Chapter 2128 Horror Test


Jiang Chen’s complexion sank, and immediately raised his hand and waved gently, Ji Ziling’s figure was once again flying upside down like a broken kite.

“For the sake of the Ji Clan, I don’t want to care about you. If you dare to do anything, then you can blame me for the ruthlessness.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he didn’t bother to look at Ji Ziling again before stepping directly into the bounds of the Tianyuan Palace.

“Ji Ziling, please be more sober, don’t waste your time on such boring things.”

“Actually, you should also know in your heart that it is impossible for you to enter the Tianyuan Temple and obtain the inheritance of the swordsmanship of ancestor Ji Tianyuan.”

“If you have been pinning your hopes on this matter, you will probably stop here in this life, and you will never have the opportunity to prove to the King of Dao.”

Ji Lingwei glanced at Ji Ziling, and couldn’t help but shook her head.

In terms of talent, Ji Ziling can be said to be the first person among the Ji clan of the Eastern Territory.


This guy has spent too much thought on the inheritance of the Tianyuan Temple, and has been unable to sink his heart. In the end, he was eager to achieve success, and he broke through the realm of the realm god if he failed to achieve the sacred god.

If this guy is still obsessed with the inheritance of the Tianyuan Palace, this life may be considered completely abolished.

“Ji Lingwei, you should be less nosy in front of me, my business is not your turn to take care of!”

Ji Ziling snorted coldly, and immediately fixed his eyes on Jiang Chen’s body.

Ji Ziling knows how difficult it is to obtain the inheritance of Tianyuan Temple.

He really didn’t believe that the boy in front of him could easily obtain the inheritance of swordsmanship in the Tianyuan Temple.

Right in front of Tianyuan Hall.

The moment Jiang Chen stepped into the Tianyuan Temple, he only felt a flower in front of him, and his whole person seemed to be in a strange world.

In this world, there is a black shadow holding a sword standing proudly in the void.

The black shadow stood there quietly, but Jiang Chen couldn’t feel the slightest aura from his body, as if it was integrated with the heaven and the earth, and it didn’t exist at all.

But in Jiang Chen’s sight, he could completely see the existence of this dark shadow.

Such contradictory senses shocked Jiang Chen’s heart.

“I am Ji Tianyuan. Those who are tested by me can enter the Temple of Heaven and pass on my swordsmanship.”

The black shadow looked at Jiang Chen indifferently, and raised his hand is a Sword Ray that broke through the world and slashed towards Jiang Chen in the sky.

The power of this sword is extremely extraordinary. If it were in an ordinary state, I am afraid that it would be destroyed under this sword in an instant.


This level of power is not dangerous at all for Jiang Chen.

He used a finger to refer to the sword, pointed out with a lightning fast, and lightly defeated the oncoming Sword Ray.

One finger smashed Sword Ray, and the surrounding world dissipated out of thin air. Jiang Chen found that Tianyuan Palace had also reappeared in Own’s line of sight.

“The test of the Tianyuan Palace is a bit interesting.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and immediately stepped out towards the Tianyuan Hall again.


Four Universe changes, Jiang Chen only feels that he has reappeared in the strange world on the other side.


It was still the mysterious shadow standing with a sword.

This time, the mysterious black shadow didn’t speak at all, and directly split the world with a ruthless sword, and slashed at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen still made an understatement and defeated with a single finger, and continued to move towards the Tianyuan Hall.

The scope of the Tianyuan Palace’s hundred feet is obviously the test left by Ji Tianyuan. Every step closer to the Tianyuan Palace, he has to bear the sword left by Ji Tianyuan.


The closer you get to the Tianyuan Temple, the more profound and powerful the attack you endure.

After initially grasping the rules of the Tianyuan Hall test, Jiang Chen began to walk towards the gate of the Tianyuan Hall with all his strength.

After more than ten steps in a row, Jiang Chen took a walk in a leisurely courtyard, almost without any obstacles.

After about thirty steps.

The attack Jiang Chen faced with each step was that Ascension had reached a whole new level, and the speed had also slowed down a lot.


Although the test of the Tianyuan Palace is increasing with every step, Jiang Chen’s powerful combat power is comparable to that of the God King Third Stage Heaven, and it is not difficult to deal with it.

Not long.

The distance of one hundred feet from the entrance of Tianyuan Hall was more than half of Jiang Chen’s walk in an instant.

“This kid… how can he be so strong?”

Ji Ziling looked at Jiang Chen who was about to approach Tianyuan, and there was an incredible horror in his eyes.

The test of the Tianyuan Palace is mainly aimed at talent and potential, not simply relying on strength.

From the Heavenly God Realm to the current two-star Tianzun, he will come to try every Cultivation Base Ascension. As a result, he found that with his Cultivation Base Ascension, the difficulty of the test of the Tianyuan Temple is also Ascension.

It is precisely because of this.

The number of steps Ji Ziling insisted on in the Tianyuan Temple test was only ten more steps than when he was in the Heavenly God Realm, and it was at least one-third of the distance from the Tianyuan Temple.

But the black-clothed youth in front of him surpassed his steps without any effort.

Even if this kid is a three-star earth, it is impossible to be heaven-defying, right?

Is it true that there is such a big gap between two-star and three-star?

this moment.

For the first time in history, Ji Ziling felt regretful.

Knowing this a long time ago, he shouldn’t be eager for success when he was a god-ranked god, but slowly reached the god-ranked god, maybe he would have already included the inheritance of the Tianyuan Temple.

“It seems that Jiang Chen Dage will succeed.”

Looking at the situation in front of her, Ji Lingwei couldn’t help but murmured.

She spent some time with Jiang Chen in the wasteland of a hundred races and witnessed the miracles that happened to Jiang Chen with her own eyes. She naturally knew how terrifying Jiang Chen’s talent was.

Although the test of Tianyuan Palace was terrifying, it was impossible for ordinary people to stop Jiang Chen.

In her opinion.

If even Jiang Chen doesn’t have the qualification to enter the Tianyuan Temple and gain the inheritance inside, I am afraid that no one in this world really has that qualification.

In this way, Jiang Chen slowly walked towards the Tianyuan Hall.

Not long.

Jiang Chen had already arrived at a distance of less than ten steps from the Tianyuan Temple.

Jiang Chen stepped out, and the whole person seemed to be in a starry sky.

Above the starry sky, a dark shadow looked at Jiang Chen indifferently, raising his hand to swing a light sword.

This sword seems to be plain, without the slightest fluctuation, but it contains an inexplicable kendo power, giving people a feeling of not dare to watch.


This piece was already at the level of the god king, enough to pose a threat to the general three-star heavenly sovereign.

“It deserves to be the test set by the Ninth Stage Heavenly Swordsman God King, it is not a normal horror.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but breathe in his heart.

The tenth step from the bottom of the test is already so strong, and the remaining nine steps are probably even more difficult than one.

No wonder Tianyuan Temple has been in the Ji clan for so many years.

This test of Tianyuan Palace, even if it is a monster genius who has reached the three-star Celestial Venerable, I am afraid it will be difficult to pass.

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