Chapter 2060 Chaos War

The aura of dozens of world spirits filled the entire square almost instantly.

Even if Tianzun Qingmu urged the formation to isolate the space in the center of the square, it still made many people feel depressed.

In the center of the square, chaos continued to spread.

Almost in the blink of an eye, some weaker contestants retreated from the center of the square in embarrassment.


The chaos in the field did not affect the gods of the eight god-tier clan.

They still stood proudly in place, silently watching the chaotic battle in the arena, and they didn’t seem to have the intention of making a move easily.

“Nothing Flame, Ziyulong, don’t waste time.”

“The ownership of the spirit fruit of this life will only arise from the three of us. How about we first join hands to clear out the miscellaneous fish around, and then we will decide the outcome?”

At this moment, Niu Tiangen, the god son of the colorful sacred cow tribe, glanced at the surrounding situation, and finally couldn’t help but utter a voice.

Ziyulong Urn, the god son of the Zijin Bear clan, said: “Yes, I have no opinion.”

Heaven-swallowing Jiao Clan God Child Void Yan’s eyes flashed, and he nodded and said: “Okay, let’s do it together.”

Xu Wuyan was also very clear in his heart, this time the struggle for life spirit fruit, the two people in front of him were his biggest opponents.

As for other people, even the god sons of the other four races, Xu Wuyan didn’t take it seriously.


Although Void Flame does not put others in the eyes, it takes a lot of effort to clear these dozens of geniuses from the field.

Once the consumption is too large, it will be very unfavorable for the next battle with Niu Tiangen and Ziyulong for the life spirit fruit.


It is undoubtedly the best choice for the three to clear the court at the same time, and then proceed to the final battle.

“Do it.”

When Xu Wuyan’s voice fell, he raised his hand and waved at the young man closest to him. The young man’s figure suddenly flew out of the field like a broken kite.

the other side.

Niu Tiangen and Zi Yulong did not hesitate, and almost simultaneously swept the two young geniuses out of the field.

Seeing that the three top gods of the eight god-tier clan made their shots at the same time, the expressions of many young geniuses in the field changed drastically.

“Everyone shot together!”

A young genius looked at the Void Flame that had attacked him, and quickly screamed in anger, then greeted several companions to collide with the oncoming Void Flame.


The gap between these ordinary geniuses and Wu Wuyan was too big to be stopped. They were defeated almost instantly and had to admit defeat and leave the field.

The three of Xu Wuyan suppressed countless young geniuses with incomparable domineering power.

In less than a moment, more than a dozen young geniuses were forced out of the court by Xu Wuyan.

“Everyone comes to my side and fights with me against the three of them!”

Just as the many geniuses in the field, under the attack of the Wu Wuyan trio, fleeing like a frightened bird, the scream of the soul-eater god son Tuhe also instantly rang in the center of the square.

Tu He hadn’t planned to shoot so quickly, but he didn’t expect the three of Xu Wuyan to join forces to clear the field.

These three people join forces, even if he is the god son of the other three races, he may not be the opponent of the three people of Xu Wuyan.

It is precisely because of this.

Tu He decided to summon all the remaining contestants, and then use these people to consume the power of the three people to the greatest extent, so that he can have a greater chance of winning in the next competition.

Those young geniuses who fled in a panic heard Tu He’s words, and they immediately gathered towards Tu He as if they had found the backbone of the master.

For a time.

The chaotic battlefield in the center of the square immediately divided into two distinct camps.

One is the three of Xu Wuyan, and the other is the many geniuses headed by Tu He.

Jiang Chen was located in a corner just behind Tu He, quietly watching everything that happened in the field.

When he saw that Tu He was about to gather all the forces in the field to fight against the three of Void Yan, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

“This guy has a bit of courage.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but glanced at the god of the Soul Eater Protoss.

Obviously, this guy wanted to gather all his powers to defeat the three of Xu Wuyan, so as to grab food from his mouth.

“Tu He, what do you mean?”

Seeing that Tu He had gathered all the people in the field, the complexions of the three of Xu Wuyan also suddenly became unsightly.

Although Tu He and others are slightly inferior to the three of them, they are also the gods of the eight god-tier tribe.

If these four gods join forces and gather the power of about thirty young geniuses in the field, even if the three of them can deal with it, it might not be an easy task.

Tu He smiled coldly and said, “It’s meaningless. Every time you fight for the spirit fruit of life, the three of you have profited. This time is also the time for us to share a piece of the pie.”

“Humph! Tu He, you are too naive!”

Niu Tiangen said with a look of disdain: “Do you think that by gathering these miscellaneous fishes together, you can compete with the three of us and fight for the fruit of life?”

“Can you try it and you’ll know.”

Tu He fought against each other, and didn’t mean to back down at all.

The spirit fruit of life is very important to the Soul Eater Protoss, and he must do his best to win the game.

He joined forces with the other three divine sons, and the gap between him and the three of Xu Wuyan should not be too big. Coupled with the strength of these geniuses in the field, there may not be no chance of winning.

“Good! Good! Good!”

“Tu He, since you have to find your own way, then we will fulfill you!”

The trio of Xu Wuyan laughed in anger, and immediately a monstrous swallowing force burst out of their bodies, and violently killed them towards Tuhe.

Tu He’s expression changed, and he joined forces with Ju Wugang, the god son of the Giant Spirit Protoss, to face the nihilism.

On the other side, Wei Jue, son of the Three Poison Protoss, and Zhu Qianying, son of the Sky Spider Protoss, jointly blocked the Purple Jade Dragon.

The remaining 30 young geniuses are fighting with the last Niu Tiangen.

Although Wuwuyan and Ziyulong are much stronger than the Tuhe four, if they are to be one enemy and two, they will not be able to take advantage of them for a while.

Niu Tiangen also failed to gain the upper hand in the face of the siege of thirty geniuses from the realm of the gods.

The battle in the field has actually entered a stalemate, and no one can do anything for a while.


With the passage of time, Niu Tiangen finally seized some flaws and flew several young geniuses out of the field one after another.

After solving several young geniuses one after another, Niu Tiangen appeared ghostly behind this group of geniuses.

He swept his gaze slightly, directly locked on Jiang Chen in the corner, and then threw a punch at Jiang Chen like lightning…

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