Chapter 2435

The strongest king who defeated the two god kings at the peak of Ninth Stage with one move!

The Demon Emperor of the Void Demon Race, I am afraid that he has really reached the Realm above the Ninth Void Demon God, and his strength is comparable to the Martial Dao ruler of God’s Domain.

Such a character, who else can resist them in God’s Domain now?

Mo Jingtian indifferently looked down at Zhenren Cangming and Wu Zhantian, and his cold voice instantly resounded through the world.

“True Cangming, I originally planned to let you live a few more days, but I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to send it to the door.”

“In that case, this emperor will destroy you today, and then trample on the Divine Realm Continent in one fell swoop!”

The indifferent voice fell, Mo Jingtian stepped on the world and blasted with a punch.


The devilish surging power of the fist blasted the eternal void through the heaven and the earth, and then instantly spread to the heads of the real person Cangming and Wu Zhantian.

Rao Yi Cangming and Wu Zhantian both instinctively felt the crisis of Death from this punch.

The two dared not be the slightest negligence. Just as they were preparing to fight with all their strength to resist this strike, a Sacred moonlight light fell directly from the void, causing the eternal void of thousands of miles to be enveloped. Under the light of Sacred’s moonlight.


Only a bang was heard, the demon-powered punch of Demon Jingtian also collapsed into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

Mo Jingtian’s pupils shrank suddenly, and his gaze also looked up at a spot in the void in response.

There, there was a woman who was as holy as the Fairy of the Moon Palace standing proudly, and it was the Lord Mingyue Heart of the Moon God Palace.

“who are you?”

Mo Jingtian stared at the peerless woman in front of him tightly, and couldn’t help but shudder in his heart.

The mysterious woman in front of her is much stronger than the real Cangming two, and I am afraid it is very likely to reach the same level as him.

Mo Jingtian never thought of it anyway.

Such a strong man was born on the Continent of God’s Domain.

Mingyue’s eyes were cold: “This palace is the one who killed you today!”

“kill me?”

“If I guess right, you are just touching a trace of Martial Dao’s dominating power. I am afraid that it is still a thousand miles away from the Realm that truly broke through.”

“If you really become the master of Martial Dao, you are naturally qualified to kill this emperor. Can you use your current strength, and how can you use this emperor?”

Mo Jingtian sneered with disdain.

“Yuehua Jianying, Ning!”

Mingyuexin didn’t bother to talk nonsense with Mo Jingtian, she just raised her slender finger and swiped it in the air.

The divine light of the sky full of moonlight turned into a sword of moonlight in an instant.

These moonlight swords are about three feet long, and each handle is extremely sharp, which can tear the world apart.

that moment.

I saw the space above Demon Jingtian’s head, thousands of Yuehua swords, directly interwoven into a dense sword net, dyeing the eternal void of thousands of miles with a layer of silver ash.


With Mingyue Heart Sword pointed at it.

Thousands of Yuehua swords, like silver raindrops, swayed down to the sky with a shocking effect.

Each Moonflower Sword was only three feet long at first, but in the process of landing, it zoomed in at a terrifying speed.

To the end.

These Yuehua swords are all transformed into huge silver waterfalls of hundreds of meters long, pouring down to the heavens with shocking enchantment.

“Heavenly Demon Fighting!”

Facing the terrifying sword of Mingyuexin, Mo Jingtian’s pupils shrank, and his whole body gathered his strength and punched out.

“Boom boom boom…”

Countless Yuehua swords slammed into Mingyue Xin’s fist strength that penetrated the sky and the earth.


Although Mo Jingtian’s punch was fierce and domineering, Mingyuexin’s Yuehua sword crackled against the devilish punch.

Every sword of Yuehua weakened Demon Shocking’s fist.

Although this kind of weakening was not obvious, after suffering thousands of Yuehua swords, Fist Jin finally became dimmed, and finally turned into Heavenly Demon Qi and dissipated completely.

Mingyue’s eyes were cold, and a round of bright moon appeared out of thin air behind her, and she once again performed a stunning technique to suppress the obsession.

Mo Shaotian didn’t evade, it was also full of demonic energy erupting, like an ancient demon god, and Mingyue Xin banged together.

Every punch he hits is more terrifying than the last one.

To the end.

The power of terror is enough to destroy the sky and the earth, causing thousands of miles of eternal void to collapse.


The two kept fighting each other.

Every time there was a confrontation, it caused a terrifying explosion of energy, shaking the sky and the earth, and the space collapsed.

Even if they were thousands of miles away from Jiang Chen, they were unable to withstand the horrible energy fluctuations caused by the confrontation between the two, and they were continuously retreated hundreds of miles away.

“Too strong, is this the power to surpass the Divine King Realm?”

Everyone was horrified.

At this moment.

Whether it’s Mo Jingtian or Mingyue Xin, the power displayed by the two of them has far surpassed that of the ordinary god king Ninth Stage.

Even the real person Cang Ming and Wu Zhantian at the peak of the god king Ninth Stage are far behind.

“Boom boom boom…”

Under the shocking eyes of everyone, the battle between the two continued.

At the end of the battle, the two directly fought thousands of miles away.

I saw that the bright moon behind Mingyuexin directly carried a world and suppressed the magical shocking sky.

Demon Shocking Back The Houtian demon shadow stands tall like the Optimus Pillar, and the magic fist that can destroy the sky and the earth also collided with the suppressed bright moon.

Heaven and earth collapsed, space shattered.

I saw Mo Jingtian flying upside down a distance of thousands of feet.

His black robe was shattered, and his flesh was cracked with cracks, and the dark golden blood was also scattered like raindrops.

And on the other side.

Mingyuexin also flew upside down thousands of feet in the void, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.


In the previous battle, Mo Jingtian and Mingyuexin almost fought a defeat, and neither of them could find any advantage.

Jiang Chen looked at the battle in the distance, and his brows couldn’t help but twisted together tightly.

This Demon Shocking strength has obviously surpassed the Ninth-Order Void Demon God, even if it is as strong as Mingyuexin, it is impossible to get this guy at all.

With this guy here, God’s Domain Continent wants to destroy the Void Demon Race today, I’m afraid it won’t be easy.

“Retreat first.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said directly and slowly.

Mo Jingtian’s strength is too strong, and the bloody ancestor who has never appeared before, is not an easy role to deal with.

Not to mention, the Void Demon might also hide some other cards.

If they forcibly attacked the Void Demon Race today, even if they were able to destroy the Void Demon Race, I am afraid they would have paid a high price for it!

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