiaoqing towards the center of the city.

In the center of the city, on a huge square measuring a thousand meters long, the annual Martial Dao talent test in Changsheng Valley has begun to proceed in an orderly manner.

Countless boys and girls under the age of fifteen are waiting in line for the test.

When Jiang Chen and the others came to the square, they did not attract too many people’s attention.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, I also went to take the test.”

Lu Xiaoqing greeted Jiang Chen in a low voice, then joined the queue and waited in line.

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on the Martial Dao talent test in the Longevity Valley.

In the eyes of Jiang Chen, the powerhouse of the Divine King Realm, he quickly passed the Martial Dao talent test in the Longevity Valley and found something unusual.

Changshenggu test Martial Dao’s talented item is obviously an extraordinary treasure.

During the test of every teenager in Changsheng Valley, Jiang Chen keenly felt that there seemed to be an invisible shackle in the void, which locked the blood talent of these teenagers.


The more powerful the bloodline talent, the more confined to death by that invisible shackles, no Martial Dao cultivation talent can be detected at all.

Some talented bloodlines are not very good, but the confinement is much smaller, and they have a glimmer of cultivation opportunity.

It is precisely because of this.

The strength of the Longevity Valley will only become worse every day, and no strong will be born at all.

According to Jiang Chen’s investigation, there is not even a person who has reached the realm of true gods in the Valley of Longevity today!

I’m afraid no one can think of it.

The dominating power that once stood at the pinnacle of God’s Domain, the Valley of Longevity, has fallen to such a point!

“It really is a domineering bloodline spell!”

Feeling the conditions inside these Changshenggu teenagers, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.


Although this bloodline spell is extremely domineering, after passing the Martial Dao talent test in Changshenggu, Jiang Chen can feel the strength of the talents of these young disciples of Changshenggu.

He intends to find an existence with the most powerful natural bloodline and take it to the Immortal Palace of Longevity.

As for the bloodline spell, it can only be solved by the Immortal King of Longevity.

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