Chapter 2256 Conspiracy Inheritance From Ancient Times

“I’m someone you Darkwing Peng Clan can’t afford to offend!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and he directly raised his hand to point to the man in black.

This seemingly plain finger completely confines the man in black and the surrounding space, making it difficult for the man in black to move his fingers.

“Do not……”

The black-clothed man was terrified and could only watch the finger Sword Ray pierce through his forehead.

The next moment.

The body of the black-clothed man burst open with a bang.

“Mr. Jiang Chen, thank you for your life-saving grace.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen had dealt with a group of Darkwing Peng tribes lightly, Feng Yan couldn’t help but stepped forward and thanked him.

“You are Welcome.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and then asked curiously: “When did you come to God’s Domain Continent, and why were you being chased by the Darkwing Peng Clan.”

Although this guy has been inherited in the Golden Winged Eagle Clan ancestors, the strength of Ascension has not been slow in recent years, and now he has the strength of the two-star Tianzun, but it is obviously not enough in this Gods Domain Continent.

Especially the Golden Winged Condor Clan and Tianpeng Protoss Clan are such a powerful enemy.

“Mr. Jiang Chen, we came from the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe through the Sky Eagle Shuttle…”

Feng Yan didn’t conceal it, and quickly told Jiang Chen what had happened.

A few years ago.

Jiang Chen descended to the real martial arts realm and smashed the real Martial Sage sect with his own power. The entire real martial arts realm was under the control of the Burning Fire Gate and the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

Because of Jiang Chen.

Feng Yan also became friends with Huo Tianyang at the Fire Gate.

After the two stabilized in the realm of Zhenwu, they made an appointment to go to the Divine Realm Continent together.

When Huo Tianyang learned that the Golden Winged Condor tribe had the magical weapon, the Aquila, which could be directly transmitted to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe in the continent of Gods, he decided to send it directly to the continent of Gods.

Feng Yan also wanted to go to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan again to find out, and the two hit it off.

after all.

Both of them are extremely talented, and they have obtained a good inheritance. These years, the strength of Ascension is extremely fast.

Huo Tianyang has reached the three-star Celestial Realm, and Feng Yan has also reached the two-star Celestial Realm.

With the strength of the two, even in the face of the ordinary god king realm, they still have a certain degree of self-protection.


The two of them teleported to the ancestors of the Golden Winged Condor tribe through the Skyhawk Divine Shuttle, and then quietly appeared in the Darkwinged Peng Clan, and killed two Darkwinged Peng Clan members, disguised as disciples of the Dark Winged Peng Clan.

Everything went very smoothly.

But when they left the Dark Wing Peng Clan, the blood in Feng Yan’s body had a reaction with a stone elephant at the door, which exposed their identity and was chased by the Dark Wing Peng Clan.

Feng Yan fled all the way to the southwest, and then he came to the ancient land of buried gods.

“You are really not so bold, you dare to send it directly with the Skyhawk Shuttle.”

Jiang Chen suddenly became speechless.

Although the Dark Wing Peng Clan is only one of the three sub-clan of the Tianpeng Protoss, its strength is definitely not weaker, or even inferior to the first-class God King forces such as the Northern Underworld God Sect.

These two guys dared to come from the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, they were really bold.

Jiang Chen shook his head, and then asked: “You and Huo Tianyang came to God’s Domain Continent together, where are the Huo Tianyang people?”

Feng Yan smiled bitterly: “Shortly after coming out of the Darkwing Peng Clan, in order to distract the Darkwing Peng Clan, we ran away separately. I don’t know where he is now.”

“Let’s go, let’s leave here first.”

Jiang Chen said, and then walked out with Feng Yan.

have to say.

Feng Yan was actually very lucky. His route into this mountain range happened to be the route to the Sealed Land of the Moon God Palace.

The fierce beast on this road was cleaned up not long ago.


Entering here with the strength of Fengyan two-star Tianzun, I am afraid that I don’t know how he died.

The two quickly walked out of the Shiwanshan Mountain in the core area of ​​the Ancient God Burying Region, and returned to the God Burial Stream between the outer area and the core area.

“Weird, why did this burial god suddenly become so deserted?”

Jiang Chen walked in the god burial stream for a long time, but he didn’t even find a Daoist shadow in the god burial stream, and a look of doubt passed in his eyes.

The Burial of Gods Stream is the place where the ancient rulers have fallen, and this news has gradually spread in the continent of God’s Domain.

It stands to reason.

There should be more and more practitioners who are attracted by this news.

But now, God Burial Stream has become much deserted instead.

what is happening?

“Mr. Jiang Chen, when I came in, I heard someone mention it by chance. It is said that the heritage left by the ancient ruler who fell here has appeared, and everyone should be attracted by now.”

Feng Yan couldn’t help but explain in a low voice.

When Jiang Chen heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The witch punishment had told him that the one who buried the gods stream was not the strong master of the ancient times in the gods domain, but a mahayana cultivator in the outer domain.

Jiang Chen still believed in witch punishment.

How could an immortal cultivator in the Mahayana stage of the Outer Realm leave his own inheritance in the Divine Realm Continent?

This so-called ancient heritage is, in all likelihood, an earth-shattering conspiracy.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and couldn’t help but said in a deep voice, “Do you know where the ancient heritage appears?”

Feng Yan thought for a while and said, “The approximate location should be in the southeast of this place.”

“Go, let’s go over and take a look.”

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at the moment either, and he flashed out quickly towards the southeast.

After flashing for a distance in the southeast direction, the two finally found some practitioners from the Divine Realm Continent, all rushing in the same direction.

Among these practitioners, many of them are strong in the Divine King Realm.


These people are all going for the ancient inheritance that appeared in the Burial God Stream.

Jiang Chen followed behind these people, and after a few minutes, a distorted space in front of them appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

Jiang Chen’s figure moved, and Feng Yan landed on a towering old tree nearby.

What appeared in front of them was a vast valley about a thousand feet long.

The valley is already filled with countless bones. Looking from a distance, it makes people feel a kind of creepy…

At this moment.

Around this valley, densely crowded figures stand, with fiery eyes staring at the twisted space in the center of the bone.


In that distorted space, it should be the so-called heritage of ancient times.

And this Qianzhang valley in front of me seems to be shrouded by a mysterious force, which seems to be formed by some kind of mysterious formation.

These powers should seal the entire valley on weekdays, making it difficult to detect, and will only be activated at certain specific times.


Jiang Chen is almost certain that this is definitely not the first time this valley has opened!

The bones that have long been piled up in the valley are the best proof!

These bones, I’m afraid they all fell here because of the so-called ancient heritage!

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