Chapter 2364 the end of the Dan family


With this sword, Jiang Chen split the world directly, splitting the formation of Danyang City layer by layer like a remnant cloud.

Danyang City’s powerful mountain guarding formation during the Transcends Tribulation period was almost like a piece of paper and turned into dust under Jiang Chen’s sword.

“The formation of Danyang City was cut through by that guy with a single sword.”

When countless cultivators witnessed this scene, they couldn’t help but show an unprecedented shock.

Dan Qingfeng and other high-ranking Dan family’s expressions turned pale in an instant.

“That kid actually killed my Danyang City formation with a single sword, this… how is this possible?”

A Dan Elder stared at this scene with a dull gaze, the whole person was like a ghost, and he could hardly believe his own eyes.

“Let the Dan Family Profound Guard immediately end the battle.”

Dan Qingfeng took a slow and deep breath, suppressing the horror in his heart, his face solemn and authentic.

Although he also knows.

With Jiang Chen’s terrifying power capable of killing the ancestor of the Misty Xianzong Tianxu, it was impossible to stop this black-clothed youth only with the formation of Danyang City.

But Dan Qingfeng still didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen’s understatement alone broke the formation of Danyang City.

If this continues, if the five immortal sects can’t come as soon as possible, just based on their Dan family’s background, I am afraid that they may not be able to deal with this guy for too long.

“Boom boom boom…”

Following the command of Dan Qingfeng, hundreds of extraordinary cultivators instantly rose into the sky from Dan’s house, and directly placed a slightly strange battle formation in front of Jiang Chen, blocking Jiang Chen.

“The Dan family Xuanwei is dispatched!”

Many cultivators looked at the hundreds of Daoist shadows that appeared above Danyang City, and they couldn’t help but exclaimed.

The three hundred profound guards of the Dan family are the most elite trump card power of the Dan family.

It is said that every Xuanwei of the Dan family, Cultivation Base is at least an existence that has reached the stage of distraction.


The Xuanwei of the Three Hundred Pill Clan cultivated a battle formation.

Once the Three Hundred Pill Family Profound Guards are united and the battle formation is opened, a terrifying force comparable to the strong in the Transcends Tribulation period can be erupted.


Now, under the pressure of the black-clothed youth, the Dan family has displayed almost all of its hole cards.

“It’s just a small trick. Your Dan family wants to stop me with this little method, but it’s far from qualified!”

“The ancient seal of Zhu Shen, give me the town!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and the bright golden light on his palm rose to the sky.

The next moment…

A divine mark of Zhu Zi condensed directly in the void that contained the mighty power of the heavens.

Jiang Chen flipped his hand and pressed, the heavens hummed together, and the mountains shook.

Over the entire Danyang city, it seems that there is only one huge divine mark of Zhuzi left, that divine mark fills the universe, covers all directions, as if it can crush everything!


Feeling the terrifying mark of Jiang Chen, the Three Hundred Pill Family Profound Guards made a roar that shook the sky.


The breath of the cultivator of the three hundred points of distraction was intertwined and fused in mid-air, and finally turned into a killing spear containing a monstrous killing intent, colliding with the imprint of the punishable character that came from the suppression.


At that moment, the sky broke and the earth cracked, the sun and the moon hung upside down, and the chaos reopened.

I saw that the three-hundred pill family Xuanwei’s killing spear condensed with the supreme battle formation, under the suppression of the divine seal of Zhuzi, it broke directly without even holding a single finger.

Immediately afterwards.

The Three Hundred Pill Family Xuanwei hadn’t even reacted, and had already been swallowed by the mark of Zhuzi God.

Under the power of Jiang Chenzhuo’s ancient seal.

No one of the Three Hundred Pill Family Profound Guards survived, and almost all of them were turned into dust under this seal.

Seeing this scene, all the cultivators who watched the battle were dumbfounded, like a ghost, some couldn’t believe their own eyes.

In their eyes looking at Jiang Chen, they couldn’t help but show unprecedented horror.


The strength of the black-clothed youth in front of him was really too terrifying.

The ancestor of the Misty Immortal Sect’s Transcends Tribulation period was beheaded and killed by his understatement.

Danyang City was able to contend with the great defense formation of the strong in the Transcends Tribulation period, and was also defeated by an understatement.

Now the Three Hundred Pill Family Xuanwei was killed by Yiyin Town and turned into nothingness.

The young man in black in front of him was incredibly powerful.

Today… The Dan family is afraid that it will be completely finished.

“How terrifying is the strength of this guy?”

Ziyun Fairy stared blankly at the situation in front of her, and there was also an inconceivable panic in her beautiful eyes.

To know.

The formation of Danyang City and the Three Hundred Dan Family Profound Guards, these are the trump cards that the Dan Family is proud of, and they are comparable to the power of Immortal Cultivation during the Transcends Tribulation period.

She didn’t expect it.

Such power could not stop the black-clothed youth at all!

“It seems… I still underestimate this kid after all.”

“This son is not something that my Dan family can fight against. Let the Dan family disciples disperse and flee immediately. One can escape one by one.”

Dan Qingfeng looked at the scene before him, and closed his eyes desperately.

Although Dan Qingfeng also knew that the young man in black from the Martial Dao world was very strong, he did not expect this guy to be so strong.

The Dan family’s methods that can compete with the Transcends Tribulation period are not worth mentioning in front of this guy!

Now that the formation of Danyang City was cut through by this black-clothed young man with a single sword, the Three Hundred Dan Family Profound Guards were also killed by Qi Yi Yin Town, so what else would the Dan Family contend with?

This Danyang city and the Dan family are destined to be unstoppable today.

Dan Qingfeng can only let the Dan family members escape from Danyang City, so perhaps it can save a trace of fire for the Dan family.


The Dan family may be completely destroyed today.

Hearing Dan Qingfeng’s words, the expressions of many Dan Clan Elders couldn’t help but change slightly.

As the first immortal cultivation family in the Xianwu Continent, the Dan family’s position in the immortal cultivation world is so detached that almost no one dares to provoke it easily.

They did not expect that the Dan family would one day be driven to the point of desperation.


Many Dan Clan Elders also knew very well that now the Dan Clan’s two trump cards that can compete with the Transcends Tribulation period were easily destroyed by this black-clothed youth, and Dan Clan has no power to contend with them.

They had no choice but to abandon Danyang City and Dan Family.

“Run away.”

Numerous Dan Elders didn’t hesitate at all, they turned into a flash of light, and each fled to the distance.

Jiang Chen also ignored those Dan family members who were fleeing outside Danyang city.

Among these Dan family members, the strongest is the Cultivation Base in the He Dao period. In his eyes, he is almost the same as the ants, and it is not a concern at all.

As the number one cultivator in Xianwu Continent, the Dan family is also very good at Alchemy, and the resources for cultivating immortals are more than those of the five immortal sects.

Compared to hunting down these people of the Dan family, Jiang Chen is undoubtedly more interested in the cultivation resources that the Dan family has.


He stepped directly on the void and swaggered towards the Dan family in the center of Danyang City…

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