Chapter 2427 Eight Demon Kings Reunited

Eternal Void, Void Demon Race.

In a quiet Great Hall, the Sky Shadow Demon King Mo Tian Ying, one of the eight great demon kings of the Void Demon Race, is sitting cross-legged in the middle of the Great Hall with his eyes closed.


The Demon Sky Shadow, who had not moved at all, felt a heart-palpitating fluctuation in vain, and her closed eyes suddenly opened.

“Unexpectedly, this time the invasion of God’s Domain Continent would have failed.”

Mo Tianying took a deep breath slowly, and his complexion became extremely gloomy.

This time.

In addition to the legendary immortal monument, the main reason why the Void Demon Race decided to attack God’s Domain Continent was that the Void Demon Race had a ninth-order Void Demon God like Mo Qianyu.

Regarding all this, God’s Domain Continent didn’t know it.

They originally thought that Mo Qianyu, the powerhouse leading the Void Demon Race, would surely be able to beat the God Realm Continent without the God King Ninth Stage in one fell swoop.

But the development of the matter completely exceeded their expectations.

No one can think of it.

God’s Domain Continent actually still has the powerful existence of God King Ninth Stage Tian.

Mo Qianyu not only failed to lead the Void Demon Race to take the Divine Domain Continent, but suffered a strong block from the Divine Domain.

Now not only the strong men of the Void Demon Race have suffered heavy losses, but even the Demon Qianyu has fallen to the Divine Realm Continent.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the Void Demon Race.

Mo Tianying took a deep breath, and immediately disappeared in the same place with a flash of body shape.

very quickly.

The eight great demon kings of the Void Demon Race were once again gathered by Demon Sky Shadow.

When they heard the news of the defeat of the Void Demon Race, an unbelievable look appeared in their eyes.

“This… how is this possible?”

“The seven god kings of the gods, Ninth Stage, the strongest gods, have always been in this Void Demon Race to contain me, so how can there be the gods of the gods on the continent of Ninth Stage?”

A demon king said with an incredulous expression: “Could it be that…there is also a newly promoted god king Ninth Stage in God’s Domain Continent?

“This is impossible!”

Another Demon King said solemnly: “How can a newly promoted Ninth Stage Celestial King have the ability to kill Demon Qianyu?”

To know.

Mo Qianyu is already a breakthrough ninth-order Void Demon God.

Even if the Ninth Stage Celestial King was born in God’s Domain Continent, it is absolutely impossible to kill Mo Qianyu easily!

“This time we were too careless. Although God’s Domain has gone through great calamities, it has a very long history of existence. It is not impossible that there are one or two god kings Ninth Stage hidden in it.”

Mo Tianying slowly took a deep breath: “Now the situation is extremely unfavorable to my Void Demon Race, you guys still talk about how my Void Demon Race should deal with it next?”

“Mo Tianying, I warned you not to attack God’s Domain Continent, but you just didn’t listen.”

The three-eyed demon king who has been opposed to attacking God’s Domain Continent could not help but snorted coldly, “Now that the Void Demon Race is in such a field as it is now, you are responsible for everything!”

“I admit that there is some impulse to attack God’s Domain Continent, but with the advent of the immortal monument, how can we Void Demon Race remain indifferent?”

“What’s more… you must be very clear that the area of ​​the eternal void is gradually shrinking, and the broken God’s Domain is showing signs of recovery.”

“Continue to stalemate with God’s Domain like this, it’s just waiting to die.”

Mo Tianying waved his hand and said, “Okay, that’s the end of the matter, no matter how much it is said, it is useless. Let’s think about how to deal with the current situation.”

“What else can I do?”

The three-eyed demon said in a deep voice: “Immediately let the Void Demon Race to withdraw to the Eternal Void Turtle to shrink up, and make plans after Master Devil wakes up.”

When the other gods heard this, they also agreed.

The Void Demons attacked God’s Domain this time, but they dispatched nearly 90% of their commanders and Elder, and now they have already suffered more than half of their casualties.

And they simply don’t know how much power the God’s Domain still hides, and they obviously shouldn’t continue to fight with the God’s Domain.


The forces sent by the Void Demon Race to the Divine Realm Continent this time will probably be wiped out.

“The Void Demon Race was defeated by God’s Domain this time, and even Demon Qianyu has fallen. It is not easy to withdraw to the Eternal Void. Unless one of the eight of us personally takes action.”

“But the eight of us are stared at by those in God’s Domain, and there is no chance to go to the continent of God’s Domain.”

The other Demon King frowned.

The Three-Eyed Demon King slowly said, “No, in addition to the eight of us, there is one person who can take action in today’s Void Demon Race!”

“Yes, I wait for the eight people and don’t move lightly. If you can let that one take the shot, it’s naturally the best.”

When many demon kings heard this, they couldn’t help but agree with them.

Mo Tianying’s eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: “Okay, I’ll see that one, let that one help!”

He naturally knew who the one of these demon kings was referring to.

That one, but a Mahayana cultivator that survived the Great Tribulation of God’s Domain.

Although that person’s current state is far from being restored to his peak state, he will never be weaker than any one of their Eight Demon Kings!

With that person’s strength, it would be best if he could lead the Void Demon Race to defeat God’s Domain.

Even if they can’t defeat God’s Domain, it should be enough for those surviving Void Demon Race powerhouses to smoothly return to the Eternal Void.

Thought of this.

Mo Tianying’s figure no longer hesitated, and disappeared without a trace in a flash.

At the same time as the Eight Demon Kings of the Void Demon Race were discussing countermeasures.

Jiang Chen came to the ancient burial realm alone, and then went straight to the sealed land of the Moon God Palace.

He looked at the Moon God Palace in front of him, and couldn’t help directly shouting: “Junior Jiang Chen, come to visit the Moon God Palace Lord!”

At the moment when Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, a cold voice floated from the Moon God Palace in an instant.

“Boy, what are you doing in Moon God Palace again? Are you having any trouble again and want this palace to take action?”

“This palace has already said last time that unless you find Heavenly Dao and let the Moon God Palace not be rejected by the laws of Heavenly Dao, this palace will no longer be able to help you.”

Jiang Chen hurriedly said: “Senior, Junior came this time just to resolve this matter and let the Moon God Palace be born.”


Following Jiang Chen’s words, the unparalleled figure of the Palace Lord of the Moon God Palace directly appeared in front of Jiang Chen out of thin air.

Her cold eyes stared at Jiang Chen: “Boy, have you found Heavenly Dao?”

The Moon God Palace was a force that existed in the ancient times. It was preserved by the supreme supernatural powers of the Moon God dominated by the lunar yin, and it was an existence that shouldn’t exist in this world.


They have been rejected by the Heavenly Dao law, and they can only stay here to survive.

If it can be recognized by the Heavenly Dao of the gods and make the Moon God Palace return to the world, this is undoubtedly something that the Lord of the Moon God Palace has come to think.

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