Chapter 2369 Xianzong shakes, the wind is surging

“The Azure Emperor has a sword!”

After Jiang Chen exhausted Mo Tianheng’s lifespan with the sword of time, the golden ancient sword in his hand opened the sky with a sword, and the third type of Qingdi Sword Technique, Qingdi’s sword, slashed out again.


that moment.

A peerless sword fairy stepped into the air from the heavenly gate in the void, and slashed straight down at the remaining two real Qingyun men with a sword.

This sword is brilliant and shocking, and it is invincible, and everything it passes is returned to nothingness.

The last cultivator of the Transcends Tribulation early stage was hard to stop, and was completely destroyed by Jiang Chen’s sword almost instantly.

Only the real Qingyun who reached the Transcends Tribulation middle stage in the Cultivation Base, after using all his best and using countless trump cards Magic Treasures, he finally barely blocked Jiang Chen’s amazing sword.


Even so, Real Qingyun paid a very heavy price.

I saw that he was covered in blood, and there was almost no goodness in his whole body.

He looked up at the arrogant Jiang Chen, and there was an unprecedented panic in his old eyes.


The young man in black from the Martial Dao world in front of him was really terrifying.

It’s just a few understatement of swords, and even cut four Transcends Tribulation cultivators.

Killing the cultivator in the Transcends Tribulation period is almost like slaughtering a chicken and a dog!

With such strength, I am afraid that they will not be inferior to their old monsters in the Transcends Tribulation late stage.

True person Qingyun couldn’t understand in any case, how could such a terrifying Tianjiao character be born in the northern Martial Dao world, which has been gradually declining under the pressure of their immortal cultivation world!

True person Qingyun was horrified in his heart, where he dared to stay the slightest bit.

He swallowed a few Medicine Pills quickly, and he didn’t even care about his own injuries, and directly turned into a green mansard and fled out in panic.

“Want to escape? Since you are here, leave it to me forever.”

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen just smiled contemptuously, and cut out the golden ancient sword in his hand at the real Qingyun.


The figure of the real Qingyun directly changed from extremely fast to still.

He didn’t even have time to scream, and the whole person, including the Nascent Soul in his body, was transformed into nothingness under this sword.

“Ok… so strong!”

Hong Tianyang stared at the scene in front of him blankly, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

In just a moment, the five great powers of the Transcends Tribulation period of the Five Great Immortals were killed by Jiang Chen!

How terrible is the strength of this guy?

this moment.

Hong Tianyang finally understood why this one dared to come to the world of cultivating immortals alone.

With the strength of this person, I am afraid that the Transcends Tribulation late stage and even the peak of Transcends Tribulation may not be able to easily win him.

Solved the real Qingyun lightly.

Jiang Chen flashed directly, returned to the carriage that Hong Tianyang was driving, and said faintly: “Go on.”


Hong Tianyang dared to have the slightest negligence there, and quickly replied respectfully, driving the carriage toward the direction of the Everlasting Immortal Mountain with all concentration.

And at the same time that Jiang Chen successively cut the five Transcends Tribulation cultivator.

Misty fairy ancestor hall.

Two disciples of Misty Xianzong who are responsible for guarding the ancestral land are standing on both sides of the ancestral hall.

“Brother, Tianxu ancestor, he… really fell?”

The slightly younger disciple on the left couldn’t help but asked curiously.

“Yes, not long ago, the ancestor Tianxu left the soul card in the ancestral hall, which has been shattered.”

The older disciple on the right took a slow and deep breath, nodded and said: “The brother who had guarded the ancestral hall was also frightened because of this. Sect let you and I come to guard the ancestral hall.”

The disciple on the left suddenly said with a shocked expression: “The ancestor of the sky is a famous Transcends Tribulation powerhouse in the world of cultivation. The strength is the existence at the top of the world. How can it easily fall?”

“do not know.”

The disciple on the right shook his head and slowly said, “Sect Leader has already personally investigated this matter with other Xianzong experts, and there will be results soon.”


But just as the disciple’s voice fell, the ancestral hall suddenly heard a banging sound.

Hearing the voice in the Ancestral Hall, the expressions of the two Misty Xianzong disciples changed drastically.

As disciples of Misty Immortal Sect, they naturally knew exactly what it meant to be heard in the Ancestral Hall.

Because the voice of Tao is the sound of the explosion of the soul card!

And the ancestral hall of Misty Immortal Sect, except for some peerless enchanting geniuses, only strong men above the stage of harmony can have the soul card in the ancestral hall.

In other words.

Misty Xianzong, another strong man above the stage of harmony has fallen!

Where did these two disciples dare to hesitate at all, and hurriedly stepped into the ancestral hall.

They glanced slightly, and soon landed in the middle of the Great Hall.


Originally, there were three powerful soul cards in the Transcends Tribulation period of Misty Xianzong.

With the fall of Tianxu Ancestor, there should be two soul cards left here.

But the two disciples were shocked to discover that in this place where there should have been two soul cards, only the last soul card stood there alone.

And around this soul card, there were a number of broken pieces of the soul card scattered on the ground.

“This should be Sect Leader’s soul card, Sect Leader’s soul card burst…”

The older disciple looked at the scene in front of him, and there was an unconcealable panic in his eyes.

Misty Xianzong has only three cultivating powers in the Transcends Tribulation period. Except for the fallen ancestor of Tianxu, there are only Sect Leader and the ancestor of Tianxuan who has not been born for many years.

The ancestor Tianxuan has been cultivating in the Misty Closed Door Training of the Immortal Sect, unless the deadline comes, it is impossible to suddenly fall.


This blasted soul card belongs to their Misty Immortal Sect Sect Leader.

As far as he knows.

Sect Leader hurried to the four Transcends Tribulation period powers of the other Xianzong, and went to investigate the situation of the fall of the Tianxu ancestor.

The five major Transcends Tribulation period cultivators work together, and even in the entire Xianwu continent, they can almost walk sideways.

Their misty fairy sect Sect Leader, how could they fall at this time?

“Go, go and report to the Sect executives quickly.”

The disciple took a deep breath, and immediately disappeared into the same place with a flicker.

And at the same time that Misty Xianzong discovered that Sect Leader Yun Tian had fallen.

Taiyi Immortal Sect and the other four immortal sects quickly discovered that the cultivator of Sect’s Transcends Tribulation period had fallen.

very quickly.

The five immortals have all made contact with each other.

When they learned that all the five great powers sent by the Five Great Immortals during the Transcends Tribulation period had all fallen, they couldn’t help but shake.

Transcends Tribulation period cultivator, this is the top powerhouse in the world of cultivating immortals.

Even in the entire world of cultivation, the number of cultivators in the Transcends Tribulation period is rare. The fall of five cultivators in the Transcends Tribulation period is enough to damage the vitality of the five great immortals.

All of a sudden, the entire world of cultivating immortals became surging…

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