Chapter 2365 Five Strong Transcends Tribulation Period

“Boy, you destroy my Dan family, I want to fight with you!”

Inside the Dan family, some people from the Dan family who were unwilling to leave saw Jiang Chen coming in the air, and directly snarled frantically and rushed away at Jiang Chen.

When they rushed towards Jiang Chen, they directly reversed the Meridians, detonated Nascent Soul, and wanted to die with Jiang Chen.


The Cultivation Base of these Dan family members is just distracting Nascent Soul, even if Nascent Soul is detonated, it will not pose the slightest threat to Jiang Chen.

Even if several Dan family cultivators detonated Nascent Soul at the same time, even Jiang Chen’s clothes were not touched.

This scene also caused countless people in the Dan Family to show an extremely desperate look on their faces.

“If you don’t want to die, just get out of here!”

Jiang Chen looked down below indifferently, and his sneer sounded instantly.

Following Jiang Chen’s remarks, more people from the Dan family ran away from the Dan family in a panic.


There were still some people who didn’t know what to do, rushing towards Jiang Chen frantically, and they were all smashed into nothingness by Jiang Chen’s understatement.

very quickly.

People in the Dan family flee from death to death, almost all of the huge Dan family became empty.

Jiang Chen’s Divine Sense quickly swept through the Dan family, and soon found the Dan family’s treasure house, and swept away the resources in the Dan family.

As the first immortal cultivation family in the Xianwu Continent, the Dan family possesses very rich resources, and many of them have cultivation resources that are very useful to Jiang Chen.

With these resources, plus the one hundred times ascension of the system, as long as he is given some time, he will be able to break through the God King Sixth Stage and even the God King Seventh Stage.

By the time.

Even if it is a strong man facing God King Ninth Stage, Jiang Chen is completely confident to defeat him!

After scraping the Dan family’s resources, Jiang Chen did not stay at the Dan family for a long time. He returned to the carriage that Hong Tianyang drove directly under the eyes of everyone, and then quickly disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“I didn’t expect…the first family of cultivators in the dignified Xianwu Continent would be destroyed like this.”

“It is said that that kid is the Martial Dao god king of the northern Martial Dao realm. Unexpectedly, this guy dared to come to the immortal cultivation realm alone and destroy the Dan family.”

“Next, Xianwu Continent is afraid that the sky will change.”


Looking at the direction in which Jiang Chen disappeared, many cultivators couldn’t help but talk.

Since the rise of the immortal world in Xianwu Continent, in recent years, the Martial Dao world in the north has been suppressed to death.

No one can think of it.

This time there will be a Martial Dao God King who will come to the world of cultivating immortals by himself, and it will be upset in the world of cultivating immortals.

Now not only the Misty Immortal Sect has fallen a Transcends Tribulation period power, but even the Dan family of the first immortal cultivation family has also been destroyed!

It can be said.

It has been a long time since Immortal Cultivation Realm has been in the hands of the Northern Martial Dao Realm, and it has suffered such a big loss.

Once the Five Great Immortal Sects learn about this, they will surely be furious. Maybe the Xiuxian Realm and the Martial Dao Realm in the north will have a terrifying battle.


Just when many cultivators have not yet recovered from this shocking scene in front of them.

I saw a sudden violent spatial fluctuation in the sky above Danyang City.


A huge spatial passage with a length of hundreds of meters also slowly emerged from the sky above Danyang City.

Immediately afterwards.

The silhouettes of the five dazzling auras also walked out of the space channel one after another.

One of the Daoist shadows is Sect Leader Yun Tian Yi.

Not long ago.

Yun Tianyi contacted the other four immortal sects for the first time after learning about the disappearance of Tianxu ancestor’s fall.

Regarding this matter, the other four immortal sects headed by Taiyi Immortal Sect obviously all attached great importance to it and sent a Transcends Tribulation period power.

In case of delay, it will change.

The five Transcends Tribulation period cultivators directly joined forces to open up a space channel and came to the sky above Danyang City at the fastest speed.

“The Transcends Tribulation of the Five Great Immortals!”

Many cultivators saw the situation in mid-air, and suddenly couldn’t help but breathe.


The Five Great Immortals also attached great importance to this matter, and directly gathered the five Great Powers of the Transcends Tribulation period and came to Danyang City at the same time.

“Something has happened to the Dan family, I didn’t expect that we were still a step late.”

Looking at the situation of the Dan family below, Yun Tianyi’s complexion couldn’t help but sink slightly.

As the first immortal cultivation world on the Xianwu Continent, the Dan family has not been able to take control during the Transcends Tribulation period, but it has the power to fight against the Transcends Tribulation period.

Yun Tianyi never thought of it anyway.

Tangtang Dan’s family was destroyed by that Martial Dao God King so quickly!

“What a rampant Martial Dao God King, who dares to come to the Immortal Cultivation Realm alone, kill me the power of the Immortal Cultivation Realm’s Transcends Tribulation period, and destroy the Dan Family. Really, I am no one in the Immortal Cultivation Realm?”

A tall and burly man shouted, his whole body exuding an overbearing aura that made one dare not look at him.

“It seems that our immortal cultivation world has been silent for too long, and the northern Martial Dao world has the courage to come to my immortal cultivation world, and it is time to give the northern Martial Dao world a little bit of color.”

An old man in a black robe with a gloomy expression also said with cold eyes.

“Since someone dared to be so blatantly in the world of immortality, he must have something to rely on.”

The first celestial elder in Qingyi said indifferently: “Let’s find someone to find out about the situation in Danyang City.”

Just as the Tsing Yi old man’s voice just fell, a Daoist shadow quickly flew towards the five of them.

“Ziyun has seen Sect Leader and you seniors.”

The figure that flew by was no one else, but Ziyun Fairy, the true disciple of Misty Xianzong.

Previously, Jiang Chen defeated the Dan family’s trump cards with two tricks, forcing the Dan family members to flee. Ziyun Fairy naturally took the opportunity to escape from Danyang City.


After Ziyun Fairy escaped from Danyang City, seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t intend to chase them, he didn’t leave.

Now that the five great immortal sects are coming, Ziyun Fairy naturally rushed over immediately.

Upon seeing this, Yun Tian couldn’t help but directly said: “Zi Yun, you came just right, tell us what happened here quickly.”


Ziyun Fairy replied respectfully, and then quickly narrated the course of the matter for Yun Tianyi and others.

From Jiang Chen’s understatement of killing the Tianxu old man, to the two moves that defeated the Dan family’s hole cards, and then scraped the Dan family resources and floated away.

During the whole process, Ziyun Fairy didn’t conceal the slightest bit of concealment, and she told the five people in front of her.

Hearing Ziyun Fairy’s words, the hearts of the five Yun Tianyi couldn’t help but shudder.

Killing the elder Tianxu with the power of one person, treating the formation of the Dan family and the three hundred profound guards as nothing.

I am afraid that none of the five of them can do this kind of terrifying means.

The strength of that Martial Dao God King is really unfathomable.

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