Chapter 2257 Terrible Scarlet Light Door


This so-called ancient heritage is definitely a conspiracy laid out by the immortal cultivator!

Jiang Chen glanced at the countless hot gazes around him, and his expression was extremely gloomy.

The inheritance of the ancient masters!

For practitioners in God’s Domain Continent, the temptation is too great, and almost no one can easily refuse it.

Even if he knew that he had nine deaths in this place, it was still enough to make countless people crazy.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath slowly.

Thousands of practitioners have gathered here, and many of them are in the Divine King Realm.

Even Jiang Chen vaguely sensed the extremely powerful aura hiding in the crowd, probably at least an old monster of the God King Seventh Stage.

Faced with such a situation, it is almost impossible for Jiang Chen to stop.

He can only watch the changes and see what is going on with this so-called ancient heritage.


As Jiang Chen thought to himself, the sky suddenly rippled with slight fluctuations.

that moment.

Countless eyes around were staring at the twisted space in the center of the valley.

I saw that the distorted space suddenly trembled slightly, and then made a bang like a mirror shattering sound, exploding in mid-air.

With the distorted space shattered.

A door of blood-colored light about a hundred feet long, also directly emerged in the sight of everyone…

“The formation has completely dissipated, the ancient heritage has been opened, everyone rush!”

The Scarlet Light Gate appeared for a moment, and there were countless Daoist shadows around the valley, their eyes turned red instantly, and there was a greedy roar in the throat, like a locust crossing the border, rushing towards the Light Gate.

“It’s so reckless!”

Looking at this scene before him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shook his head secretly.

The huge temptation of the ancient heritage has really made countless people have been dazzled.

The bones in the valley are piled up like a mountain. Obviously, countless powerful people have come here to fight the idea of ​​the so-called ancient inheritance, but they all fell here.

These practitioners even dared to rush to the light gate, it was almost no different from seeking a dead end.


Just as Jiang Chen’s thoughts were flashing, a strange energy wave suddenly spread from the hundred-zhang blood-colored light door.


A monster blood light that shocked the powers of the god king realm, suddenly erupted from the blood-colored light gate, and then swept across the square like a blood-colored storm.

Those who rushed the fastest had no time to react, and they were already swallowed by the bloody storm.

The screams of sorrowful screams are constantly echoing from heaven and earth.

The violent bloody storm, with a terrible devouring force, swallowed countless practitioners’ essence and blood in an instant, and each of them was strewn with white bones, and they continued to fall down from mid-air.


And some people who are a little slower and frightened, suddenly only feel the scalp numb.

Wherever they dare to hesitate at all, they are like frightened birds, quickly turning around and fleeing in panic.


The entire Qianzhang Valley was in chaos.

Some of the weaker people were swallowed by the Scarlet Light Gate before it was too late to escape from the valley.

It took less than a moment.

Thousands of practitioners in the surrounding area were almost swallowed by the power erupting from that bloody light gate by nearly a third!

that moment.

In everyone’s eyes looking at the Scarlet Light Door, there was a panic that was hard to conceal.

The power erupting from this blood-colored light gate was too overbearing and weird.

Jiang Chen stared at the blood-colored light door, and there was also an unprecedented shock in his eyes.

He had been paying attention to the Scarlet Light Gate just now, naturally, he could see it more clearly than ordinary people.

The bloody storm erupted from the Scarlet Light Gate, instantly swallowing countless people trying to break in.

And the essence, qi and blood that had been swallowed was almost completely absorbed by that bloody light gate!

It was as if there was something terrible behind the blood-colored light gate, and the essence and blood of all the intruders became the nourishment of the things inside!


The power of the Scarlet Light Gate is vaguely similar to the power he urged the Holy Dragon Stele to emit, and it shouldn’t be a thing of God’s Domain!

This place, as the witch punishment said, was left by a strong immortal cultivator outside the realm of God.

Just in Jiang Chen’s heart, he was shocked.

After the surrounding cultivators fell into a brief silence due to the terrifying bloody storm, some people soon became unable to stay at ease again, and began to sacrifice the avatar puppets for testing.

When they found that Scarlet Light Gate would no longer burst out that terrifying Scarlet Storm, they couldn’t help showing a look of ecstasy.

“The Land of Ancient Domination and Inheritance is completely opened!”

They no longer hesitate now, they are all rushing towards the bloody light door again.

Looking at the figures disappearing in the bloody light gate, Jiang Chen’s expression became more and more solemn.

He had a feeling that this blood-colored light gate was not unable to send out the scary blood-colored storm like the previous one, but it was deliberately letting practitioners here enter it!

Just when Jiang Chen stared at the bloody light door in a daze.

More and more practitioners around were rushing towards the Scarlet Light Gate.

Just a moment’s time.

Almost half of the thousands of practitioners gathered around the valley disappeared.

Including the Tianpeng Protoss Xutianyuan, as well as a hidden god king Seventh Stage Heavenly Old Monster, have all appeared in the Scarlet Light Gate today.

“Mr. Jiang Chen, shall we go in?”

Feng Yan couldn’t help but whispered in the surrounding area that had become empty in an instant.

“Fu Yan, this place is very dangerous. I’ll go in and see. You will wait for me in Tiancheng City, and ask about Huo Tianyang by the way.”

Jiang Chen was silent for a moment, and said solemnly to Feng Yan.

Although knowing that this place is mostly the conspiracy of the strong immortal cultivator, Jiang Chen still intends to go in and find out.

He can now breakthrough the Divine King Realm at any time.

With his four-star heavenly background, once he breaks through, he may at least reach the fourth stage of the god king, even the old monsters of the god king’s seventh stage day are not a concern.

not to mention……

The Moon God Order given to him by the mysterious woman in the Moon God Palace was not taken back.

If you really encounter troubles that can’t be solved, the big deal is to use the Moon God Order to summon the Moon God Palace Lord.

“Okay, Mr. Jiang Chen, be careful yourself.”

Feng Yan also knew that with his own strength, he could not help at all, but would become a burden to Jiang Chen. He nodded immediately, and then quickly disappeared in front of Jiang Chen.

After watching Fengyan leave, Jiang Chen also took a deep breath and flew towards the blood-colored light gate in the middle of the valley…

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