Chapter 2127 You Are Too Weak

Tianyuan Temple.

An ancient Great Hall independent from the center of the Ji clan, and also the former residence of Ji Tianyuan, a generation prince of the Ji clan.


Ji Tianyuan’s deadline was approaching, and he left the Ji clan to seek the opportunity to break through to dominate the realm, and sealed his life-long inheritance in the Tianyuan Hall, waiting for the Ji clan’s genius of swordsmanship to open.


Over the years, the Ji clan has never been able to show a genius of swordsmanship who can enter the eyes of Ji Tianyuan, and the Tianyuan Palace has been kept in the dust of the Ji clan.

Because Ji Tianyuan comes from Ji Lingwei’s line.

Therefore, when they left the Human Emperor Hall a million years ago and moved from the Central Region to the Eastern Region, they also moved the Tianyuan Hall.

Under the leadership of Ji Lingwei, Jiang Chen quickly came to a Great Hall in the center of the Ji clan.

This Great Hall looks very ordinary, only a simple atmosphere faintly radiates from the Great Hall, as if it came from the ancient floods, giving people a very long-lasting mysterious feeling.

“Is this the Tianyuan Hall?”

Jiang Chen looked at the Great Hall in front of him, with a strange look in his eyes.

At this moment.

A hundred meters away from the main entrance of Tianyuan Hall, there was a purple-clothed youth slowly walking towards Tianyuan Hall.

This purple-clothed youth has a very strong aura, and the whole person is like a peerless sword, exuding an unpredictable edge.

With Jiang Chen’s eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that this purple-clothed youth Cultivation Base has reached the two-star Celestial Realm.


Even with the strength of the purple-clothed youth, every time he took a step forward, he seemed very strenuous, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

After a while.

After the purple-clothed youth walked more than ten steps toward the Tianyuan Palace, he finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

He trembled all over, and the whole person was retreated for more than ten meters, and a touch of red blood was constantly spilling from the corner of his mouth.

“Jiang Chen Dage, he is Ji Ziling, one of the three geniuses of my Ji clan today.”

“This guy is also the strongest kendo talent of the Ji clan today. He often comes to the Tianyuan Hall, wanting to open the Tianyuan Hall and gain the inheritance of the kendo inside.”

“It’s just that for so many years, he still has no qualifications to connect to the Near Tianyuan Temple.”

Ji Lingwei looked at the purple-clothed youth outside the Tianyuan Temple and couldn’t help shaking her head and sighed.

Tianyuan Temple has existed in the Ji clan for at least hundreds of millions of years.

In the past hundreds of millions of years, although the Ji clan has not appeared as an astonishing genius in swordsmanship like Ji Tianyuan, there have also been many existences that are more outstanding than Ji Ziling.

But still no one can get the inheritance in the Tianyuan Palace.

It can be said.

With Ji Ziling’s talent, it is almost impossible to open the Tianyuan Palace.

“I’ll try it.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were slightly hesitating, and then he strode towards Tianyuan Hall.

“Boy, who are you, what are you doing in Tianyuan Hall?”

At this moment, Ji Ziling also spotted Jiang Chen walking straight towards the Tianyuan Hall, and could not help shouting sternly.

Jiang Chen directly ignored Ji Ziling’s existence, and almost all his attention was eagerly focused on the Tianyuan Hall in front of him.

“Boy, if you dare to take a step closer to the Tianyuan Hall, you can blame me for being polite.”

Ji Ziling’s face was cold, a purple long sword appeared out of thin air in his hand, the sword pointed at Jiang Chen, and the whole person exuded a violent killing intent.

Seeing this, Ji Lingwei couldn’t help but stepped forward quickly and shouted softly: “Ji Ziling, by the order of the patriarch, I will bring Jiang Chen Dage to the Tianyuan Hall, don’t you hurry up!”

“This is impossible!”

Ji Ziling’s complexion suddenly became unpleasant and looked like: “The Tianyuan Temple is a legacy of my Ji clan ancestors. How could the patriarch let an outsider come here?”

Ji Lingwei said coldly: “Ji Ziling, if you don’t believe me, you can ask the patriarch yourself.”

Ji Ziling’s eyes sank slightly.

Ji Ziling actually knew exactly where Tianyuan Palace was.

If Ji Lingwei did not get the permission of the patriarch, she would never dare to treat people here at will.


For so many years, Ji Ziling has always regarded the inheritance in the Tianyuan Temple as something in his own bag.

He believed.

As long as you persevere, one day you can enter the Tianyuan Temple and gain the inheritance of swordsmanship inside.

Suddenly someone came to Tianyuan Hall to compete with him for the inheritance of swordsmanship. This was something Ji Ziling couldn’t accept anyway.

Ji Ziling squinted her eyes and stared at Jiang Chen coldly and said, “Boy, since the patriarch can let you come to Tianyuan Palace, it seems that your talent in swordsmanship should be very good?”


Jiang Chen smiled faintly, very casually.

“In that case, let me see your kendo strength.”

Ji Ziling stared at Jiang Chen fully wary: “If your kendo talent is inferior to mine, I think where you come from and where to go back, don’t come to Tianyuan Palace to be embarrassed.”

“You are too weak, I am not interested.”

Jiang Chen shook his head, then shook his way around Ji Ziling and headed towards Tianyuan Hall.

Although the two-star Tianzun is already a very powerful existence in the realm of the gods, in the eyes of Jiang Chen, it is no different from the ants.

With this kind of existence, Jiang Chen didn’t even have any interest in doing it.

Seeing that Jiang Chen dared to despise himself so much, Ji Ziling’s eyes couldn’t help but a look of anger and anger appeared.

He is a genius of the Ji family, and Cultivation Base has reached the two-star Tianzun.

The guy in front of him is only in the Earthly Sovereign Realm, even the strongest three-star Earthly Sovereign in the Earth Sovereign Realm, he has the confidence to fight.

A fellow of Earthly Sovereign Realm, where does the courage come from to say that he is too weak?

“Humph! What a big tone, I want to see how strong you can be!”

The purple long sword in Ji Ziling’s hand shook, directly piercing the space in front of him, and a sword pierced Jiang Chen’s eyebrows.

Jiang Chen’s face was expressionless, two fingers stuck out silently, and he clamped the purple long sword impartially.


I saw the fingers of the purple long sword of Jiang Chen’s family, flicking the sword slightly, and Ji Ziling’s figure flew out like a kite with a broken wire.

Seeing this, Ji Lingwei couldn’t help but shook her head secretly.

Jiang Chen is a heaven-defying existence who masters the power of the ten Dao in the Heavenly God Realm, and the Heavenly God Realm has the ability to defeat the one-star Tianzun.

Now that the breakthrough realm god realm can defeat even the great power of the god king realm, Ji Ziling wants to do it in front of Jiang Chen, but is only insulting himself.

“This… this is not true!”

Ji Ziling stabilized his figure in embarrassment, his eyes were dull, and his mouth also let out an unbelievable roar.

His dignified two-star Heavenly Sovereign was beaten by an Earthly Sovereign Realm so much that he could not fight back.

This… how is this f*ck possible?

Ji Ziling looked incredulous, the origin of kendo in his body was spurred to the extreme, and once again he slashed at Jiang Chen…

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