Chapter 2238 Terrible Core Area

The sudden change also shocked everyone who hadn’t moved forward.

Their gazes followed the screams of prestige from the front.

I saw some weaker Heavenly Sovereign Realm, after entering the area in front, almost instantaneously turned into a cloud of blood mist falling from mid-air.

Even some experts in the Divine King Realm had to retreat back with a look of horror.

“Everyone, be careful, the air here is highly toxic, take Bidu Pill first!”

Xu Tianyuan’s complexion changed slightly, and he quickly took out a high-quality anti-drug pill and swallowed it.

The others didn’t hesitate either, they all took out the anti-drug pills and started to swallow them.

Jiang Chen was about to take out the Poison Eliminating Pill, but Wu Xing took the lead in taking out two white beads and handing them to Jiang Chen: “Take this bead on your body, it will not invade any poison.

Jiang Chen didn’t pretend either, he took the bead directly, and then walked forward cautiously.

As Jiang Chen and the others deepened, the poisonous mist in the air became thicker and thicker.

Even after taking the Pedu Pill, it is difficult to completely cover the poisonous fog here. Some weak practitioners, before even screaming, turned into blood fog in full view.

“Speed ​​out of this area!”

Xu Tianyuan obviously also felt the thorny effects of the poison around him, and directly accelerated and blasted towards the front.

“This poisonous mist is too domineering.”

Seeing that the anti-drug pill seemed to be unable to withstand the poisonous mist in the air, Jiang Chen was also shocked.

Fortunately, he found the mysterious witch torment, otherwise he would have to pay a very heavy price if he rushed into the core area of ​​the ancient god burial realm.

“This is not a poisonous mist at all, but a poisonous insect.”

“In ancient times, there was a very terrifying mist-eating insects. They were so small that they were difficult to detect even in the Divine King Realm. These poisonous mists in the air were actually formed by the gathering of countless mist-eating insects. of.”

“Poison-preventing pills can’t stop these poisonous insects from entering the body. After a long time, the Divine King Realm will be gradually swallowed by these poisonous insects.”

Wu Xing talked eloquently, apparently already aware of the surrounding situation.


Hearing this, Rao Jiang Chen couldn’t help taking a breath, and couldn’t help feeling a tingling scalp.

They obviously didn’t expect it.

The poisonous fog here is unexpectedly formed by a gathering of invisible poisonous insects.

“Don’t worry, the beads I gave you can restrain these mist-eating insects, and they won’t be close to the range of your body.”

After the witch punishment was finished, he took the lead and continued to move forward.

Jiang Chen and the others only noticed that once the surrounding mist formed by poisonous insects entered the range of their body, it was as if they had been frightened, and they retreated back and forth.

This scene also amazed Jiang Chen in his heart.

The young man called witch punishment in front of him seemed a bit more mysterious than he thought.


Jiang Chen and the others have mysterious beads of witchcraft, and they can completely ignore the poisonous insects around them. Others are not so lucky.

With the passage of time, more and more people cannot resist the engulfing of the mist-eating insects.

The screams of miserable screams are also constantly echoing in the air, making this ancient forest feel a kind of creepy.


This area covered by mist-eaters is not too big.

With Xu Tianyuan leading the team to speed up, they finally rushed out of this misty forest in about a time of a stick of incense.


Even so, nearly one-third of the people fell in the misty forest.

This also made Jiang Chen and the others have to sigh, the horror of this ancient god-burial realm, just the forest where the fog eats the insects, is enough to stop countless practitioners.

Jiang Chen and the three slowly walked out of the foggy forest, and the sight in front of them also became surprisingly bright.

What appeared in front of them was a huge mountain stream.

The day was so deep that there was almost no end in sight.

And behind that mountain stream, there is an endless mountain range, these mountains are as tall as a giant dragon.

A breath of ancient vicissitudes of life diffuses from it, rippling in this piece of heaven and earth.

“The front is the real core area of ​​the Burial God Ancient Domain.”

Looking at the mountains at the end of the mountain stream, even the witch torture that had been very indifferent, his expression became a little serious in an instant.

Jiang Chen stared at the ancient mountain range at the end of his sight.

Even if it is thousands of miles away, he can faintly sense that in that ancient mountain range, there is a very fierce aura hidden.

Some of the auras, even compared to the old monsters above the Seventh Stage of the God King, might not be inferior in the slightest.

“The ancient land of the burial of the gods is isolated from the world. There are many peerless beasts with extraordinary bloodlines. Although affected by the environment of the ancient land of the burial of the gods, the intelligence of these beasts is not comparable to that of outside practitioners, but their combat power is better than that of the same level. The practicer of his will have to make a three-pointer.”

The witching punishment is quiet and authentic, obviously reminding Jiang Chen and the other two not to be careless.

Jiang Chen nodded.

The core area of ​​the Burial God Ancient Realm is the real forbidden area of ​​the God Realm Continent.

Even if he doesn’t need to be reminded by witch torture, he still has to be twitchy.

after all.

In this place, if you are a little careless, I am afraid there is a risk of falling.

“This should be the Burial God Stream, the place where the ancient ruler has fallen!”

Looking at the mountain stream in front of him, everyone including Xu Tianyuan couldn’t help but show a fiery look in their eyes.


With the lessons learned from the previous foggy forest, these people obviously still retain a bit of sanity, and did not directly rush into the mountain stream.

A practitioner from the god king realm sacrificed a puppet and inspected the mountain stream for a while. After confirming that there was no danger, he blasted out directly at the mountain stream.

As the practitioner rushed into the mountain stream, the others could no longer hold back.

They all erupted one after another, spurring the speed to the extreme, and rushing towards the mountain stream crazily.

Entering the core area this time, everyone is willing to listen to Xutianyuan’s call, but it is just to be able to smoothly come to the core area.

Now that the ancient ruler’s fall is in front of his eyes, Xu Tianyuan seems to be unable to control the situation at all.

He didn’t say much, and took a few people from the Tianpeng Protoss, and quickly slid into the mountain stream.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help turning his head to look at the witch punishment: “Are we going to follow?”

“Let’s go, although our goal is not this mountain stream, but to enter the back mountain range, this mountain stream is also our only place to pass.”

After finishing the witch punishment, he strode directly towards the mountain stream in front of him.

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