Chapter 2404 Great Changes in Xianwu Continent

After coming out of the main hall of the Longevity Immortal Palace, Jiang Chen did not plan to stay here long.

Although the Longevity Immortal Palace is a supreme cultivation Sacred Land, Jiang Chen does not have the mind to cultivate here at this moment.

after all.

The current situation of God’s Domain Continent is extremely bad, and there are still too many things outside that need him to deal with.

Several months have passed since he left Zhongyu and came here.

Jiang Chen didn’t even know what the war between God Domain Continent and Void Demon Race was.

Now that the matter of Heavenly Dao in God’s Domain has been perfectly resolved, he must return to the Middle Domain as soon as possible to completely eliminate the Void Demon Race who invaded the continent of God’s Domain!

very quickly.

Jiang Chen bid farewell to Zi Tianmei and others, and left alone.

As for Xu Qingli and Lei Qianyuan, they were attracted by the cultivation environment of the heaven and earth, so how could they leave easily?

They all decided to stay here forever and devote themselves to cultivation, to impact the higher Realm.

After leaving the fairyland world where the Longevity Immortal Palace was located, Jiang Chen did not stay too much in the Longevity Immortal Mountain, nor did he return to the Cultivation Immortal Alliance, but flashed directly towards the exit of the Longevity Immortal Mountain.

Jiang Chen concealed his breath with Hunyuan Yiqi technique, and he was almost unimpeded all the way, and soon he left the Everlasting Immortal Mountain and returned to Tongxian Valley.

In Tongxian Valley, there was silence at this moment, and only two young disciples from the Martial Dao world were waiting at the entrance of Changsheng Xianshan.

“Young Master Jiang Chen.”

The two young men also quickly discovered Jiang Chen walking out of the Everlasting Immortal Mountain, and couldn’t help but greet them quickly.


Jiang Chen nodded, and immediately asked with a puzzled look: “Why are you only here, Wu Zhantian?”

“After Young Master Jiang Chen entered the Immortal Mountain of Longevity, after a period of cultivation, the Patriarch led the powerhouses in the Martial Dao world to attack the immortal world.”

One of the young people quickly replied.


Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly: “How is the battle now?”

He obviously didn’t expect Wu Zhantian to lead people into the realm of Xiuxian before he even came out of the Everlasting Immortal Mountain.

Another young man smiled bitterly: “Everything went smoothly, but just two days ago, the Patriarch and the others ran into trouble. Now they have retreated to the entrance of the Immortal Realm to Tongxian Valley.”

When Jiang Chen heard this, his brows suddenly couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly: “What’s the matter?”

Wu Zhantian unexpectedly encountered trouble in the realm of Xiuxian?

Wu Zhantian’s Cultivation Base has reached the Ninth Stage, and he is unparalleled in combat power. Even the halal people at the peak of Transcends Tribulation can be suppressed.

In the first battle that day, the halal man was severely injured and his body was destroyed.

The only existence that can contend with Wu Zhantian is already unable to pose any threat to Wu Zhantian.

In today’s cultivating world, who else can cause trouble to Wu Zhantian?

“We don’t know this.”

When Jiang Chen asked, both of them shook their heads directly.

“Let’s go, go see what’s going on?”

As Jiang Chen said, his figure swiftly flew out towards Tongxian Valley.

Not long.

Jiang Chen appeared at the exit of Tongxian Valley to Xiuxian Realm.

I saw Wu Zhantian and other strong men in the Martial Dao world, who had already built a station here, and concentrated all their forces to station here.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, have you come out of the Longevity Fairy Mountain?”

Wu Zhantian obviously sensed Jiang Chen’s existence for the first time, and appeared in front of Jiang Chen in a flash.

Jiang Chen glanced over Wu Zhantian’s body, and his expression couldn’t help but change slightly: “Wu senior, you are injured, what is going on?”

Jiang Chen knew exactly how strong Wu Zhantian was.

Even the halal people at the peak of Transcends Tribulation who sacrificed the Magical Item Taiyi Ancient Bracelet from the town clan of the Taiyi Immortal Sect at the beginning did not find any advantage in Wu Zhantian’s hands.

In today’s cultivating world, who else has the ability to wound Wu Zhantian?

Wu Zhantian suddenly couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “In the world of Xiuxian, there has been a guy many times more terrifying than a halal person.”

Hearing Wu Zhantian’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but his eyes constricted suddenly: “Could it be that…there is still a Mahayana cultivator in the world of cultivating immortals?”

Mahayana cultivator, this is the same level as Martial Dao.

If there is a Mahayana cultivator in the realm of cultivating immortals, the situation might be a bit tricky.

“That actually is not. Although the realm of cultivating immortals is powerful, there has never been a Mahayana cultivator, otherwise the Martial Dao realm would have been wiped out by them.”

Wu Zhantian shook his head, took a deep breath, and slowly said: “The one who hurt me is a peerless demon who has been sealed for so many years…”

a long time ago.

A peerless Demon Cultivator was born in the world of cultivating immortals in Xianwu Continent.

This peerless Demon Cultivator has supernatural powers, immortal and almost invincible in the world.

At that time, several great immortal sects in the realm of Xiu Xian teamed up, but failed to kill this Demon Cultivator, and in the end they could only suppress and seal it.

This time.

Wu Zhantian wanted to take advantage of the severe damage to the world of Xiuxian, to level down the world of Xiuxian in one fell swoop.

But I didn’t expect the five great immortals in the world of cultivating immortals to reach an agreement with the peerless Demon Cultivator who had been suppressed and sealed at a critical juncture, and released him.

Even if it was as strong as Wu Zhantian, it was a dark loss in the hands of that peerless Demon Cultivator and had to retreat to Tongxian Valley.

“Wu senior, with your strength, as long as you are not a Mahayana cultivator, it should be difficult to pose any threat to you, right?”

After hearing Wu Zhantian’s explanation, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but twist his brows together tightly.

“I thought so too.”

Wu Zhantian smiled bitterly: “But when I actually saw that guy, I knew what was truly invincible with Realm.”

Jiang Chen’s heart suddenly couldn’t help but stunned slightly.

Wu Zhantian’s combat power, even in the heaven of God King Ninth Stage, is extremely rare.

The guy who can make Wu Zhantian feel ashamed, probably only exists at the level of the Moon God Palace Lord.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and immediately said in a solemn voice: “Wu senior, tell me the specific situation of that peerless Demon Cultivator, right?”

“That peerless Demon Cultivator was not strong at the beginning, and even slightly inferior to the halal person. I can easily suppress it.”

“But he has a very heaven-defying ability, that is, immortality, immortality, not killing at all!”

“And… every time you suppress that guy, that guy’s power will become stronger and stronger.”

Wu Zhantian smiled bitterly: “That’s why I suffered a dark loss in his hands, and I had to retreat to the Tongxian Valley.”

After hearing Wu Zhantian’s words, Jiang Chen’s eyes finally showed an incredible horror!

Immortality is immortal, and your strength will become stronger every time you die!

Isn’t this situation very similar to the Cangyou God King in the Great Desolate Realm back then?

Unstoppable Heavenly Power!

Could it be…

That peerless Demon Cultivator who once appeared in the Immortal Cultivation Realm of the Xianwu Continent, cultivated the immortal and immortal skill?

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