Chapter 2419 you all go together

“Okay, you two will go to help Jian Wuxin quickly.”

Upon seeing this, Si Konghai couldn’t help but a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Although the Mo Wulin of the Void Demon Race is powerful, the three supreme arrogances of their God’s Domain are not soft persimmons that anyone can knead.

With the strength of these two people, plus Jian Wuxin, it may not be impossible to compete with that Demon Wulin.

“Tsk tusk… don’t waste time.”

“Is there any young Tianjiao in God’s Domain who wants to challenge me? Let’s go together.”

“If no one dared to step forward, then your God Realm quickly surrendered and surrendered to my Void Demon Race.”

At this moment, Mo Wulin’s disdainful sneer also echoed directly in the void.

With Mo Wulin’s words, the complexions of many powerhouses in God’s Domain became more and more difficult to look at.

“Mo Wulin, you don’t want to be rampant, Jiang Xuan, I want to see, how can you challenge all the arrogances of my god’s domain alone!”

Jiang Xuan exasperated and screamed angrily, and his figure burst out into the void.

Gu Feng’er didn’t speak, her figure instantly turned into a crimson light, and appeared above the void in a flash.


The thunder light in Jiang Xuan’s eyes flickered, causing the void of his body to explode.


With a move of his palm, a golden ancient sword bounced from the palm of his palm out of thin air, turning into a golden rainbow, lying in the void. It was an imitation of the Xiantian Dao Item human emperor sword in the human palace.

In the face of Mo Wulin, the strongest heavenly arrogant of the Void Demon Race, Jiang Xuan naturally did not have the slightest reservation. As soon as he shot it, he sacrificed a replica of the Human Emperor Sword and slashed at the Demon Wulin.

“The Human Emperor Sword of the Human Emperor Palace? If it is a real Human Emperor Sword, I might still be afraid of three points, but it is a pity that this is just an imitation.”

Mo Wulin sneered, but he reached out and grabbed Jiang Xuan from afar.

“Kang Dang.”

He only heard a sharp metal crash, and Jiang Xuan’s sword cut out with all his strength was caught by Mo Wulin directly with one hand in the void. No matter how the Human Emperor Sword shined, Sword Qi shot all around, but he couldn’t break away from Mo Wulin. Lin’s palm.

“How… how is it possible?”

Jiang Xuan’s pupils shrank, and there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his eyes.

“Existing like an ant, I really don’t know where your courage came to fight me?”

Mo Wulin glanced at Jiang Xuan contemptuously, and immediately flicked the golden long sword in Jiang Xuan’s hand with a slight shock.


Jiang Xuan’s heart was shocked, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person flew upside down in embarrassment for a distance of thousands of feet.

that moment.

Whether it was Jian Wuxin and Gu Feng’er in the void, or the many powerhouses of the gods below, their expressions were extremely solemn.

Facing Jian Wuxin’s three gods’ realm Tianjiao’s joint righteous attack, Mo Wulin’s expression didn’t feel the slightest horror.

I saw him sneer with contempt, and the monstrous demonic energy all over his body burst out suddenly. In the dark demonic energy, there are countless strange runes embedded in it.


Mo Wulin was full of fighting spirit, he just punched out without fancy, the sky full of black rune, whizzed out with his punch.

“Kacha Kacha…”

Jian Wuxin and Jiang Xuan had previously suffered serious injuries in Mo Wulin’s hands, how can they now contend with Mo Wulin who has exploded with all his strength?

Whether it was Jian Wuxin’s Galaxy Cluster giant sword, or Jiang Xuan’s powerful blow with the imitation of the human emperor sword, it was instantly crushed into nothingness by the weird black rune.

Only the Phoenix phantom condensed by Gu Fenger was struggling to support under the weird black rune.

When Mo Wulin saw this, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes looking at Gu Feng’er.

“Your physique and talent are extraordinary. If you are equivalent to my Cultivation Base, maybe even I will be jealous of you by three points, but unfortunately you won’t have that opportunity.”

Mo Wulin’s faint voice fell, and the black rune on that fist rose again, rushing towards Gu Feng’er’s Phoenix phantom.


Under this force, Gu Feng’er’s Phoenix phantom could no longer be supported, and it smashed to pieces in the void.

that moment.

I saw that the three Gu Fenger’s figures were all like kites with broken wires, and they flew upside down a distance of thousands of feet in embarrassment!


The killing intent in Mo Wulin’s eyes skyrocketed, and he didn’t intend to give Gu Feng’er and the three of them any chance to breathe. He directly killed the Gu Feng’er and the three.

The three people in front of him are all top talents of God’s Domain, and their talent and potential are not much inferior to him.

If you give these three people some time and let them grow to the point where the Cultivation Base is comparable to them, it will definitely cause them a lot of trouble for the Void Demon Race.

Seeing that the three of Gu Feng’er joined forces, they didn’t even block Mo Wulin’s blow, and the expressions of many experts in God’s Domain instantly became extremely frightened and angry.

The three Gu Feng’er, but the most dazzling top talents in God’s Domain.

If all three of them fell into Mo Wulin’s hands, it would definitely be a huge blow to the entire God’s Domain.


Seeing that Gu Feng’er was in crisis, Jiang Wuya and the three ancestors of the ancient Shenfeng clan couldn’t help but let out a shout of anger.

Just as they were preparing to rescue with all their strength, a bright golden Sword Qi, like a golden rainbow piercing through the sky, burst out from the distant sky…

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