Chapter 2237 Entering the Ancient Burial God Realm

The young man didn’t stretch out his hand, and said indifferently: “My name is witch punishment, and I have a good cooperation.”

Jiang Chen didn’t care about the young man either. He smiled and asked, “Brother Wu Xing, I don’t know when we will leave?”


The witch punishment is very simple and authentic: “Recently, there have been some strange changes in the ancient land of the buried gods. Not long ago, a group of people who wanted to enter the core area have been wiped out.”

When Jiang Chen heard this, his brows couldn’t help but frowned: “Then when are we going to wait?”

“Three days later, there will be a group of powerful people in Tiantian City who will join forces to enter the ancient land of burial gods.”

“Their destination is the place where the ancient ruler has fallen, and it is also our only way.”

“We follow them and let them explore the way ahead.”

When Wu Xing spoke, a faint light flashed in his eyes.

“Okay, then we will meet at the South Gate in three days.”

Jiang Chen nodded, agreeing with the decision of witch punishment.

The Ancient God Burial Region was originally a restricted area of ​​the God’s Domain Continent. I am afraid that no one could guarantee absolute safety in the God Burial Ancient Domain.

Especially the recent changes in the ancient land of buried gods, the degree of danger is three points deeper than before.

Although witch punishment knows very well about the ancient realm of burial of the gods, it is better to be cautious.

after all.

God Burial Ancient Realm cannot tolerate the slightest negligence, and once they are invincible, they may fall into a situation where they will be invincible.

If someone can find the way ahead, they will undoubtedly be much safer.

The next two days.

Jiang Chen and Gu Feng’er both lived deep in the buried city, recharged and prepared to enter the ancient land of buried gods.

Until the early morning of the third day.

Jiang Chen and the two came to the south gate of Buried Tiancheng as agreed, and joined the witchcraft.

Outside the south gate, hundreds of Daoist shadows have gathered here.

Among these hundreds of Daoist shadows, almost all of the weakest have reached Tianzun, and even the number of Divine Kings has exceeded fifty.

The strongest among them has even reached the Sixth Stage of the God King!

Jiang Chen and Gu Feng’er followed the witch torture, standing behind the group of people, and they were shocked in their hearts.

The ancient ruler of the Fallen Land is indeed a fatal attraction for countless practitioners in the Divine Realm Continent, and it has attracted such a large-scale expert to come.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, the white-robed old man in the lead should be the Xutianyuan of the Tianpeng Protoss.”

Gu Feng’er looked at the white-robed old man headed and couldn’t help but whispered softly.

When Jiang Chen heard this, his pupils couldn’t help but shrink slightly.

The old guy who was headed turned out to be a strong man of the Tianpeng Protoss!

Tianpeng Protoss, this is the chief culprit who destroyed the Golden Winged Condor Clan, forcing the Golden Winged Condor Clan to escape into the eternal void and linger in the True Martial Realm.

Now the territory of the Golden Winged Condor Clan is occupied by the Darkwing Peng Clan, one of the three branches of the Tianpeng Protoss.

When he entered the Golden Wing Divine Ancestor Land, he encountered the powerhouses of the Dark Wing Peng Clan and even the Tianpeng God Clan.

Given his relationship with the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, I am afraid that he can only become an enemy with the Tianpeng God Clan!

“Yes, he is Xutianyuan, the God King Sixth Stage Cultivation Base, and he is also ranked 98th in the strongest God King list.”

“The Tianpeng Protoss is the top clan closest to the ancient burial realm. This time the exploration of the ancient burial realm was initiated by the Tianpeng Protoss.”

At this moment, Wu Xing also said suddenly.

Jiang Chen was startled slightly: “The King of the Strongest Gods?”

“The strongest god king list, this is a list specially set up for the god king realm in the gods, which lists the 100 most powerful god kings in the gods.”

“On this list, almost all of them are old monsters whose Cultivation Base has reached the Seventh Stage of the King of Gods.”

“As far as I know, God King Sixth Stage can be ranked among the strongest God Kings, almost by hand!”

Wu Xing said lightly.

Hearing the words of witch punishment, Jiang Chen looked at Xu Tianyuan with a more solemn expression.

This list of the most powerful gods listed the 100 most powerful gods in the realm of the gods.

Although Xu Tianyuan was only ranked 98th on the list of the strongest gods, Jiang Chen did not dare to underestimate it.

This guy can be ranked as the strongest king of God on the Sixth Stage of the God King. I am afraid that it is not inferior to that of the God King Seventh Stage.

With his strength like this, even if he sacrificed the sacred dragon stele, he might not be able to cope with it.

While Jiang Chen and the others were talking, Xu Tianyuan had already led a team of hundreds of people, slowly moving towards the border southwest of Tian Tian City.

About half a day later.

A virgin forest filled with ancient atmosphere emerged in the sight of everyone.

Here is a vast and boundless world.

Here there are mountains and ridges. Hundreds of thousands of mountains are boundless. Towering old trees cover the sky in the mountains, and thousand-year-old vines are staggered like horns.

From a distance, the forest was filled with palpitating darkness, and occasionally a wave of fierce roars of beasts came out from it, which made people feel chills.

“Is this the ancient burial realm…”

Jiang Chen looked at the forest filled with the ancient atmosphere, and couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in his mouth.

This ancient land of burial of the gods is worthy of being the first dangerous place in the continent of gods.

Even with Jiang Chen’s current strength, standing outside the Ancient God Burial Realm, he felt a sense of insignificance.

The three Jiang Chen cautiously followed the end of the team and walked into the ancient land of buried gods.

As soon as they entered the ancient forest, the surrounding light instantly dimmed, and the aura of the ancients came from all directions.

The group of people walked slowly toward the depths of the ancient land of buried gods.

Perhaps they were on the edge of the ancient burial realm, and they didn’t encounter much danger along the way.

Even if they are attacked by some murderers in the forest occasionally, they will be swarmed by the strong, and they will be bombarded with no scum left in an instant.

In this way, under the leadership of Xu Tianyuan, the group of people continued to go deep into the ancient realm of burial of the gods.

after one day.

The middle domain of them passed through the outer area of ​​the ancient burial realm, and was about to step into the core area of ​​the ancient burial realm.

Perhaps because there was no danger encountered along the way, many people had the illusion that this ancient land of buried gods was not as terrible as they had imagined.

Many people gradually became agitated.

“The front is the core area of ​​the ruined ancient realm. The place where the ancient ruler falls is about to arrive, everyone, hurry up.”

At this moment, I don’t know who was the first to let out a low growl. The countless Daoist Shadows did not intend to continue to follow Xutianyuan’s command. They flashed out and rushed forward impatiently.


These guys all want to be the first to reach the Fallen Land of the Ancient Domination, so that they can seize the opportunity and compete for the opportunity.



Those figures had just rushed out of a distance of less than a hundred miles, and the screams of terrible screams were constantly echoing in the silent mountains and forests.

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