Chapter 2227


Following Jiang Chen’s words, everyone in the ancient palace’s eyes fell on Jiang Chen’s body.

The tree of life, one of the three god-tier trees that existed since the beginning of the world of God, is a legendary sacred object of life, with incredible power.

A branch of the God of Life Tree can definitely be regarded as the most precious treasure in God’s Domain Continent.

This guy actually wants to use a branch of the tree of life in exchange for the key in front of him!

Although the key in front of us was the key to opening the Moon God Palace, the Moon God Palace had disappeared in the God Realm Continent for many years, and no one knew the whereabouts of the Moon God Palace.

Even if you get this key, it is unknown whether you can find the Moon God Palace, let alone get the inheritance in the Moon God Palace.

Using a branch of the God of Life Tree in exchange for the key to open the Moon God Palace is too costly, isn’t it?

“Mr. Jiang Chen, the tree of life is one of the three god-tier trees in the gods. It is too uneconomical for you to exchange a piece of the tree of life for this key.”

Although the Moon God Palace was the dominant power in the ancient times, it was only a key to unlock the Moon God Palace.

Not to mention whether you can use this key to open the Moon God Palace, even if you really enter the Moon God Palace to gain the inheritance of power, whether its value can be comparable to a section of the God of Life Tree, that is still unknown.

Although Gu Feng’er was a little shocked, she didn’t say much.

She knows the status of Qingxue Big sis in Jiang Chen’s heart very well, since this key can open the Moon God Palace and even get the Moon God Stone.

No matter how high the price was, Jiang Chen would definitely not hesitate.

“Do you really have branches of the tree of life?”

The old man Tianbao’s eyes fell on Jiang Chen, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The sacred tree of life, this sacred tree born in chaos, has long become a legend in the Continent of Gods.

If this guy can really take out a piece of the tree of life, any treasure of life, in front of the tree of life, I am afraid it will be overshadowed.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and flicked his fingers directly, and the sacred tree of life in his hand shot out at the old man Tianbao.

“Sure enough, it is the sacred tree of life!”

As the person in charge of the Tianji Shenlou auction, the experience of the elderly Tianbao is extraordinary.

He only saw at a glance that this dead branch was really taken from the legendary tree of life!

“This friend, I have decided to exchange this key for this piece of the God of Life Tree, and the key to unlock the Moon God Temple is yours.”

After the old man Tianbao finished speaking, with a light wave of his palm, the jade box in front of him turned into a ray of light, blasting towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen grabbed the jade box and put it in his bag under the gaze of countless eyes in the Great Hall.

After getting the key, Jiang Chen also let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

With this key, as long as he found the Moon God Palace and opened it, he might be able to get the Moon God Stone.

“It turned out that this kid took the key to opening the Moon God Palace!”

Seeing this scene before him, Jiang Yu couldn’t help but set off a strange arc in his eyes.

He obviously didn’t think about it.

The last person who took this key was the one who got the Human Sword Fragment in Heavenly Mystery City not long ago!


Jiang Yu was ready to look for an opportunity to snatch the Human Sword Shard from Jiang Chen. Now that the key to opening the Moon God Palace was also photographed by Jiang Chen, he could kill two birds with one stone.

In this way, it saves him a lot of trouble.

With the completion of the transaction of the last auction item, this auction of Tianji Shenlou also announced that it has come to an end.

In the ancient hall, people got up one after another, and then exited outside the Great Hall.

“Let’s go too.”

Jiang Chen also ignored the gazes around him constantly scanning him, and walked towards the outside of the ancient temple without looking back.

Out of the auction house.

Xu Yangshan couldn’t help but looked at Gu Feng’er and said, “Goddess, I have completed the task assigned by the master, and now I am going back to surrender my life to the master. I wonder if you want to see the master?”

Gu Feng’er couldn’t help looking at Jiang Chen upon hearing this, “Jiang Chen Big Brother?”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said: “Girl, you can follow Brother Xu to see that Elder, I have other things, so I won’t accompany you.”

“Since Jiang Chen Big Brother is not going, then I will not go either.”

As Gu Fenger said, she looked directly at Xu Yangshan and said, “Brother Xu, thank you Qingyan Elder for me. After I finish the business with Jiang Chen Big Brother, I will definitely come to visit.”

Xu Yangshan naturally did not insist upon hearing this.

He just reminded Jiang Chen: “Mr. Jiang Chen, if you take a photo of the key to open the Moon God Palace, you will definitely be watched by someone with a heart. If there is nothing to do in the near future, it is best not to leave Heavenly Mystery City.”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “Thank you, Brother Xu, for reminding me that I have a sense of measure.”

When Xu Yangshan saw this, he didn’t say much, and said goodbye to the two Jiang Chen, and turned around and left.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, where are we going next?”

Gu Feng’er glanced at the back of Xu Yangshan’s departure, and then asked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen groaned slightly: “Let’s live in the Tianji God Tower first, study the key to open the Moon God Palace, and then make plans.”

The key to unlocking the Moon God Palace is still very tempting for practitioners in God’s Domain Continent.

Once he leaves Heavenly Mystery City now, he will definitely be targeted.

Although with the power he currently possesses, as long as he doesn’t encounter a strong man above the Seventh Stage of the God King, almost few people can pose a threat to him.

But Jiang Chen didn’t want to cause unnecessary trouble.

Now that the key to open the Moon God Palace has been obtained, he might as well live in the Tianji God Tower, study this key carefully, and see if he can find a clue to the Moon God Palace.

If he really couldn’t find a clue, he could also consider trading with the Tianji Shenlou to see if he could buy the information of the Moon God Palace from the Tianji Shenlou.

The two did not hesitate at the moment, and went directly to the first floor of the Tianji Shen Building where they provided accommodation, and rented two rooms.

After living in Tianji Shenlou.

Jiang Chen and the other two couldn’t wait to take out the key to the Moon God Palace and study it.


Although the material of this key is extraordinary, Jiang Chen and the other two observed it for a while, but they couldn’t see any clues from the key.

“It seems that it is not very realistic to find the Moon God Palace through this key.”

Seeing that there didn’t seem to be anything special about this key, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a slight sigh in his heart.

But think about it.

If you can easily find the whereabouts of the Moon God Palace through this key, how could the original owner of this key easily trade it out?

Just when Jiang Chen was about to give up researching the key, the two system prompts sounded abruptly in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You watch the ancient Restrictions Moon God Forbidden, trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend one-ten thousandth of the Moon Flower God’s forbidden.”

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