Chapter 2171 Cangyou Divine King’s Mind Arrives

“Isn’t the immortal power…”

Seeing the situation in front of her, Ji Wushuang’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly.

Actually, without Haoyue Venerable’s reminder, Ji Wushuang could also see it.

The breath exuding from the Cangyou Temple’s messenger was obviously very similar to the original palace tomb, and it couldn’t be killed.

Every time you kill, the aura on his body will be stronger.

At the beginning, the palace mentioned that he cultivated the immortal heavenly power of God King Cangyou.

the other side.

The messenger of the Cangyou Temple couldn’t help but show a frantic look on his face.

Although he had also heard from God King Cangyou mentioning that cultivation immortality can be immortal, but he has always been half-believing.

Now that I can regroup after being cut in half by Ji Wushuang with a sword, I finally have to believe it.

The immortal heavenly power bestowed by God King Cangyou really has the ability to be immortal.

“Haha…there is the immortal heavenly power bestowed by the king of gods, I want to see how you kill me!”

The messenger from the Cangyou Temple gave a triumphant laugh.

When Ji Wushuang saw this, Dai’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

The Immortal Art is too weird. It not only makes people immortal, but also gains a certain degree of Ascension every time they are killed.

Although Ji Wushuang said that his strength was far superior to the ordinary world god Venerable, he did not dare to easily kill this Cangyou temple envoy.

She stretched out her hand to sternly pointed at the envoy of the Cangyou Temple that burst out, and the power of the god of the ice world burst out of the sky instantly, sealing it together with the surrounding hundreds of meters of space.


She stared directly at Haoyue Venerable who was aside: “Haoyue, without further ado, immediately lead Hanyue Sect to evacuate the Great Wilderness.”


Haoyue Venerable nodded solemnly.

Today Ji Wushuang has already taken action to kill the messenger of Cangyou Temple, Hanyue Sect and Cangyou Temple are destined to be unable to be good.

Now the Cold Moon Sect can only have a glimmer of life when it quickly evacuates from the Great Wilderness Realm.


Just as Haoyue Venerable passed the order, a strange wave suddenly spread in the air.

Both Ji Wushuang and Haoyue Venerable’s complexions changed slightly, and they couldn’t help but suddenly raised their heads to look at the envoy of the frozen Cangyou Temple.

Only a soft sound was heard, and the ice-bound power around the messenger of the Cangyou Temple was crushed.


The messenger of the Cangyou Temple, directly and slowly walked out of the icy debris in the sky.

His gloomy eyes were like gods looking down on sentient beings, staring condescendingly at both Ji Wushuang, his domineering voice resounding through the world.

“What a Hanyue Sect, even the people in this seat dare to move. Killing the people in this seat, you still want to leave?”

The overbearing voice immediately made the two of De Ji Wushuang look like enemies.

“Cangyou God King?”

Ji Wushuang stared closely at the messenger of the Cangyou Temple in front of him, and an unprecedented solemn color appeared in his beautiful eyes.

The messenger of the Cangyou Temple in front of him was obviously not the messenger of the Cangyou Temple just now, but the Cangyou God King who was powerful in the Great Wilderness of the Cangyou Temple.

“I miscalculated.”

Ji Wushuang couldn’t help sighing faintly in her heart.

She made a decisive move before, originally intending to solve these few people, before the Cangyou Divine Hall hadn’t reacted, she took Han Yuezong and quickly evacuated from the great wilderness.

But I didn’t expect that one of the Cangyou divine temple envoys would actually cultivate the Immortal Heavenly Kungfu, and would not be able to kill them at all.

Now Cangyou God King, even more so with the help of this Cangyou God Temple, descended to Hanyue Sect.

Ji Wushuang knew very well in his heart that even if this Cangyou God King only came with the help of the Cangyou God Temple messenger, it was definitely not something they could contend with.

Today, the Cold Moon Sect wants to retreat all over, I am afraid it is a bit difficult.

“Tsk tsk…”

“The two-star Venerable with the breakthrough of the gods and gods, I didn’t expect that such a wild land as the Great Wilderness, there should be a genius like you, it is really surprising.”

Divine King Cangyou swept his gaze slightly over Ji Wushuang’s body, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He looked at Ji Wushuang with a smile on his face: “For the sake of your good talent, this seat gives you a chance to survive and become a servant of this seat. This seat can give you immortal power!”

Ji Wushuang’s eyes were cold: “Sorry, I’m not interested!”

Unstoppable Heavenly Power!

This weird Cultivation Technique, when the Great Desolate Tianjiao met, Cangyou Divine King spread out through the Great Desolate Realm’s Tianjiao.

The first genius of Han Yuezong’s palace was because of cultivation of this Cultivation Technique, it had a miserable ending.

Now that God King Cangyou can come to the person who cultivates the Immortal Art at will, Ji Wushuang is even more jealous of this Immortal Art.

this moment.

Ji Wushuang thought of what Jiang Chen had said to her.

This indestructible heavenly skill might really be the key to the birth of God King Cangyou.

“It’s a pity, since you don’t want to surrender to this seat, then die to this seat.”

God King Cangyou shook his head regretfully, and immediately stretched out his hand to gently press against the space where Ji Wushuang was.


An invisible palm print, like an eternal sacred mountain, fell from the void, and the thousands of feet above Ji Wushuang’s head collapsed.

Looking at the unmatched palm of God King Cangyou.

Ji Wushuang’s holy moonlight flickered, and a cold moon that exuded a yin atmosphere behind him appeared out of thin air, as if the moon god was here.

Hanyue took the power of the frozen world into the air and collided with the palm prints that crushed the void.


Ji Wushuang is a two-star Venerable with the breakthrough of the gods of the gods. Compared with the great power of the gods like Cangyou, the gap is still too big.

Even if God King Cangyou only came with a thought, Ji Wushuang couldn’t contend.


Only hearing a loud bang, Hanyue exploded under the Cangyou Divine King’s palmprint.

Ji Wushuang’s beautiful face turned pale in an instant, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.


The invisible palm print that crushed Hanyue still didn’t dissipate, and it crashed down towards Ji Wushuang with terrifying power.

At this moment.

Ji Wushuang hadn’t slowed down from the previous matchup, and there was no way to resist, so he could only watch the invisible palm prints suppress him.

“Chen’er, my mother is afraid that she won’t be able to see you again.”

Ji Wushuang sighed in his heart and couldn’t help closing his eyes slowly.

And just when her whole person was about to be submerged by the palm prints of the Cangyou God King, a Sword Ray pierced through the space, slashing from the distant sky, and crushed the invisible palm prints of the Cangyou God King!

at the same time.

A dark shadow ghostly land appeared beside Ji Wushuang, and the icy voice resounded between the world in an instant.

“God Cangyou, dare to hurt my mother, you are looking for death!”

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