Chapter 2226 A Key

Under the gaze of everyone in the ancient temple.

With a wave of the palm of the old man Tianbao, a simple jade box about one foot long appeared directly and ghostly in his palm.

The old man Tianbao didn’t hesitate and opened the jade box directly.


An extremely holy breath also slowly diffused from the jade box.

I saw the treasure in the jade box turned out to be a key.

This key is crystal clear, as if it is made of some unknown jade, and it is carved with mysterious half-moon patterns.

And the holy breath that pervades the Great Hall is surprisingly emitted from this key!

“Elder Tianbao, what is the origin of this key?”

Some people looked at the key in the hands of the old man Tianbao, and there was a curious look in their eyes.

Although they also knew that the key in Elder Tianbao’s hand was extremely extraordinary, it was difficult for a while to see what the key was for.

“Ha ha……”

“Although the material of this key is extraordinary, it is not an extremely precious treasure in itself.”

“However, based on our research on the Tianji God Tower, we finally concluded that this key is related to a force called the Moon God Palace in the ancient times, and should be the key to unlock the Moon God Palace!”

The old man Tianbao held up the jade box in his hand, and said astonishingly authentic.

As soon as the old man Tianbao said this, the entire ancient temple fell into deathly silence at this moment.

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the key in the hands of the old man Tianbao.

To know.

Naturally, those who can come to participate in the auction of Tianji Shenlou headquarters are not ordinary people.

They obviously had heard of the Moon God Palace in the ancient times.

The Moon God Palace, one of the most powerful ruling forces in the God Realm in the ancient times, was established by the Moon God dominating the Moon God, the power of the Moon God.


The Great Tribulation of God’s Domain came, and the Lunar Lord and the Moon God Palace established by them all disappeared from God’s Domain completely.

No one thought of it.

The last auction item taken out by the Tianji Shenlou this time turned out to be the key to opening the Moon God Palace!

Moon God Palace, this is the dominant force in the ancient times.

If you can open the Moon God Palace and get the treasures and inheritance in it, you will definitely become a strong man standing on the top of the Gods Domain Continent, and even step into the legendary dominance realm, it is not impossible!

If this thing were to be spread out, I am afraid it would be enough to make the entire God’s Domain Continent go crazy for it.

“Is the key to the Moon God Palace…”

Jiang Chen stared closely at the key in the hands of the old man Tianbao, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

The Moon God Palace was the power established by the Moon God to dominate the Moon.

The moon god stone dominated by the lunar yin is very likely to be in the moon god palace. As long as you can get this key to open the Moon God Palace, you may be able to find the Moon God Stone.

not to mention……

Even if this key has nothing to do with the Moon God Stone he was looking for, since he encountered it, he had to fight for it.

Jiang Chen was able to achieve today’s achievements in just a few decades. In addition to the system in his body, the inheritance of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace has undoubtedly helped him a lot.

The inheritance of the power of a god king has already benefited Jiang Chen infinitely.

And the Moon God Palace was the dominant force in the ancient times, and how terrifying would the legacy it left behind?

Seeing that everyone in the ancient temple was attracted by the key in his hand, the old man Tianbao couldn’t help but a smile of satisfaction appeared on his face.

In the ancient temple.

Fiery eyes stared at the key in the hands of the old man Tianbao, wishing to immediately take it as his own.

Since the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, the dominating power of God’s Domain has almost disappeared.

Except for the presence of a strong dominance in the Palace of the Human Emperor that year, there has never been a second strong dominion in God’s Domain Continent.

Dominating the realm has even become a legend in God’s Domain Continent.

The key in front of you can open the Moon Divine Palace of the dominating power and obtain the treasures inherited by the dominating power. How can it not make people covet it?

Although the Moon God Palace had long since disappeared in the God Realm Continent, with this key alone, it might not be possible to find the Moon God Palace and open it.

But even if there is a one-tenth chance of opening the Moon God Palace, it is enough for countless practitioners to take a risk.

“Everyone, this key is an auction commissioned by a distinguished guest from the Tianji Shenlou. He doesn’t need the crystal, he just wants to exchange it for life-like treasures!”

The old man Tianbao glanced at the audience and smiled slightly: “Now let’s start quoting.”

As the old man Tianbao’s voice fell, an old man of the God King Third Stage could not wait to shout: “A ten first rank holy pill!”

“I give out five ten first-rank Pills for Life and Death!”

“I give ten drops of life essence!”


In the ancient palace, many people took out the life treasures they had pressed in the bottom box one after another, and started bidding frantically.

And many people without life-like treasures couldn’t help but show an annoyed look on their faces.

“Damn it, Tianji Shenlou didn’t announce this last auction item.”

Jiang Yu heard the sound of bidding coming from around, and his expression was ugly to the extreme.

If you had known that this auction would have the key to opening the Moon God Palace, with the strength of the Human Emperor Palace, it would be natural to win this key.

But now he has no life-like treasures on his body, how can he participate in the auction?

“Young Master Yu stay safe, no matter who took this key, it is not easy to take it away safe and sound, and we are not without the opportunity.”

The old man of God King Fourth Stage behind him whispered.

Jiang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sorrowful smile flashed across his eyes.

The Moon God Palace was the dominant force in the ancient times. I am afraid that no practitioner in this world can resist the temptation to open the Moon God Palace.

No matter who takes this key in the end, it will surely become the target of public criticism.

By the time.

He may not have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and win this key!

“Jiang Chen Big Brother, I didn’t expect that this key would need to be exchanged for life-type treasures. I had known that I would take more life-type treasures from the ancient Shenfeng tribe’s treasures.”

Gu Feng’er could not help but an anxious look appeared in her beautiful eyes as everyone around her kept asking prices.

Xu Yangshan couldn’t help but pondered slightly: “Goddess, or I contact Master, Master should have a lot of life treasures.”

“That’s too late.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “No matter what, I will definitely get this key to unlock the Moon God Palace!”


When Jiang Chen moved his palm, a branch about three inches long appeared in his palm.

This branch is exactly the part of the branch that Jiang Chen got from the tree of life.

In order to obtain the key to open the Moon God Palace, Jiang Chen had to take out one third of the branches of the God of Life Tree.

“I exchanged a piece of life magic for this key!”

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