Chapter 2054 Defeated The Soul Destroyer Heavenly Sovereign

“I do not believe!”

Soul-killing Tianzun flew out from the shattered space in embarrassment, and also let out an unbelievable roar in his mouth.

I saw that he once again swallowed a drop of the God King Blood Essence, and used the God King’s great technique to kill Jiang Chen.


Regarding the behavior of the Soul-killing Heavenly Sovereign, Jiang Chen had no fear at all, and directly urged the Taixu Sacred Dragon Figure with all his strength, and violently collided with the Soul-killing Heavenly Sovereign.


The void exploded, chaos tumbling.

The body of Miserable Soul Tianzun was beaten upside down once again, and even his body was constantly cracking open. The red blood of the gods almost dyed the black robe on his body into a demon red.


Kill you while you are sick!

Jiang Chen obviously didn’t intend to take any chance to breathe with Mie Hun Tian Zun, the shocking fist that gathered ten powers directly blasted at Mie Hun Tian Zun.

Soul-killing Tianzun’s pupils shrank, and he had to swallow a drop of God King Blood Essence again.

at the same time.

On the palm of his palm, a dark token exuding the power of the great avenue also appeared ghostly.

Soul Destruction Tianzun gathered the power of his whole body to urge the token, and a terrifying black glow suddenly burst out from the token, sweeping down the void like a light of destruction, annihilating the fist that shook the world and the earth cleanly.

“Jiang Chen, wait for me, my Soul Eater Protoss will definitely not let you go!”

After Soul-killing Tianzun urged the token to defeat Jiang Chen’s attack, his figure directly cut through the space and blasted towards the outside of the ancient city.

Jiang Chen holds the power of the Ten Dao, and his combat power is completely beyond the imagination of Soul Destruction Heavenly Sovereign. Even if he uses the God King Blood Essence, he is not an opponent at all.

Now that the three drops of God King Blood Essence on his body have all been used, if he doesn’t leave quickly, I’m afraid he will really fall here today.

“It’s worthy of being the top figure in the eight god-tier tribe of the wasteland of the hundred races, but there are a lot of cards.”

Seeing the soul-killing Tianzun left in a panic, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but mutter to himself.

Although the eight god-tier clan of the wasteland of a hundred races has long been without the power of the god king realm, after all, they are the quasi-god king clan with the background of the god king, and the strength is far better than the general realm god clan.

As the patriarch of the Soul Eater Protoss, this soul-killing Tianzun has an endless stream of cards. Not only did he have a lot of God King Blood Essence on his body, the black token that was sacrificed at the end was a genuine God King artifact.

It is precisely because of this.

Jiang Chen didn’t chase down the Heavenly Sovereign Miserable Soul.

He could easily defeat the Heavenly Sovereign Soul Miser, but it would take a lot of effort to kill and fight back against the Heavenly Sovereign Soul Miser.

Through this battle, Jiang Chen also has a general understanding of his current combat power.

He is doing his best now, and he should be able to contend with the ordinary power of the god king realm, but it is almost impossible to defeat the power of the god king realm.

“When the matter of the wasteland of the hundred races is over, it seems that we have to cultivate for a period of time and strive to break through the realm of the world in one fell swoop!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

Although with his current strength, there should be few opponents in the first generation of God’s Domain Continent, but this is far from enough for him.

after all.

Jiang Chen has many powerful opponents in the Continent of the Gods. The Tianpeng Protoss, the Ancient Sacred Dragon and the Temple of the Wraiths are all famous powers of the Gods in the Continent of the Gods.


The ancient god-phoenix clan where Meng Qingxue and the two daughters of Gu Feng’er belonged, and the man’s palace related to their father, was also a powerful god-king force.

Only by breaking through the realm of the realm, can he truly be qualified to contend with the forces of these gods.

As for continuing to master the power of the eleven worlds, Jiang Chen didn’t even think about it.

Last time, if he hadn’t obtained the legendary earth crystals in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, and the number of earth crystals was beyond imagination, he would not have been able to master the tenth world power so quickly.

Today, if you want to master the eleventh power, unless you encounter a chance that is ten times more heaven-defying than the last time, even if he has a system in his body, it is almost impossible.


Although the more Martial Dao power he masters, the stronger his strength will be, but it is still the Celestial God Realm after all.

In terms of power level, it is far inferior to the power of the realm god and the power of the God King’s Dao.

It is precisely because of this.

Although the general super-grade gods are comparable to the world gods Venerable, they are likely to be suppressed in battle.

Including the divine deity facing the earthly realm, and the holy deity facing the celestial realm, both are the same.

This is just the power gap between the Heavenly God Realm and the Realm God Realm, and the power level of the Heavenly God Realm and the God King Realm is even worse.


Even if Jiang Chen mastered the power of the ten realms, at most he would have the power to protect himself from the power of the Divine King Realm.

If he continues to try to cultivate the eleventh Martial Dao origin in the Heavenly God Realm now, it will not only be extremely difficult, but for his Ascension, it is also far from the breakthrough realm God Realm.


If there is no special heaven-defying opportunity, Jiang Chen will then complete the power of the ten worlds, thus breaking through the realm of the world in one fell swoop!

“Bing Yuan Tianzun, if your Profound Shuang League has news, immediately send someone to Biyu Pavilion to find me.”

After Jiang Chen watched Miehun Tianzun escape, he directly said to Bingyuan Tianzun, and then disappeared into the sky above the Xuanshuang League under countless shocking gazes.

“This guy, send me away.”

Seeing Jiang Chen disappearing from sight, Bing Yuan Tianzun couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Jiang Chen’s combat power is really heaven-defying to the extreme.

Even the patriarch of the Soul Devouring Protoss at the peak of the dignified Heavenly Sovereign, even in the case of using the God King Blood Essence, is not Jiang Chen’s opponent at all.

Fortunately, he decisively chose to admit counsel just now.


Even if he used the Profound Shuang League’s trump cards, he might not be able to hold Jiang Chen.

After escaping from the ancient city, Soul Destruction Tianzun returned to the Soul Eater Protoss in embarrassment.

Many high-level Soul Eater Protoss saw the miserable appearance of Soul Destruction Heavenly Sovereign, and they couldn’t help taking a breath.

“Patriarch, what happened, how did you suffer such a severe injury?”

A Tianzun of the Soul Eater Protoss couldn’t help but asked with horror on his face.

As for the strength of Soul Destruction Heavenly Sovereign, all the senior leaders of the Soul Devouring Protoss are naturally very clear.

This is one of the few Tianzun peak powerhouses in the Hundred Clan Wasteland, and the entire Hundred Clan Wasteland can contend with it, almost with one hand.

not to mention……

As the patriarch of the Soul Eater Protoss, the Soul-Eater Tianzun holds many cards of the Soul Eater Protoss.

They really couldn’t imagine who could put the Soul Destruction Tianzun like this.

Even if the other races in the eight god-tier clan take action, they may not be able to create such respect for the Soul-killing Heaven, right?

“The mountain ghost clan mistaken me!”

The soul-killing Tianzun looked hard to see the extreme, and said astonishingly: “The person who killed the evil soul of the Black Mist Forest is not a holy god at all, but an existence that surpasses the holy god!”

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