Chapter 2434 The Devil Descends

“Boom boom boom…”

As the real Cangming killed the Demon Sky, the remaining six god kings Ninth Stage Heavenly Powerhouse of the Gods Domain Continent also shot at almost the same time, and killed the remaining seven demon kings of the Void Demon Race.

Upon seeing this, Mingyue couldn’t help but indifferently told the two god kings of the Moon God Palace Ninth Stage. Elder said, “You two, go and help them.”

“Yes, Palace Master!”

The two god kings of the Moon God Palace Ninth Stage Tian Elder responded, and a burst of dazzling moonlight burst out all over his body, killing the demon kings of the Void Demon Race.

that moment.

The shocking battle between God’s Domain Continent and the Void Demon Race is almost on the verge!

Jiang Chen and others quietly watched the shocking battle in front of them.

As the current legend of God’s Domain Continent, True Man Cangming was extremely powerful, and he might not be inferior to Wu Zhantian in the slightest.

He alone fought against the Demon Sky Shadow, the head of the Eight Demon Kings, and almost had the absolute upper hand.

The remaining six god kings, Ninth Stage, the heavenly powerhouses, with the addition of the two Elders from the Moon God Palace, also suppressed the seven demon kings to death.

It can be said.

Today’s God’s Domain has occupied an absolute advantage.

Even if Mingyuexin and Wu Zhantian didn’t make a move, it was only a matter of time before Cangming and the others defeated the Eight Demon Kings of the Void Demon Race!

“Wu senior, you will also help Cang Ming senior to solve the eight demon kings as soon as possible, in case that the time comes to change.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the direction of the Void Demon Race, and couldn’t help but say to Wu Zhantian.


Wu Zhantian didn’t talk nonsense either, stepping directly across the eternal void of thousands of miles, appeared directly next to Real Person Cangming, and joined forces with Real Person Cangming to kill Mo Tianying.

Although Mo Tianying was the hand of the eight great demon kings of the Void Demon Race, it was only barely able to contend with the real Cangming.

Now that there is an additional Wu Zhantian whose strength is not inferior to the real Cangming, how can Mo Tianying resist?

Just a moment’s time.

Mo Tianying had completely defeated the battle, and was surrounded by dangers under the offensive of Mortal Cangming and Wu Zhantian.

To the end.

Mo Tianying was slapped by the palm of the real Cang Ming and flew a distance of tens of thousands of feet. The whole body seemed to fall apart, bloody, as if it was about to explode.


Before he was relieved from the palm of Real Person Cangming, Wu Zhan Tianna was like a sword that opened up the world, and it had already divided the world and slashed at him with one sword.

Mo Tianying’s expression instantly became horrified, and she couldn’t help but yell:

“Master Devil, save me!”


As the voice of Demon Sky Shadow fell, the master of the Void Demon Race standing above the eternal void, all trembling from a distance at this moment.

The next moment…

An unimaginable demon energy rose from the main clan of the Void Demon Race to the sky, and then diffused in the endless eternal void.

Under this terrifying demonic aura, countless cultivators of God’s Domain couldn’t help but tremble.

Even Jiang Chen and others, under the pressure of this devilish energy, involuntarily showed a feeling of heart palpitations!

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn’t help but look straight in the direction of the Void Demon Race.

The Demon Emperor of the Void Demon Race is about to appear.

Under the gaze of Jiang Chen and others, a man in a black robe surrounded by demonic energy in the constantly shaking Void Demon Race finally stepped out of the sky slowly.

The black-clothed man is tall and handsome, his eyes are scarlet as blood, and he is surrounded by monstrous demon energy, like a peerless Demon Monarch, exuding a powerful aura that dominates the world.

“What a god’s realm, how dare to come to my Void Demon Race to run wild, is it true that my Void Demon Race has no one?”

The black man uttered every word as if it came from The Underworld, causing all the Practitioners in the field to shudder, as if falling into an infinite place in an instant.

This black-clothed man is the current Demon Emperor of the Void Demon Race, and the devil is shaking the sky.

“Master Devil Emperor, his subordinates are unfavorable, causing the Void Demon Race to be defeated.”

“Now the seventy-two leader of the Void Demon Race and the Thirty-six Elder are almost half injured, and the Void Demon Race is in crisis of life and death.”

“Also ask Master Demon Emperor to take action to wash away the humiliation of my Void Demon Race!”

Seeing Mo Tianying’s appearance, Mo Tianying’s eyes also couldn’t help but show a look of ecstasy.

Since the decision to awaken Lord Demon Emperor that day, their eight great demon kings have already started this matter, but the Demon Emperor has not responded to them.

Now Lord Devil finally showed up at a critical moment.


With Mo Tianying’s words, Mo Jingtian was full of demonic energy, and his overwhelming meaning of killing and killing, instantly enveloped this eternal void.

“Good! Good! Good!”

“Mr Cangming, I didn’t expect that during the period of this emperor’s Closed Door Training, you would actually be able to severely inflict my Void Demon Race to such a degree. It seems that I really underestimated you.”

“Today, this emperor will take your blood to sacrifice to the spirit of the tribe in the sky!”

Mo Shaotian’s overwhelming anger and laughter fell, and the devilish fist directly punched the real person Cangming without hesitation.


The horrible boxing power and the light of hesitation to destroy the world generally spread in the eternal void, and the bodies of Mortal Cangming and Wu Zhantian will be annihilated in the blink of an eye.

that moment.

Rao is a strong man at the peak of God King Ninth Stage such as Cangming and Wu Zhantian. They all felt the shadow of Death instantly enveloped their hearts.

The Martial Dao divine power of the two of them burst to the limit in an instant, and each urged the God King Dao, used the strongest God King’s great technique, and collided with the Demon Fist of Demon Jingtian.


Only heard a loud bang, a terrifying storm of world destruction, spreading in the eternal void.


I saw two embarrassed figures flying upside down from that world-destroying storm at almost the same time, and they were both Ming Zhenren and Wu Zhantian.


The two of them were extremely pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths, and a touch of unprecedented horror appeared in the eyes of Demon Shocking.


It is too strong!

The Demon Emperor of the Void Demon Race, I am afraid that it has truly surpassed the level of the Ninth-Order Void Demon God.

“True Cangming, if it was half a year ago, this emperor might have to pay a great price to clean up you. But this half a year, this emperor has finally stepped into that step, and now you are in front of me, how is it different from the ants? ?”

Mo Jingtian stood with his hands holding his hands, like a peerless Demon Monarch, looking down at the real person Cangming, his faint voice seemed domineering.

“Master Demon Emperor… has he stepped onto the ninth-order void?”

When Mo Tianying and the other eight demon kings saw this, they couldn’t help showing an expression of excitement on their faces.

On the other hand, on the side of God’s Domain, the complexions of many powerful people in God’s Domain turned pale at this moment…

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