Chapter 2360 Danyang City Shakes

“I really didn’t expect that the Martial Dao world, which has fallen, could still give birth to you such a god king realm arrogant.”

The ancestor of Tianxu stared at Jiang Chen stubbornly, and his eyes were also flashing with cold light: “But… no matter how evil you are, you can’t even want to live and cultivate the immortal world today!”

The voice of the ancestor of Tianxu fell, and he quickly typed a magic trick with both hands to send a message back to Misty Xianzong.

at the same time.

The black long knife in his hand was surrounded by black light, and the sky swept across the world.

The strength of this son is unfathomable, and even the ancestor of Tianxu is not sure that he can handle it.

Just in case, the ancestor of Tianxu directly sent a message to the Misty Xianzong, intending to send the Misty Xianzong to help him.

Those who are strong in the Transcends Tribulation period are those who stand at the pinnacle of the Xianwu Continent.

Even though the black-clothed youth in front of him is a god-king god of the Martial Dao world, the ancestor of Tianxu believes that with his own strength, even if he is not a black-clothed opponent, it shouldn’t be difficult to hold the black-clothed youth.


Jiang Chen smiled indifferently, and looked at the ancestor Tianxu with contempt: “I still don’t know if your cultivation world can keep it, but if you continue to do it, this place today may be your burial place.”

“Don’t be ashamed!”

The ancestor Tianxu let out a cold snort, and the dark long knife uttered a heavy knife groan in his palm.


An extremely terrifying breath instantly rose from the black long knife ascending.

At that moment, the mighty power of the Transcends Tribulation period caused the world to collapse suddenly, and all the creatures in the radius of a radius could not help but shiver.

“Void Broken Soul!”

The ancestor Tianxu shouted angrily and slashed at Jiang Chen again.

Mountains and rivers collapse, sun and moon rise and fall!

The inky black blade light like a waterfall tears the void instantly and cut through the chaos. The endless black storm seems to blow from the nether, enough to destroy any cultivator under Transcends Tribulation.

All the cultivators onlookers were shocked when they saw this knife.

“Is this the mighty power of the Transcends Tribulation period, it is really scary!”

Many cultivators couldn’t help but murmured.

The power of cultivating immortals in the Transcends Tribulation period is extremely rare in the world of cultivating immortals in the Xianwu Continent.

An ordinary cultivator may not be able to see the cultivating power in the Transcends Tribulation period several times in a lifetime, let alone witnessing the cultivating power in the Transcends Tribulation period.

For example, today’s ancestor Xu made a full shot, enough to shake Galaxy Cluster and make the world collapse.

Many cultivators have never seen it before.

In front of this knife, any cultivator under Transcends Tribulation is almost the same as the ants on the ground.

“Is this the power of the Transcends Tribulation period.”

Ziyun Fairy’s beautiful eyes stared at the huge sword light that pierced through the sky and the earth, which was a length of ten thousand feet, and couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in her mouth.

As a true disciple of Misty Fairy, although Ziyun Fairy has seen Misty Fairy’s Transcends Tribulation ancestor more than once, she has never seen a transcends Tribulation powerhouse in the true sense.

Now that the ancestor of Tianxu made a full shot, Ziyun Fairy’s expression was also very excited.

The power of cultivating immortals during the Transcends Tribulation period is really terrifying!

This kind of power is worthy of the power that all the cultivators in Xianwu Continent dream of.

The ancestor of Tianxu swept across the void with a single knife, and all the creatures in the radius of a thousand miles were terrified at this moment.

Even in the city of Danyang thousands of miles away, many cultivators felt the terrifying aura of the sword of the ancestor of the sky, and they couldn’t help but shake their heads up, staring at the sword above the void that tore through the world. mango.

“This is… the breath of cultivating power during the Transcends Tribulation period?”

“No, the cultivating power of the Transcends Tribulation period is fighting nearby. Run away, be careful of the pond fish.”

“The Transcends Tribulation period is a great match for the cultivation of immortals. This is a rare encounter in 10,000 years. The world of immortality today does not know how many years there has been no great skill for the Transcends Tribulation period.”


Many cultivators are either shocked, shocked, or confused.

During the Transcends Tribulation period, the power of cultivating immortals is aloft, overlooking all beings, almost all of them are old monsters of hermit cultivation.

These old guys may not show up once in hundreds of years.

In these Transcends Tribulation periods, there is almost only the breakthrough Mahayana period, which asks Immortal Ascension and gains longevity.

It can be said.

Under normal circumstances, unless there are some compelling circumstances, these Transcends Tribulation period cultivators will not be easy to fight.

But now there are two Transcends Tribulation stage cultivators who fought around Danyang City.

The battle between the two great cultivators in the Transcends Tribulation period will definitely destroy the world, spreading thousands of miles or even tens of thousands of miles.

By the time.

Maybe Danyang City will be affected by the fight between the two cultivators.

that moment.

Some timid people hurriedly left Danyang City, far away from the area where the two Transcends Tribulation period cultivators competed.

And some bold cultivators with good strength and talents directly turned into a stream of light, and quickly flashed away in the direction that the aura radiated.

During the Transcends Tribulation period, the battle of cultivating immortals can be met but not sought.

If you can observe the battle of the power of immortality cultivation in the Transcends Tribulation period, you can learn one or two from it, which will undoubtedly be of great help to their future cultivation.

Dan’s house in the center of Danyang City.

Several Dan family Elders all appeared directly above Danyang City out of thin air.

They stared at the surging weather that radiated from a distance, and there was a solemn look in their eyes.

“What the hell is going on, how can the Transcends Tribulation period cultivating power suddenly fight near Danyang City?”

Elder, a Dan family who was in harmony, couldn’t help but said solemnly.

Transcends Tribulation period is extremely rare in the immortal cultivation world of the Transcends Tribulation period, and almost all belong to the five great immortal sects.

The old monsters in the Transcends Tribulation period of the Five Great Immortals, unless something major happens in the world of cultivating immortals, and they are rarely born, how can they suddenly make a big fight near Danyang City?

“The direction in which the cultivating power of the Transcends Tribulation period will fight against seems to be the direction the Patriarch went to not long ago.”

At this moment, another Dan family Elder couldn’t help but utter a voice.

Many Dan family seniors heard this, their complexion changed suddenly.

Not long ago.

Dan Qingfeng, the head of the Dan family, got the message that Danning, the second son of the Dan family, asked for help, so he left the Dan family alone and went to help Danning.

If the direction the Danqing wind had gone before was the same as the place where the power of immortality erupted during the Transcends Tribulation period, could it be that Danning was not the one who got into the power of the Transcends Tribulation period?

If this is the case, Dan Qingfeng might be in trouble.

“Go, go and see!”

Elder, who was leading the late stage of the Dan family, flashed a sharp light in his eyes, flashed directly and blasted away in the direction of the aura.

During the Transcends Tribulation period, the battle of cultivating immortals can be met but not sought.

Especially for these cultivators in the Harmony period, watching the battle of the power of cultivation in the Transcends Tribulation period may be an opportunity for them to make breakthroughs.

Regardless of whether this matter is related to Dan Qingfeng or not, they have no reason not to take a look.

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