Chapter 2420 Jiang Chen’s Return

This Sword Qi is extremely bright and endless.

Even Mo Wulin’s black rune’s pervasive horror punch was all smashed into nothingness by this Sword Ray.

This sudden scene also caused everyone present to be taken aback.


Everyone’s eyes all looked at the sky in unison.

There, there are two Daoist shadows walking through the air.

When many experts in God’s Domain looked at the black-clothed youth headed by them, a look of surprise appeared in their eyes.

Because this black-clothed young man is no one else, he is Jiang Chen, the emperor of the Human Emperor Palace, and he is also the real strongest arrogant talent in God’s Domain Continent today. There is no one!

after all.

At the beginning of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, Jiang Chen defeated Jian Wuxin, and many of the strong people present had seen it with their own eyes.

If anyone else in God’s Domain can contend with Mo Wulin, apart from Jiang Chen, I am afraid there will never be a second person.

“This kid… finally came.”

Seeing Jiang Chen appearing, Jiang Wuya couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the Void Demon Race, the seventh-order Void Demon God Realm Tianjiao, was incredibly powerful, Jiang Wuya still had certain confidence in Jiang Chen.

Because since Jiang Chen came to the Palace of the Queen, no matter what the situation is, he has never let him down.

“Girl, are you okay?”

Jiang Chen glanced at Gu Feng’er, who was slightly pale, and there was a faint flicker of cold light in his eyes.

Gu Feng’er shook his head and quickly said: “It’s nothing serious, Jiang Chen, Big Brother, be careful, this guy is really strong.”

“rest assured.”

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently, and immediately stepped out and appeared directly in front of Mo Wulin.

“Boy, who are you?”

Looking at the black-clothed youth who suddenly appeared, Mo Wulin’s pupils finally couldn’t help but shrink slightly.

From the body of the black-clothed youth in front of him, Mo Wulin actually vaguely felt a hint of danger.

This is also the first person Mo Wulin has encountered who can make him feel dangerous since he stepped into God’s Domain Continent this time!

To know.

With his current strength, even if he faces some of the gods in the realm of the gods Ninth Stage, the strongest god kings will have the power to fight!

Obviously Mo Wulin hadn’t expected that there were such geniuses in God’s Domain Continent!

“The Palace of Human Emperor is the emperor of the world, Jiang Chen.”

Jiang Chen looked at Mo Wulin calmly: “You just injured the three of them?”

Renhuangdian is the emperor of the world!

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Mo Wulin’s complexion couldn’t help but suddenly change.

Although Mo Wulin had been cultivating in Closed Door Training before coming to God’s Domain Continent, and had never heard of Jiang Chen’s name, Mo Wulin was no stranger to Human Emperor Palace and Human Emperor.

For so many years.

The reason why the Void Demon Race has been confined to the eternal void, unable to cross the thunder pond half a step, is because of the existence of the human emperor palace and human emperor.

Every generation of the Human Emperor Palace is a stunning generation.

The countless ninth-order demon kings of the Void Demon God Realm of the Void Demon Race can be said to have fallen into the hands of the emperors of the past dynasties of the Human Emperor Palace.

Mo Wulin obviously didn’t expect it either.

The one in front of him turned out to be the current emperor of the human emperor palace.

Mo Wulin took a deep breath, suppressed the horror in his heart, and immediately sneered: “My Void Demon Race has an appointment with your God’s Domain first, and will compete with the younger generation. The three of them are not my opponents. , I can only blame them for being too rubbish!”

“Jiang Chen, shortly after you contacted me, the Void Demon Race suddenly attacked Xiling City.”

“However, instead of forcibly attacking Xiling City, they proposed to use young geniuses to decide the victory. In order to delay time, we agreed.”

“The Demon Wulin on the other side is a young Tianjiao from the Void Demon Clan, a seventh-order Void Demon God Realm. His strength is unfathomable. You have to be careful.”

At this moment, Jiang Wuya directly introduced the situation to Jiang Chen by voice transmission.

Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly narrowed slightly: “I heard that the Void Demon Race wants to win with the younger generation. If you lose, get out of God’s Domain Continent?”

“Yes, if your God Realm Continent loses, then surrender to our Void Demon Race.”

Mo Wulin snorted coldly, and his eyes burst into an astonishing battle intent: “Human Emperor Palace is the emperor of the world, don’t you know if you dare to fight with me?”

“Since you Void Demon want to play, then I will play with you!”

“Whether it is the youth Tianjiao’s victory or defeat, or a head-on fight, my God’s Domain Continent will accompany to the end.”

“In short, this God’s Domain Continent is definitely not something your Void Demon Race can get involved.”

Jiang Chen stood proudly with his hands in his hands, and his faint voice resounded through the world.

“Okay, I, Mo Wulin, will come to learn about you, the human emperor’s strength as the emperor of the world!”

Mo Wulin’s voice fell, and the mysterious black light in his eyes became more and more prosperous. An overwhelming aura, skyrocketing from him, quickly reached an unimaginable level, filling the world.

The entire space of thousands of miles, even the air is condensed for it.


Facing the oppression of Mo Wulin’s Heavenly Demon Dao, Jiang Chen was like a breeze, unaffected by it.

He looked at Mo Wulin indifferently: “Come on with some real skills. With this level of strength, it can’t help me.”


Seeing that the power of his seventh-order Void Demon God exploded with all his strength, he was unable to have the slightest impact on Jiang Chen, and Mo Wulin’s eyes became more and more solemn.

The current emperor of the human emperor palace in front of him is indeed a well-deserved reputation.


As the first genius of the Void Demon Race, the combat power is already comparable to the existence of the Ninth-Order Void Demon God, and Mo Wulin naturally did not panic.

Seeing his fist suddenly squeezed, the fist strength that contained countless black runes directly blasted towards Jiang Chen without fancy.


This punch directly blasted the void in front of Jiang Chen into a huge black hole, as if an ancient beast opened its blood basin and mouth, as if it was about to swallow Jiang Chen.

“One sword transforms everything!”

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and when he raised his hand, a Qingdi Sword Technique cut out.


His sword, not as expected, smashed Mo Wulin’s world-destroying punch, and still had a part of the remaining power, forcing Jiang Chen’s body to step on the void and retreated more than ten times. Step distance.

He suppressed the churning aura in his body and looked up at Mo Wulin in front of him, with a solemn expression in his eyes.

The genius of the seventh-order Void Demon God Realm is indeed not as powerful as usual.

The strength of this guy in front of him is probably comparable to the strongest god king of Ninth Stage.

Fortunately, when I went to the Northern Territory this time, his Cultivation Base also had a lot of Ascension, and he had reached the level of God King Sixth Stage.


Facing this guy in front of him, I am afraid he has no chance of winning at all.

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