Chapter 2070 Going to the Soul Eater Protoss

There are a total of nine palaces with reliefs of gods and kings in Shenglong Tiangong.

Among the nine reliefs of the gods, except for the one that contains the avenue of destruction, the power of the avenue of the gods on the other eight reliefs is the power that Jiang Chen has mastered.

In the past two years, Jiang Chen has also used these reliefs of the gods to realize the power of the eight worlds to the Consummation Realm.

“Next is the power of the life world and the power of the soul world.”

Feeling the power he has now, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a low murmur.

Regarding the power of the world of life, Jiang Chen didn’t worry at all.

Because on him, there is a branch of the sacred tree of life!

The tree of life was born in the beginning of Chaos, and it is one of the three god-tier trees in the domain of God. The life force contained in it even surpasses the power of the life avenue that the god king can control.

these years.

Under the nourishment of the sacred tree of life, Jiang Chen’s Ascension of the way of life has never stopped.

Now Jiang Chen’s power of life world is already at the pinnacle of the road, only one step away from the Realm of Consummation.

Even if he does not interfere, the power of the world of life will not take long to reach Consummation Realm.


The only thing Jiang Chen needs to do next is to Ascension the final soul power to Realm.

The power of the soul world is the last three powers of the world that Jiang Chen condensed, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate. It is almost the weakest of the ten powers of Jiang Chen, and it has been in Xiaocheng Realm.

After Jiang Chen explored the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, he did not find any resources in the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace that would help soul cultivation.


Even though there are many Martial Dao inheritances in the Sacred Dragon Temple, the Soul Dao is something that the Sacred Dragon Temple is not good at at all.

“It seems that you have to find a way to get some treasures that help soul cultivation.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and immediately he left the Holy Dragon Palace with a flash of figure.

Since Shenglong Tiangong doesn’t have the resources of Ascension Soul Dao, it doesn’t make any sense for him to stay here.

This time, he has been cultivating in the Sacred Dragon Heaven Palace for two years, planning to go out first to see the situation of Master Ancient Profound Dao, and then consider how to complete the power of the Soul Dao world.

After coming out of Shenglong Tiangong, Jiang Chen’s figure flashed, and he went directly to the room where the Ancient Profound Dao was.

“Jiang Chen, are you out?”

Seeing Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, Li Jian who had been guarding Gu Profound Dao’s side, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

I haven’t seen him for two years. Although Jiang Chen’s Realm hasn’t changed in the slightest, Li Jian can clearly feel that Jiang Chen’s strength has become much stronger again.

Jiang Chen nodded, and then his gaze fell on Gu Xuan Dao’s body.

He looked at the Ancient Profound Dao who was still lying there quietly, and his brows couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly: “Li senior, hasn’t the power in my master’s body eating and breaking palms removed? Why haven’t he woken up yet?”

“Do not worry.”

Li Jian smiled slightly and said: “If I guess right, this is a cultivation state of the ancient spirit god sect god king Cultivation Technique dream spirit god technique. Once the ancient profound way wakes up, the strength will definitely take a qualitative leap.”

“So, Li senior, Master will trouble you to take care of it. I am going to leave the Wood Spirit Protoss for a while.”

Since Master had no problem and couldn’t wake up for a while, Jiang Chen decided to look for the treasure of Ascension Soul Dao Power, and Ascension Soul Dao Power to Realm Consummation.

Hearing this, Li Jian couldn’t help but froze for a moment: “Are you leaving the Wood Spirit Protoss?”

Jiang Chen didn’t hide it either, nodded and said: “Yes, I plan to go to the Soul Eater Protoss.”

Among the hundred-ethnic wasteland, the most abundant resources are undoubtedly the eight god-tier tribe with a long heritage.

The Soul Eater is the best at soul cultivation among the eight god-tier races.

If the resources that contribute to the cultivation of Soul Dao in the wasteland of a hundred races are the most, it is undoubtedly the Soul Eater Protoss.

Li Jian hesitated slightly and said, “Although the eight god-tier races of the Hundred Clan Wasteland do not have the power to sit in the god-king realm, after all, the ancient big clan with the background of the gods, you should be careful.”

“Senior Li, don’t worry, I have my own measures.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and disappeared in front of Li Jian in a flash.

Soul Eater Protoss, Forbidden Land Temple.

Soul-killing Tianzun respectfully said to the golem in the center of the temple: “Ancestor, I don’t know why you called me here this time?”

The faintly excited voice of the golem instantly rang in the Great Hall.

“Exterminate the soul, go quickly to find a body for me, at least the body of a genius of the gods and gods.”

Hearing these words, Soul Destruction Tianzun couldn’t help but a look of joy appeared in his eyes: “Old Ancestor, you…have you succeeded?”

The golem faintly said: “Yes, in the past two years, this seat has developed a secret technique. Only you can find a body of the gods and gods, and you can hold my soul in a short time.”

After failing to fight for the spirit fruit of life two years ago, the ancestor of the Soul Eater Protoss had to change his original plan.


The ancestors of the Soul Eater Protoss wanted to restore the soul to the peak state first, and then directly reshaped the body.

But I didn’t expect the plan to be repeatedly blocked.


The ancestors of the Soul Eater Protoss will use these two years to research a secret technique and prepare to seize a body first.

By the time.

Even if he can’t display the strength of the peak period, he can at least display part of the power of the god king realm, and he is almost invincible in this hundred race wasteland.

With this kind of power, he can directly kill the Wood Spirit Protoss and take the life spirit fruit, so that his soul can be completely restored, and then he can reshape his body and return to the peak.

Although using this secret technique to seize his body will also have a certain impact on his soul, but the ancestor of the soul-eater, the ancestors can no longer take care of so much now.

The fierce souls in the Black Mist Forest were almost completely slaughtered by Jiang Chen, and he wanted to raise them in captivity again, but he didn’t know how long it would take.

He wanted to repeat the peak, only to get the life spirit fruit of the wood spirit god race.

With the strength of the Soul Eater Protoss, it was impossible to get him the spirit fruit of life.

The ancestors of the Soul Eater Protoss had no choice but to choose to seize the house temporarily and personally go to the Wood Spirit Protoss to take the life spirit fruit!

“Ancestor, is it only possible to have a body above the gods of the gods?”

Hearing what the ancestor said, Soul Destruction Tianzun couldn’t help but twist his brows tightly.

God-level gods are extremely rare geniuses in the wasteland of a hundred races. Even in the eight god-tier family, they are rare.

After their Soul Eater Protoss broke through the two-star Venerable in Tuhe, now they don’t even have the genius of the God-Rank Heaven and God Realm.

As for the other tribes of the eight god-tier tribes, there are not many god-tier gods. And these gods and gods are the key protection targets of all races.

It is not an easy time to catch a holy god to come to the Soul Eater Protoss.

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