Chapter 2361 Transcends Tribulation Period Immortal Cultivation Power, Falling

And when the entire Danyang city was shaken by the sword of the ancestor of Tianxu.

Jiang Chen, who was in the center of this knife, looked unusually calm.

Faced with the heaven-shaking blow of the ancestor Tianxu, Jiang Chen raised his sword and raised his eyebrows, obliquely blocking it.

With this sword cut out, the entire world was instantly divided into two, with the stars and sea shining on one side, and the sky clear on the other.

Good fortune Zhong Shenxiu, Yin & Yang cut the faint dawn!

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, the sword that he used alone was extremely powerful and terrifying, enough to instantly kill the powerhouse of the God King Fifth Stage and even the God King Sixth Stage.


This ancestor of the sky is no more than the Cultivation Base of the Transcends Tribulation early stage, whose strength is between the God King Third Stage Sky and the God King Fourth Stage Sky, how can he withstand Jiang Chen’s sword?


Only heard a loud bang, Jiang Chen’s sword that divided heaven and earth slashed directly on the blade of Tianxu’s ancestor that destroyed heaven and earth.


Under Jiang Chen’s sword, the blade light that stretched across the sky was like a piece of paper, and it collapsed when touched.

The ancestor of Tianxu even brought a knife, and was smashed into the earth with a sword by Jiang Chen, deeply slammed into the center of the earth, and smashed a huge crack that was hundreds of miles long.

that moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

The countless cultivators around who have witnessed this scene with their own eyes are all like ghosts, and it is difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

Tianxu ancestor!

This is the ancestor of the Transcends Tribulation period of One of the Five Great Immortals.

No one could have imagined that a magnificent cultivator of the Transcends Tribulation period would be killed by the mysterious black-clothed youth on the opposite side.

Kill the strong in the Transcends Tribulation period with one sword!

The young man in black in front of him, should he be so heaven-defying?

“The ancestor Tianxu was defeated like this?”

Ziyun Fairy looked at this scene in disbelief, and even wondered if there was a problem with her own eyes?

The power of cultivating immortals in the Transcends Tribulation period, this is the existence that stands at the pinnacle of the Xianwu Continent.

Such a character was actually killed by a sword that was downplayed by the young black-clothed youth on the opposite side!

This… how is this f*ck possible?


Just when everyone was shocked by the scene before them, a breath of sky-reaching sky instantly rose from the ground under a thousand feet, and it was the ancestor of Tianxu who was cut down by Jiang Chen with a sword.

I saw half of the body of Tianxu ancestor shattered, and his whole body was shrouded in a weird black armor.

He looked up at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and there was an unprecedented panic in his old eyes.


The mysterious young man from the Martial Dao world in front of him is really terrifying.

Even with his Transcends Tribulation early stage Cultivation Base, in front of this mysterious young man, there was no way to fight back.

If he hadn’t had this defensive armor that could withstand the full blow of the Transcends Tribulation middle stage, I am afraid that his entire body would have been slashed by the previous sword.

“You are a good armor. It can actually block my sword, but that’s all.”

Jiang Chen’s indifferent voice fell, the golden ancient sword in his hand volleyed, and another sword struck the Tianxu ancestor.

Looking at Jiang Chen’s sword once again, the ancestor Tianxu only felt that the souls were coming out, and he couldn’t help letting out a roar of anger.


I saw that his powerful true essence in the Transcends Tribulation period was madly surging, and his hands quickly pinched the tactics, condensing more than a dozen defensive powers all over his body in a row.


These defensive strengths of his, in front of the Sword Ray who Jiang Chen cut, are no different from the paper, almost collapsed at the touch of a touch.

Just blink of an eye.

More than a dozen defensive powers were all slashed by Jiang Chen’s understatement.

The ancestor Tianxu had no time to react. The entire body was completely transformed into nothingness under the sword of Jiang Chen, and only an illusory figure fled out in panic, it was the Nascent Soul of the ancestor Tianxu.

At this moment, many cultivators who came from Danyang City were also stunned by this scene.

“Someone was defeated, and they were also cut off their bodies? How could the battle of cultivating immortals in the Transcends Tribulation period be so quickly divided?”

“The ancestor of Tianxu, the person who was decapitated, turned out to be the ancestor of Tianxu of Misty Xianzong!”

“Hiss… Could it be the black-clothed youth who defeated the ancestor Tianxu and cut off his body? How could this be possible?”


And when everyone was talking about it, several cultivators from the Dan family also rushed to the scene.

They couldn’t help being surprised when they saw that the Tianxu ancestor of Misty Xianzong was beaten and lost his body.

Fortunately, the two sides of the battle did not have Dan Qingfeng, their Dan Family Patriarch, and the Dan Family Elder also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.


very quickly.

A sharp-eyed Elder spotted the Dan Qingfeng being helped by the Dan family cultivator, and his complexion changed slightly: “Look at it, the situation of the Patriarch, it seems a little uncomfortable.”

Several Elders heard the words and couldn’t help but looked towards the place where Dan Qingfeng was.

When they saw Dan Qingfeng’s Cultivation Base, which fits the pinnacle of Dao, somehow disappeared, their expressions couldn’t help but change drastically.

They hurriedly came to Dan Qingfeng’s side.

The head of the late stage old man quickly asked: “Patriarch, what happened here just now, your Cultivation Base…”

“My Cultivation Base was cut with a sword by the black-clothed youth on the opposite side.”

Dan Qingfeng smiled bitterly: “This son’s strength is too heaven-defying. Even the ancestor of the Misty Xianzong Tianxu was also beheaded by two swords. My Dan family, I’m afraid it will be troublesome again this time. .”

When several Dan Elders heard the words, they looked at Jiang Chen, and there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed.

The ancestor of Tianxu, one of the three great powers of cultivating immortals in the Transcends Tribulation period.

Although such a person cannot be called invincible in the spiritual world, there are only a handful of people who can compete with it.

How could the black-clothed youth in front of him have the strength to defeat the ancestor of Tianxu?

Just when several Dan Elders were horrified.


After the ancestor of Tianxu was killed by Jiang Chen with a sword, wherever he dared to stay for half a minute, he didn’t dare to look at Jiang Chen more. Fleeing towards the sky.

“Can you escape?”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously and waved the golden ancient sword in the air.

This sword is unremarkable, invisible and silent, and there is not even a slight energy fluctuation.

But such a simple sword surpassed time and space in an instant. The ancestor of the sky, Nascent Soul, had just escaped less than a hundred miles away, and suddenly froze in mid-air.

The next moment…

An invisible Sword Qi slowly emerged from the Nascent Soul of the ancestor of Tianxu, and then completely strangled its Nascent Soul into nothingness.

Tianxu ancestor!

This Misty Immortal Sect’s Transcends Tribulation period cultivating power, finally fell completely under Jiang Chen’s sword.

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