Chapter 2170 Ji Wushuang’s Strength

“Damn it, how come the people from Cangyou Temple are here in advance.”

Haoyue Venerable’s complexion was hard to see the extreme.

A few days ago.

Cangyou Temple once sent someone to Hanyue Sect, and gave Hanyuezong ten days.

Now that there are at least three days before the ten-day period, Haoyue Venerable obviously did not expect that the people from the Cangyou Temple would have come ahead of schedule.

“Haoyue Venerable, the old man is ordered by the Cangyou Temple to visit Hanyue Sect. Please also show up.”

Just when Haoyue Venerable’s heart was frightened and angry, an old voice was also abruptly rolled over the cold moon sect.

Inside the Great Hall.

Numerous Elders of the Cold Moon Sect turned pale when they heard the loud sound.

“Let’s go, to the people who will meet the Cangyou Temple.”

Ji Wushuang stood up from his seat expressionlessly, and his figure disappeared into place in no time.

Haoyue Venerable took a deep breath, and appeared in the sky above Hanyue Sect in a flash, and his eyes fell directly on a void outside of Hanyue Sect.

There… there are three Daoist shadows standing proudly

The breath of these three people, almost everyone is no longer under him, obviously they are the realm gods Venerable whose Cultivation Base has reached the realm of realm gods.

As the first white-robed old man, Haoyue Venerable is naturally no stranger at all. It is Sect, another god of Hanyue Sect, and Tianhe Venerable of Glacier Sect.

“Tianhe, have you surrendered to the Cangyou Temple?”

Seeing Tianhe Venerable appeared, Haoyue Venerable’s pupils suddenly shrank.

“Good birds choose wood and live there. Today’s Great Desolation Realm is considered to be the world of the Cangyou Temple. Why shouldn’t my Glacier Sect submit to the Cangyou Temple?”

Tianhe Venerable smiled slightly: “Haoyue, you Hanyue Sect, it’s time to make a decision.”

Haoyue Venerable’s face sank slightly.

Surrendering to the Cangyou Temple means losing freedom and being enslaved by the Cangyou Temple forever.

If you don’t surrender, I’m afraid that Hanyue Sect will be in trouble today.

“The Hanyue Sect can respect the Cangyou Temple, but it will not accept the enslavement of the Cangyou Temple. If the Cangyou Temple is unwilling, the Hanyue Sect can leave, and then withdraw from the Great Desolate World!”

Just when Haoyue Venerable’s eyes were changing, Ji Wushuang’s cold voice rang abruptly.

“Unexpectedly, Han Yuezong still has a world god like you, Venerable, which is really surprising.”

Seeing Ji Wushuang speak suddenly, a look of surprise appeared in Tianhe Venerable’s eyes.

Glacier Sect and Hanyue Sect are both the world god Sect of Hanyue State. Tianhe Venerable thinks that he understands Hanyue Sect after all, but he has never heard of such a world god Venerable in Hanyue Sect.


Even if Hanyue Sect had an extra world god Venerable, Tianhe Venerable didn’t care too much.

He just looked at Ji Wushuang faintly: “Sorry, you Hanyue Sect now only has two choices, either surrender or disappear!”

“In that case, let’s fight.”

The chill in Ji Wushuang’s beautiful eyes exploded, and a crystal clear sword emerged from the palm of his palm.

Tianhe Venerable’s eyes narrowed slightly, he couldn’t help but looked at Haoyue Venerable, sneered and said: “Haoyue, is this your decision too?”

Haoyue Venerable’s heart slammed, gritted his teeth and said: “Yes, I, Cold Moon Sect, will never be enslaved by the Cangyou Temple!”

“Since you Hanyue Sect insists on seeking your own death, then I will fulfill you!”

Tianhe Venerable smiled coldly, and immediately said to the two black shadows beside him: “Two messengers, I will deal with that woman, and Haoyue Venerable will be handed over to you.”

After Tianhe Venerable finished speaking, he directly brought a fierce aura and rushed towards Ji Wushuang.

Ji Wushuang’s complexion was indifferent, but he raised his hand and swung a sword at Tianhe Venerable.

Before Tianhe Venerable could react, a silent ice Sword Qi penetrated everything instantly and slashed on Tianhe Venerable’s body.


Tianhe Venerable’s whole person turned into an ice sculpture directly in mid-air, and then burst open with a bang, turning into a shower of blood and falling from the sky.

Just an understatement of the sword, it killed Tianhe Venerable into nothingness!

This scene immediately stunned everyone in the field.

Rao is the Haoyue Venerable who knows Ji Wushuang best, and there is an incredible horror in his eyes at this moment.

these years.

Ji Wushuang has been deeply involved in the cultivation of Hanyuezong.

Although Haoyue Venerable knew that Ji Wushuang of the breakthrough realm should be very strong, she didn’t know how strong Ji Wushuang was.

Now that Ji Wushuang killed Tianhe Venerable with a single sword, Haoyue Venerable was also deeply shocked.

This Tianhe Venerable, like him, already possesses the strength of the pinnacle of the Venerable realm.

Ji Wushuang can kill Tianhe Venerable with a single sword, doesn’t he at least have the strength comparable to that of the Divine Realm?

“You…who are you?”

The two messengers from the Cangyou Temple stared at Ji Wushuang tightly, and there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed in their eyes.

In the Great Wilderness Realm, the Divine Realm is extremely rare.

They obviously didn’t expect that this little Cold Moon Sect would have a strong man comparable to Earth Venerable Realm!

Ji Wushuang’s eyes were as cold as ice, and he didn’t pay attention to the two messengers from the Cangyou Temple, and directly swung his sword at one of the messengers and slashed in the past.

The strength of this messenger is slightly inferior to Tianhe Venerable, how can it withstand Ji Wushuang’s sword?


Hearing a soft sound, Sword Ray penetrated through the body of the messenger, beheading his body and soul.

“You…you can’t kill me, I am the servant of God King Cangyou, if you kill me, the Temple of Cangyou will not let you go!”

Another messenger from the Cangyou Temple saw the miserable situation of his companions, his expression instantly became frightened, and he quickly threatened Ji Wushuang with a violent expression.

Ji Wushuang was not moved at all.

The long sword in her hand directly drew an icy arc in the void, and cut it out mercilessly at this Cangyou divine envoy!

Since she chose to take action, she couldn’t let the messenger of the Cangyou Temple leave alive.

Only in this way can Hanyuezong gain some time from evacuation from the Great Wilderness Realm.


Once they had notified the Cangyou Temple, it was almost impossible for Han Yuezong to evacuate from the Great Wilderness.


Ji Wushuang’s sword penetrated the body of the Cangyou Temple envoy without any hindrance, instantly splitting it in half.


At this moment, something amazing happened.

The Cangyou temple envoy who was split in half by Ji Wushuang’s sword did not fall.

I saw a burst of mysterious black energy suddenly appeared in his body, directly regrouping his body quickly.

What is even more shocking is.

After the body of this Cangyou divine temple envoy was reorganized, his aura was even stronger than before!

Seeing this scene, Haoyue Venerable also suddenly thought of something, her expression changed greatly: “Ji Elder, be careful, he is cultivating immortal heavenly power!”

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