Chapter 2438 Cursed Longevity Valley

Mass production of the king’s artifact!

Based on Jiang Chen’s current experience and experience, Rao couldn’t help taking a breath.

Divine King Artifacts are weapons that can only be created by strong Divine King Realm. They contain the power of the Great Divine King Realm powerhouse, and their power is extraordinary.

But even the existence of the God King Ninth Stage Heaven like the real Cangming, it is impossible to mass-produce the God King artifact.

Could it be…

The gray-robed old man in front of him is also an existence beyond the god king Ninth Stage?

Shook his head.

Jiang Chen suppressed the horror in his heart and continued to look at the shop.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen’s eyes fell involuntarily on a jade statue in front of him.

This statue is located in the center of the entire shop, with a slightly blurred figure carved on it.


Even if he couldn’t see the true face of the Daoist shadow, Jiang Chen could still feel a supreme breath from the statue, as if he was standing high above the world like a peerless king, overlooking the mortal world.

What shocked Jiang Chen most was that the fuzzy figure on the jade statue overlapped with a Daoist figure in his mind!

Longevity King!

The jade statue carved by this old guy is somewhat similar to the phantom of the Longevity Immortal King he had seen in the Longevity Immortal Palace!

Jiang Chen’s heart was suddenly shocked.

How could the gray-robed old man in front of him be able to carve the Immortal King of Longevity?

Could it be…

The Immortal King of Longevity, once also came from God’s Domain, really has a certain relationship with the Longevity Valley of the ancient times of God’s Domain?

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and walked directly in front of the jade carving.

Just as he was about to take down the jade carving and look at it carefully, a plain old voice rang directly in Jiang Chen’s ear.

“Little guy, this jade carving is not for sale. Except for this one, as long as you can produce items that satisfy me, you can exchange it at will!”

Hearing this voice, Jiang Chen couldn’t help stopping his hand movement and looked at the gray-robed old man.

Seeing that the old man was still carving the wooden sword in his hand, he didn’t even want to look up at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen also stopped paying attention to the jade carvings on the wooden frame. He walked slowly to the counter and cupped fist to the old man, saying: “Old man, I came here today not to trade things, but to look for the Longevity Valley. ”


Following Jiang Chen’s words, the gray-robed old man’s movement suddenly stopped, causing the wooden sword in his hand to make a crisp sound.

After a while.

The gray-robed old man just raised his head and stared at Jiang Chen, a faint chill gradually lingered in his muddy eyes.

“Who are you? Who sent you here?”

The icy voice of the gray-robed old man fell and he flicked his fingers directly, and the door of the shop closed with a bang.

He stared at Jiang Chen fiercely, and a sharp killing intent also instantly diffused from his body.

Even with Jiang Chen’s current strength, under the cover of the murderous intent of the gray robe old man, there is a feeling that he is almost out of breath.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but stunned slightly.

The strength of this old guy is definitely not inferior to that of the real person Cangming and Wu Zhantian and other powerhouses at the peak of God King Ninth Stage.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the seven god-tier king Ninth Stage, God Domain Continent, there are such hidden world powerhouses.

Jiang Chen mobilized the supernatural power of kendo in his body to resolve the killing intent from the gray-robed old man. He quickly cupped fist and said: “Old sir, Jiang Chen was instructed by the real Cangming man to search for the Longevity Valley. .”

“Are you the Emperor Jiang Chen of the Palace of the Human Emperor?”

The gray-robed old man glanced at Jiang Chen in surprise, and then said indifferently, “Let’s talk, you are looking for Changsheng Valley, what is it?”

Jiang Chen didn’t hide it, and said directly: “Junior needs to find a young genius who is good at the way of life.”

The gray-robed old man was silent for a long time before slowly saying: “Eternal Valley, I am afraid there is no young genius you are looking for.”

“Why is this?”

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a look of doubt in his eyes.

The Valley of Longevity, the dominating power in the ancient times of God’s Domain, is only slightly inferior to the Moon God Palace.

Even though the Valley of Longevity had fallen in the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, after all, it has the background of dominating power, and it should be able to cultivate some geniuses who are good at the way of life, right?

“This matter is a long story. If you let me take a trip to Changsheng Valley, everything will be understood.”

The gray-robed old man stood up, then stretched his hand across the void in front of him, and a spatial passage appeared directly in front of Jiang Chen.

“Follow me.”

After the gray-robed old man finished speaking, Xuan even stepped directly into the space channel.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and quickly followed.

The next moment…

Jiang Chen felt that he had crossed the endless space and came into a mysterious world.

What makes Jiang Chen somewhat incredible is that.

In this world, there are many mortals without any Cultivation Base!

To know.

Martial Dao is extremely prosperous, even if he first entered the realm of God, there are almost no mortals without any Cultivation Base in remote places like the ancient dragon world.

When Jiang Chen was surprised and uncertain.

The gray-robed old man soon took Jiang Chen to the front of an ancient city.

This city is almost the same as the remote city on the Shenwu Continent on the Lower Realm, except for a small number of Practitioners, where ordinary pawns and market vendors are chatting and shouting.

For a while, Jiang Chen even had the feeling of returning to Cangshan City back then.

“Old sir, what is this place? How can there be so many mortals living here?”

Jiang Chen frowned, and finally couldn’t help but ask aloud.

The gray-robed old man said astonishingly: “This is the hidden Longevity Valley. These people are the descendants of the Longevity Valley!”

“How… how is it possible?”

As the gray-robed old man said this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but an unbelievable horror appeared in his eyes.

Longevity Valley, this is the dominating power in the ancient times of God’s Domain!

Even if he suffered heavy losses in the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, he still has the background of dominating power. How could he have fallen to such a point?

this moment.

Jiang Chen finally understood why the gray-robed old man said that he couldn’t find the young genius he wanted in Changsheng Valley.

In today’s Longevity Valley, even the number of people who embark on cultivation is very few. How can we find young talents who are qualified to accept the inheritance of the Longevity Immortal King?

“In the First War of the Ancients, the Valley of Longevity was cursed by an immortal master with supreme curse, and Martial Dao’s talent was greatly restricted.”

“It is precisely because of this that Changshenggu had to choose a hidden world.”

The gray-robed old man sighed faintly: “In recent years, the Changshenggu generation has been inferior to the generation, and many people have even turned into mortals who cannot step into the Martial Dao practice.”

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