Chapter 2368 Transcends Tribulation Period Cultivator

Jiang Chen cut out with this sword, making the whole world quiet, as if even the space around the burly man was completely solidified.

The burly man’s complexion suddenly changed drastically, and his pupils shrank to the extreme in an instant, as if he had encountered something terrible.

I saw the golden light on his Tiangang golden body exploded, trying to break free from the shackles of this burly man.

But it was too late.

Jiang Chen cut out with this sword, and the world was silent.

The whole world seemed to be stagnant at this moment, and only a Sword Ray flashed through the void. Other than that, there was no more movement.

But in the next moment.

I saw the golden light flashing on the burly man’s body, suddenly there was a crackling sound, and a bright Sword Qi exploded to his chest, spreading to the limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

“Do not……”

The burly man was suddenly terrified.

It’s just that he just spit out a word, that powerful Tiangang golden body and even the golden Nascent Soul in his body burst into countless pieces out of thin air.

“How… how is it possible?”

Looking at this incredible scene in front of them, the faces of the four real people Qingyun could not help showing an incredible horror.


A dignified Transcends Tribulation period strong man, without any resistance, was killed by the black-clothed youth on the opposite side.

They never expected that the Martial Dao realm’s God King Realm Tianjiao would be so powerful.

It was just an understatement of the sword that broke the burly man’s golden body, and even his body and Nascent Soul were smashed into nothingness.

The power of a sword is so terrifying!

this moment.

Even the Qingyun real person who has reached the Transcends Tribulation middle stage at Cultivation Base only feels an inexplicable chill over his heart.

“What a terrifying sword, this person’s kendo attainments are almost immortal!”

The middle-aged in the purple robe carrying a long sword came back to his senses and couldn’t help but said with a look of astonishment.

This middle-aged man in purple robes is the Transcends Tribulation sword repairer of one of the five immortal sects.

As a sword repairman in the Transcends Tribulation period, Mo Tianheng’s kendo attainments are extremely extraordinary, and he naturally knows the horror of Jiang Chen’s previous sword better.

“Let’s do our best together, this son is too enchanting. If you are a little careless today, I am afraid that the four of us will fall here.”

Real Qingyun took a deep breath, and the powerful breath of Transcends Tribulation middle stage was also unreservedly diffused from his body.


The Yun Tianyi three people also did not hesitate at all, they all sacrificed their own Magic Treasures one after another, and the terrifying power swept away from them in an instant.

“Haha… the five major Transcends Tribulation period cultivators are nothing more than cultivators. Since you have the guts to kill me, then leave me forever.”

Jiang Chensenran’s words fell, and the breath of the god king Fifth Stage’s heaven peak exploded unreservedly.

“Do it!”

Feeling that Jiang Chen’s body was not weaker than own’s powerful aura, Qing Yun’s complexion changed, and there was a loud shout in his mouth.

When he finished speaking, he directly sacrificed a blue wooden sword.


Under the urging of the real person Qingyun, the wooden sword turned into a huge and incomparable blue sacred tree directly in the void, and moved towards Jiang Chen’s suppression with the heavenly power.

“Wuji Xuan Ling!”

“Ziyun Divine Sword!”

“Chiyan Heaven Breaking Sword!”

Yun Tianyi’s three people exerted their strength to the extreme, and they sacrificed the most powerful Magic Treasures in their hands, and blasted towards Jiang Chen with a full blow.


Four strong transcends trials, what kind of scene is that?

that moment.

The void in a radius of thousands of miles seemed to be unable to withstand the forces of the four Transcends Tribulation period, and it collapsed directly and turned into chaos.

In the void, there seemed to be four bright divine lights of different colors, dragging a long light tail, like a comet hitting the moon, crashing towards Jiang Chen.

The power contained in every divine light is enough to turn the Void Thousand Miles into dust.


Faced with the combined blow of the four real people Qingyun, Jiang Chen didn’t care at all.

The magic power cultivated by Xiu Xian Zhen is indeed stronger than the power of the Practitioner.

The four real Qingyun people joined forces, and even the ordinary God King Seventh Stage heavenly powerhouse might not be able to easily resist it.

But that’s only for ordinary people.

Jiang Chen’s cultivation of the Qingdi Longevity Art, the Martial Dao divine power in his body, is even worse than the strength of the Transcends Tribulation period.

With his current strength, even the cultivator of Transcends Tribulation late stage, it may not be able to win him.

Although the four Transcends Tribulation team members of Qingyun are not weak, how can they pose a threat to him?

Looking at the four colliding divine lights, Jiang Chen’s golden ancient sword in his hand only slightly lifted, and a dazzling Sword Ray cut straight out.


This sword directly shattered the azure sacred tree that was first suppressed into nothingness.

Countless cyan light, like a goddess scattered flowers, spilled down from the void.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Chen swung his sword again and swept out three swords in a row.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

I saw that the offensives of the three Yun Tianyi were all beheaded by Jiang Chen with a single sword.

Even the Magic Treasures in their hands were blown up by Jiang Chen’s sword.

“Ok… so strong!”

The Yun Tianyi trio awkwardly stepped on the void and retreated a distance of thousands of feet.

Before they were relieved, they saw that the golden ancient sword in Jiang Chen’s hand directly drew a strange emergence, and then with a mysterious power, directly cut towards Yun Tian Yi.

“not good!”

Yun Tian Yi’s expression changed suddenly.

But before he had time to move, Sword Ray had penetrated time and space, with a sword penetrating through his body.

The next moment…

The breath of Yun Tian Yi’s body collapsed suddenly, and the Magic power true essence in his body also passed away crazily at a terrifying speed.

Just blink of an eye.

Yun Tianyi’s Cultivation Base has fallen from the Transcends Tribulation period to the Hedao period, and then all the way down.

To the end.

I saw Yun Tianyi in the Transcends Tribulation Cultivation Base, which was chopped clean by Jiang Chen with a single sword, and turned into a mortal smashed down from the void.

With Jiang Chen’s current Cultivation Base, using the Qingdi Sword Technique to transform a sword, even if it is a normal Transcends Tribulation late stage monster, it may not be easy to deal with with a single sword.

How can Yun Tian resist the Cultivation Base of Transcends Tribulation early stage?

One sword cut out Yun Tianyi’s Cultivation Base.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate in the movement of his hand. The Qing Emperor Sword Technique used his sword to cut directly at Mo Tianheng of the Purple Sword Sect.

Rao is Mo Tianheng’s extraordinary swordsmanship, but Jiang Chen’s sword is unstoppable at all, and he can only let the power of the sword pass through his body.

that moment.

Mo Tianheng’s life also accelerated tens of thousands of times faster.

Just a moment’s time.

Mo Tianheng went from a middle-aged man with a sword eyebrow star to a gray-haired old man.

To the end.

The breath of life in Mo Tianheng’s body also completely disappeared under the power of the sword of time, turning into an icy corpse and falling down from the void.

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