Chapter 2059 The Competition Begins

After the gathering of eight god-tier clans.

Among the Wood Spirit Protoss, a handsome middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing also walked slowly to the center of the square in the sight of everyone.

This handsome middle-aged man is the patriarch of the Wood Spirit Protoss, Tianzun Aoki.

“Everyone, it’s the time when the life spirit fruit of my Wood Spirit Protoss is mature again. As usual, the Wood Spirit Protoss will take out two life spirits for everyone to compete for.”

“I hope everyone can abide by the rules and don’t have any crooked minds, otherwise, don’t blame my Wood Spirit Protoss for being rude!”

Tianzun Aoki swept his gaze across the square, but his faint voice contained an indescribable power and some weaker ones, and his body would almost involuntarily tremble slightly.

As one of the eight god-tier tribes in the wasteland, the wood spirit tribe is the most mysterious existence of the eight god-tier tribes although its strength ranks in the middle of the eight god-tier tribes.

The entire wasteland of the Hundred Races, even if it was as strong as the Sky-Swallowing Flood Dragon Race, had to give the Wood Spirit God Race a bit of Face.

As the patriarch of the Wood Spirit God Race, Qingmu Tianzun’s words are naturally very deterrent.

Seeing that there was no voice of dissent in the field, Tianzun Qingmu began to announce the rules of contention for life spirit fruit.

“This time the rules of the life spirit fruit competition are still the same as before. Every force can send a genius up to long live to participate. The game will be played in a melee until the two remaining people are over. Now all are invited to participate. All the people of the spirit fruit of life come in.”


Just after Aoki Tianzun announced the rules, there was a burst of wind breaking through the square around the square.

The next moment…

I saw a series of extraordinary figures from years ago quickly burst out from around the square, and finally appeared in the center of the square randomly, each looking at each other with vigilant faces.

Life spirit fruit, such as heaven and earth gods, is a dream treasure for any power in the wasteland of a hundred races.


Although other races in the Hundred Clan Wasteland are far inferior to the eight god-tier races, there are still many forces who want to take a fight.

Although since ancient times, the struggle for the spirit fruit of life has almost all fallen into the hands of the eight god-tier tribes. But it’s not that there have been exceptions.

after all.

The struggle for life and spiritual fruit is carried out in a situation of melee. Such a method of contention will produce great variables, and it will invisibly give other races a chance.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, he was caught directly among the many contestants and came to the center of the square.

As the contestants entered the arena, in the flying Magic Treasures of the eight god-tier tribes, there were also figures flying out one after another, and then falling lightly into the center of the square.

“The god son Tuhe of the Soul Eater Protoss, the god son Ju Wugang of the giant spirit gods, the son Wei Jue of the three poison gods, the god son Zhu Qianying of the sky spider gods…”

Seeing the four people who appeared one after another, many people around the square couldn’t help but exclaimed.

The gods of the eight god-tier tribes are all famous geniuses in the wasteland of a hundred tribes. Their appearance naturally pushed the atmosphere in the field to the climax in an instant.

In the center of the square, many contestants looked at the appearance of the four and hurriedly backed away.

very quickly.

The area within a hundred feet of the four people was instantly transformed into a vacuum zone.


Participants from other forces know the strength of the four, so they naturally want to stay a little bit farther away, and don’t want to collide head-on with the gods of the eight god-tier tribe in the first place.

But not long after the soul-eater, the god son Tuhe and others appeared.

On the side of the colorful sacred cow clan, a domineering young man with horns on his head and covered in colorful brilliance also landed suddenly.

On the side of the Purple Bear Clan, a burly youth in purple clothes stepped out of the sky, and his whole body also exuded an overbearing aura.

At the end of the Sky-Swallowing Jiao Clan, a black-clothed youth slowly walked out.

The aura of the black-clothed youth’s expression, although not as powerful as the previous two, vaguely gave people a feeling of extreme danger.

Niu Tiangen, the god son of the colorful sacred ox clan!

Ziyulong, the god son of the Zijin bear clan!

Heaven-swallowing Jiao Clan God Child Void Flame!

As soon as the three of them appeared, the eyes of everyone on the square were all concentrated on the three of them.

These three are from the top three races of the eight god-tier races, and they are also the three most dazzling geniuses in the wasteland of the hundred races, and this time the most competitive contender for the life spirit fruit.

Jiang Chen’s eyes swept over the many contestants in the center of the square, and an uncontrollable exclamation appeared on his face.

God’s Domain Continent is worthy of being the most complete and ancient place in God’s Domain.

The quantity and quality of geniuses born in an area such as the wasteland of a hundred races far surpassed the realm of Zhenwu Great Realm.

This time the struggle for life spirit fruit, more than fifty geniuses participated in the competition, and they were all the existence of the breakthrough world god Venerable.

Most of the breath is far beyond the ordinary world god Venerable, I am afraid at least it is a one-star Venerable breakthrough with the super-grade god.

The son of the eight god-tier tribe is also a two-star Venerable promoted as a super-grade god.

Especially the three people headed by Tianwuyan from the Sky-Swallowing Jiao clan, their auras are not inferior to the four great arrogances of the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple.


Jiang Chen didn’t care too much about this either.

He originally thought that in this fight for life spirit fruit, his opponent would be the patriarch of the eight god-tier clan.

These guys not only reached the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign Cultivation Base, but they all have the background of the god king.

If it is one-on-one, Jiang Chen will naturally not have the slightest fear.

But he wanted to swallow two life spirit fruits by himself, but it was not an easy task.

But he didn’t expect that the rules of the life spirit fruit competition will also be carried out by the younger generation, which is undoubtedly much easier for Jiang Chen.

“It’s almost time, let’s start.”

Seeing that the gods of the god-tier clan were all entering the arena, Tianzun Aoki’s faint voice echoed slowly over the square again.

With Qing Mu Tianzun’s words, the atmosphere in the square instantly became dignified.

There are dozens of geniuses in the field, their eyes are full of extremely vigilant looks, and many people even choose to group in groups.

Although only the two standing in the end are qualified to obtain the life spirit fruit, they are still in the early stage of the melee. If you want to survive this melee for longer, the best way is undoubtedly to get warm.


Under the gaze of countless eyes around the square, the atmosphere in the field finally tightened to an unbearable point.

Someone could not help launching an attack at the opponent beside him first.

The fight between the two immediately caused the tense atmosphere in the field to be instantly broken, and the power of the world gods of different attributes also instantly raged in mid-air.

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