Chapter 2426 Shocked Sky Shadow Demon King

“Human Sovereign Jiang Chen, you are too ambitious to destroy your own prestige.”

Sikonghai snorted coldly: “Now that the Void Demon Race has been defeated by us, it is the best time to solve them completely!”

“Sikonghai, don’t forget, it was because you rashly attacked the Void Demon Race and defeated and returned, only then did God’s Domain fall into crisis.”

“If it weren’t for Jiang Chen to bring Martial Sage back in time, you should imagine what the consequences will be!”

“Why, what happened last time hasn’t made you remember, don’t you want to repeat the same mistakes?”

Jiang Wuya couldn’t help but look sarcastically.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Si Konghai’s complexion instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

He couldn’t help looking at Jian Xuantian, and said in a deep voice, “Sect Leader, what do you think?”

Jian Xuantian said in a slight silence: “The emperors of the Imperial Palace of the past generations are all leaders of my God’s Domain mainland and the leader of the War Demon Alliance. It is up to Jiang Chen to decide this matter.”


This Sect Leader of the Saint Sect of Ten Thousand Swords also vaguely means centering on Jiang Chen.

Compared with Sikonghai, the Elder of the War Demon Alliance, Jiang Chen, who is the emperor of the world, is undoubtedly more reliable.

not to mention……

Next to Jiang Chen is the support of Wu Zhantian, the god king Ninth Stage, a strong heavenly man. Who else on this God’s Domain Continent can disobey him?

“Sikonghai, if we hadn’t listened to your slander in the first place, wouldn’t our God’s Domain suffer a heavy blow?”

“That is, in today’s battle, it is up to the human emperor to turn the tide and help the gods to turn defeat into victory. I am willing to follow the human emperor’s orders from now on.”

“me too……”


Many powerhouses in the gods also expressed their opinions at this moment, almost all supporting Jiang Chen, and Si Konghai, the war demons alliance Elder, who issued the war demons order, became a lonely man at this moment.

“Good good…”

“A group of guys who have not succeeded or failed, since you want to listen to him, this Elder is too lazy to be nosy!”

Sikong Hai angrily smiled, and immediately took a few cronies from the War Demon Alliance, turned around and walked away!

Jiang Chen was too lazy to take a look at Si Konghai. He smiled directly at Wu Zhantian and said, “Wu senior, please lead everyone to guard here. I need to go there immediately. I’ll talk about everything when I come back.”

Even though he and Wu Zhantian existed, even if the Void Demon Race came to one or two Demon Kings from the Ninth-Order Void Demon God Realm, they might not be able to pose any threat to them.

But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

To be cautious, Jiang Chen decided to go to the Moon God Palace in the Ancient God Burying Realm first.

As long as the secret technique given to him by the Immortal King of Longevity is passed on to the people of the Moon God Palace, the Moon God Palace can be temporarily not restricted by the Heavenly Dao law of God’s Domain.

By the time.

The Palace Master of the Moon God Palace can bring the power of the Moon God Palace into the world, and he has absolute certainty to deal with the Void Demon Race.

It is not impossible to even lead everyone into the eternal void and completely destroy the void demons!


Wu Zhantian nodded, and said nothing.

Although Wu Zhantian didn’t know much about the Void Demon Race, he knew the horror of immortal cultivators.

Since the Void Demon Race is the remnants left behind by the cultivators in God’s Domain, it is naturally not a simple commodity.

Since Jiang Chen doesn’t plan to attack rashly, he is responsible for guarding this place!

After handing over the affairs of this place to Wu Zhantian, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate anymore at the moment.

And at the same time Jiang Chen went to the ancient realm of burial of the gods.

In the Void Demon Nest guarded by Wu Zhantian and others, Mo Wulin gathered in a room with some powerful Void Demon Race who fled back here embarrassedly.

Everyone’s expressions were ugly to the extreme, and the atmosphere in the room was solemn.

“Everyone, now there is a god king Ninth Stage Heaven’s peak powerhouse in the Continent of God’s Domain. Tell me what should I do now?”

I don’t know how long it took before Mo Wulin finally opened his mouth to break the tranquility in the Great Hall.

“What else can we do? Today’s God Realm Continent cannot be invaded by our Void Demon Race at all. I think we should return to the Eternal Void, and then make plans.”

An eighth-order void demon god Elder said with a gloomy expression.

When many Void Demon Race experts heard this, they couldn’t help but agree.

This time they gathered the power of the Void Demon Race to descend on the God Realm Continent, which was already inevitable for the God Realm.

But I didn’t expect it at a critical moment.

The Palace of Human Emperor Jiang Chen, the emperor of the world, was the strongest god king with a god king Ninth Stage, and instantly reversed his occupation.


Their Void Demon Race broke through, the first Elder Demon of the Ninth Void Demon God, Elder Demon Qianyu has fallen. Thirty-six Elder and Seventy-two Commanders also suffered more than half of their deaths and injuries under the chase of God’s Domain.

If they continue to stay here, not only will they not be able to invade the God’s Domain Continent, they might be wiped out.

“Okay, let me contact the Eight Demon Kings first and see how they decide on this matter.”

Mo Wulin waved his hand to stop everyone’s discussion, and immediately closed his eyes and quickly pinched a weird technique.

After a while.

A palpitating black image was also directly projected ghostly in front of Mo Wulin.

This black image is exactly the Demon Sky Shadow, one of the Eight Demon Kings of the Void Demon Race!

He glanced at Mo Wulin and the others, frowned slightly and said: “Mo Wulin, you are so anxious to contact me, what is the matter?”

“Sky Shadow Demon King, this time we attacked God’s Domain Continent, our Void Demon Race was defeated…”

Mo Wulin didn’t conceal the slightest, and hurriedly narrated everything that happened in the Gods Domain Continent like a magic sky shadow.

“You…what are you talking about, there is still a trick to kill the god king Ninth Stage realm powerhouse on the Continent of the Gods Realm?”

Rao Shi Mo Tianying learned of the situation in God’s Domain Continent, and there was an unconcealable horror in his eyes.

In the Continent of the Gods, there are still seven God Kings Ninth Stage.

These seven people are now in the eternal void, and it is impossible for them to contain the eight great demon kings of the Void Demon Race on the continent of God’s Domain.

Where did God’s Domain Continent, the god king Ninth Stage Tian, ​​emerge from?

“It’s unbelievable, but it’s true.”

Mo Wulin took a deep breath and said, “Please also ask the Demon King for instructions, how shall we deal with it next?”

“God’s Domain is now recovering, I am afraid it will not take long before it will return to its former grandeur. The Void Demon Race has no retreat. This battle is already our last opportunity for the Void Demon Race.”

Mo Tianying was silent for a moment and said: “You wait in the Void Demon Nest, the Void Demon Race will soon send an invincible peak powerhouse to help you level the continent of God’s Domain!”

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