Chapter 2405 Unbreakable Heavenly Power Reappears

Unstoppable Heavenly Power!

Jiang Chen never imagined that when he came to the Northern Territory to find Heavenly Dao this time, he would encounter the Immortal Dao again in this place.

When the God King Cangyou was killed, Jiang Chen already knew the terrible secret behind the Immortal Heavenly Art.

Even Cangyou Divine King is nothing but a chess piece in the hands of others.

Is the peerless Demon Cultivator in the Immortal Cultivation Realm of the Xianwu Continent, the true master of the Immortal Heavenly Art, or is he the same as the Cangyou Divine King?

If even this one is just a chess piece, what a terrifying existence will the master of the immortal heavenly power be?

But in Jiang Chen’s heart, it was time to be surprised.

A terrible shout of anger, like a rolling thunder, suddenly exploded in this area.

“Wu Zhantian, get out and die quickly!”

This sudden shout of anger also made Wu Zhantian’s complexion instantly gloomy: “It’s that Demon Cultivator, he actually came to the door.”

“Let’s go and meet that guy.”

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and his figure quickly flicked out of Tongxian Valley.

He was also about to see what the situation was like this one who had very likely cultivated the existence of Immortal Heavenly Gong!

Out of Tongxian Valley.

Jiang Chen raised his eyes slightly and fell directly on the man in black who stood proudly hundreds of meters away.

The black-clothed man is tall and stern, and there is an unconcealable coldness between his eyebrows.

His eyes opened and closed slightly, and there was a faint flash of light, like a poisonous snake that can kill people in an instant, even if it is just a glance, people can’t help but feel chills.

“Mo Xiaotian, when you were jointly suppressed by several great immortal sects in the world of cultivating immortals, you have an antagonism with the world of cultivating immortals, but now you have become a running dog of the world of cultivating immortals?”

While Jiang Chen was looking at the black-clothed man, Wu Zhantian, who was following Jiang Chen, couldn’t help but snorted coldly.

“What are you going to do? It’s not your turn to take care of your business!”

Mo Xiaotian’s complexion was cold, and his whole body was filled with a violent killing intent: “Wu Zhantian, if you are obedient, you can capture it, I can still consider leaving you a whole body!”

“Ha ha… The reason why your Excellency is able to run wild in Xianwu Continent should be your cultivation technique, right?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smiled faintly and looked at Mo Xiaotian calmly: “If I guess right, your cultivation should be Immortal Heavenly Art. You can really immortal and immortal with Immortal Heavenly Art, invincible in the world. NS?”

As Jiang Chen said this, Mo Xiaotian’s expression suddenly changed drastically.

He stared at Jiang Chen steadily, and slowly said: “You actually know the Immortal Art, it seems that you have seen someone who cultivates the Immortal Art?”

Indestructible Heavenly Art is a Cultivation Technique obtained by Mo Xiaotian entering the Everlasting Immortal Mountain back then.

After he cultivated the Immortal Heavenly Kungfu and understood the mystery of the Immortal Heavenly Kungfu, only then did he truly realize the horror of the Immortal Heavenly Kungfu.

What made Mo Xiaotian rejoice.

The existence that created the immortal heavenly power seems to have already fallen, and he has become the true master of the immortal heavenly power.

In order to cultivate the Immortal Heaven Kung, Mo Xiaotian spread this Cultivation Technique in the cultivation world of the Xianwu Continent, turning countless geniuses in the cultivation world into the nourishment of the Immortal Heaven Kung, and was finally besieged by the cultivation world.

At the beginning, his Cultivation Base had not yet reached the Transcends Tribulation period, and he was naturally unable to resist the immortal world, so he escaped from the Xianwu Continent, relying on the immortal power of immortality, forcibly traversed the immortal world, and went to the middle domain.

After coming to Zhongyu.

Mo Xiaotian has obviously become a lot smarter. He hides behind the scenes and spreads the immortal kung fu secretly. Cultivation Base quickly reached the peak of Transcends Tribulation.


He returned to the Xianwu Continent, wanting to take revenge on the Xianwu Continent Cultivation Realm.

Mo Xiaotian originally thought that with his Cultivation Base at the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation, coupled with the overbearing power of Immortal Art, Cultivation is already invincible in the Xianwu Continent.


He finally paid the price because he underestimated the Xianwu Continent Cultivation Realm.

Although he relied on his own power to upset the entire world of cultivation, he was eventually suppressed by several forces headed by the Ethereal Immortal Sect, and it has been sealed to the present.

This time.

After the defeat of the Xiuxian Realm in Tongxian Valley, Wu Zhantian did not intend to give the Xiuxian Realm any chance to breathe, and wanted to level the Xiuxian Realm in one fell swoop.

Seeing that the world of Xiuxian was in a crisis of life and death, the five great immortals of the world of Xiuxian finally found him, signed a contract with him, and released it.

Due to contract restrictions, Mo Xiaotian had to come to kill Wu Zhantian for Xiu Xianjie.


Mo Xiaotian didn’t expect that when he came here today, he would encounter an existence who knew the immortal power of heaven.

To know.

Although the Cultivation Realm of Xianwu Continent knows his cultivation technique heaven-defying domineering and possesses the power of immortality, but it doesn’t even know the name of this cultivation technique.

And those who know the existence of the Immortal Kungfu are almost all the guys who have cultivated the Immortal Kungfu to a certain Realm.

These people, without exception, became the nourishment for his immortal power.

How did the young man in black know that his cultivation is an immortal power?

Could it be…

Apart from him, there are other people in this world who will cultivate the Immortal Art to a certain Realm?

If there is really someone in this world who has cultivated Immortal Heavenly Art, how could he not sense the existence of that guy?

“I have seen it, and there are not too many.”

Jiang Chen stared firmly at Mo Xiaotian: “A few years ago, I killed a Martial Dao god king who cultivated Immortal Art. At that time, a thought came, and the master of that thought should be you.”

Following Jiang Chen’s words, Mo Xiaotian’s eyes suddenly burst out with murderous intent: “Boy, it turns out that you are the guy who broke this big event back then!”

After he was suppressed and sealed by the immortal world, he once felt that a guy who cultivated immortal power has become the Martial Dao God King all the way.


This guy who cultivates the immortal power of heaven has lost contact inexplicably.

Mo Xiaotian originally thought that that fellow had been wiped out.

But he didn’t expect that a few years ago, he once again sensed this guy who cultivates the immortal power, and his strength has become a lot stronger.


Mo Xiaotian intends to let this guy grow for a while, and then swallow it, trying to break through the Mahayana period.

Once he breaks through the Mahayana period, he can break through the seal and return to the world,

But Mo Xiaotian didn’t expect that Martial Dao, the god king who cultivated the immortal power of heaven, encountered a life and death crisis a few years ago.

Mo Xiaotian wanted his mind to come and stop, but in the end it was a step too late.

If this kid hadn’t killed the god king Martial Dao who had cultivated immortal power, why would he need to be so complacent and sign a contract with the world of immortality?

Now that he saw the person who had done something bad about him appeared in front of him, the killing intent in Mo Xiaotian’s heart finally broke out…

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