Chapter 2069 The Relief Of The God King In The Holy Dragon Palace

Wood Spirit Protoss, in a quiet room.

After Jiang Chen settled everything, he directly took out the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, and then stepped into it.

The Holy Dragon Palace is not only the artifact created by the Saint Dragon King, but also the core of the Saint Dragon Palace created by the Saint Dragon King. It can be said to have all the heritage of the Saint Dragon Palace.

This time.

Jiang Chen intends to use the resources of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace to submerge for a period of time in the Closed Door Training of the Wood Spirit Protoss, striving to break through the realm of God in one fell swoop.

Jiang Chen sank into the Holy Dragon Temple, and soon appeared on the square in the center of the Holy Dragon Temple.

“Without the breath of that old fellow, is the temple spirit of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace still asleep?”

Jiang Chen felt the situation in the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, and he couldn’t help but shook his head secretly.

Since the last time he went to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, the temple spirit of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace has been in a deep sleep for some reason, and has not been awakened until now.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t know what happened in this, it must have something to do with going to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

after all.

The spirits of the Golden Winged Condor tribe’s artifact, Tianying Shensuo, were not allowed to enter the Golden Winged Condor tribe’s ancestors, and the Holy Dragon Heaven’s Palace Spirit might have encountered some troubles because of this.


As the owner of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, Jiang Chen could feel that the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace Spirit was just falling asleep, and there was no danger, so he didn’t care too much.

He came to the Holy Dragon Temple this time, just wanting to use the Ascension Cultivation Base of the Holy Dragon Temple.

As the power of the gods created by the Saint Dragon King, the Saint Dragon Heavenly Palace not only has many cultivation resources, but also has many treasures for the cultivation of the Saint Dragon Heavenly Palace disciples.

Jiang Chen Divine Sense quickly swept across the Holy Dragon Palace, and appeared directly in a huge palace in the next instant.

The palace was extremely empty, Jiang Chen glanced slightly, and instantly fell on the huge relief in front of the palace.

The relief depicts a swordsman in white clothed with a jade tree facing the wind, and his body exudes a mysterious aura of the ancient and wild.

Jiang Chen just glanced at it, and he felt a breathtaking kendo power coming from him.

Even with Jiang Chen’s current strength, under the pressure of this kendo divine might, he couldn’t help feeling a kind of palpitations.

“What a terrible swordsmanship, the swordsman in white on this relief is a swordsman from ancient times and even ancient times!”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shudder in his heart.

A relief sculpture of the King of Swordsmanship, on which the power of the King of Swordsmanship still faintly remains!

If you can see this relief in front of Insight all the year round, it will surely make people cultivate on the way of kendo with twice the result with half the effort.

“Unexpectedly, there is such a relief in the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.”

Jiang Chen looked at the relief in front of him, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Although the Saint Dragon King is a god-king realm power from the ancient Saint-Dragon tribe, it is able to create such a god-king weapon as the Saint-Long Tiangong, but it is absolutely impossible to create a relief containing the power of the sword-doing god-king in the Saint-Long Tiangong.

The reliefs in front of me, in all likelihood, Saint Dragon King got this Saint Dragon Palace from elsewhere!


Based on Jiang Chen’s mastery of the Holy Dragon Temple, there are nine palaces like the one in front of him!

In those palaces, it is very likely that there are also reliefs that contain the power of the Great Way of the King!

“I don’t know where the Saint Dragon King got these reliefs.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and a touch of shock that was hard to conceal passed in his heart.

The holy Dragon King who created the holy dragon heavenly palace is worthy of daring to betray the existence of the ancient holy dragon clan. I am afraid it is more difficult than he thought.

Jiang Chen shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He sat cross-legged directly in the middle of the Great Hall, and Insight picked up the sword of the god king on the relief.

The power of his kendo world has already reached its peak, and now with this relief, with the blessing of the system, it is only a breeze to reach Consummation Realm.

“Ding! Your Insight God King Kendo, trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! The power of your kendo world has gained experience 666666*100!”

“Ding! Your Insight God King Kendo, trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! The power of your kendo world gains experience 666666*100!


“Ding! Your kendo world power reaches Consummation Realm!”

As Jiang Chen continued to learn about the King of Swordsmanship, in less than half a month, Jiang Chen finally cultivated the first power of the world to the Consummation Realm.

After the power of the kendo world was completed, Jiang Chen did not stay too much in this palace, but appeared directly in the next palace.

The relief in this palace is a man in palace costume standing proudly in the mysterious sea of ​​fire. He was dancing wildly with red head, looking like a flame king.

If the ordinary Heavenly Divine Realm took a look, I am afraid that even the Divine Soul would have a feeling of being burned into nothingness.

“It is another god king who is in charge of the power of the fire attribute. It seems to be the same as I guessed.”

Looking at the Flame King in the relief, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

He took a deep breath, no longer hesitating at the moment, and continued to insight into the power of the fire attribute God King Dao on the relief.

“Ding! The power of your Insight Fire attribute God King Dao, triggers a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! The power of your fire world gains experience 666666*100!”

“Ding! The power of your Insight Fire attribute God King Dao, triggers a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! The power of your fire world gains experience 666666*100!


The power of Jiang Chen’s world of fire is still in the great Realm, and it is undoubtedly much weaker than the power of the world of kendo of Realm, which is already at the pinnacle of the road.


Jiang Chen’s time spent in cultivation this time was naturally much more than the power of Insight Swordsmanship.

It took him more than ten days to Ascension the power of the World of Fire to the peak Realm, and then it took him nearly a month to Ascension the Power of the World of Fire to Realm.

After the fire world was completed, Jiang Chen continued to enter the next palace.

The relief in this palace is a mysterious figure shrouded in the light of extinction, like a thunder god who controls thunder.

Jiang Chen stayed in this Great Hall for more than a month, and realized the power of Thunder World to the Realm.

for the rest of the time.

Jiang Chen has been in the Holy Dragon Palace almost all the time, constantly insight into the power of the God King’s Avenue on these god king reliefs.

After spending close to two years.

Except for the power of the life world and the power of the soul world, Jiang Chen’s other eight world powers almost all successfully reached the Consummation Realm.


Shenglong Tiangong does not contain the relief of the gods of the Dao of Life and the Dao of Soul.

If Jiang Chen wanted to complete these two powers, he could only find another way.

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