Chapter 2053 Blood Essence

“Old stuff, you know it too late. Since it’s here, then leave it to me forever.”

Jiang Chen grinned at Mie Hun Tianzun, his whole body rushing to the sky.

Since Jiang Chen mastered the power of the ten realms and surpassed the holy gods, there has not been a battle in the true sense.

The old guy in front of him is not only Cultivation Base at the pinnacle of Tianzun, but also the foundation is extremely not weak, but he is an excellent opponent to test his combat power.

Jiang Chen also wanted to know what level of combat power he could achieve now with the power of the ten realms.

“Soul Soul Seal!”

With a move of Jiang Chen’s palm, the first seal of the Human Emperor’s Three Seals instantly squeezed out towards the Soul-killing Tianzun.


In the void, a huge black square seal, like an ancient magic seal, was spotted from hundreds of millions of years ago, causing the sky to shatter and the mountains and rivers to collapse.

“World Destroyed Soul Sea!”

The pupils of Tianzun Mie Hun shrank, and the vast realm god’s origin turned into a deep and dark sea of ​​souls, blocking Jiang Chen’s mark of Mie Hun.


Jiang Chen’s Soul Destruction Seal was originally the nemesis of the Soul Dao power. Even the soul sea of ​​Soul Destruction Tianzun’s all-out force collapsed under this seal.

The body of Miserable Soul Tianzun trembled, and the whole person stepped on the void and retreated a distance of thousands of feet in embarrassment.

“Zhu Shen Yin!”

With a single blow, Jiang Chen didn’t give the Heavenly Sovereign Miserable a chance to breathe. A dazzling Divine Seal of Divine Punishment ran across the world, and once again smashed down against the Heavenly Sovereign Miserable Soul.

The Soul-killing Tianzun forcefully suppressed the churning aura in his body, and once again sacrificed the Soul-killing Heavenly Sword, and slashed it on Jiang Chen’s mark of Zhu Shen.


The shocking energy explosion sounded through the world, and a terrible storm of destruction swept away, making the entire sky above the Eight Desolate Ancient City, like a doomsday reward, turned into a chaos.

Soul Destruction Tianzun was beaten again and blasted away in embarrassment.

Before he could stabilize his figure, the third seal of the Emperor’s Seal of Jiang Chen had already broken open the world, and he smashed it at Tianzun Miehun.


The defense gathered under the hastily of Miserable Soul Tianzun was instantly crushed by Jiang Chen’s Open Heaven Seal, and a mouthful of divine blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

In the ancient city of Hundred Desolations, everyone looked at the practitioner in this scene, and it was a long time for them to recover from the shock.

Destroyer Tianzun!

This is the patriarch of the Soul Eater among the eight god-tier tribes of the Hundred Clan Wasteland. The Cultivation Base has already reached the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

Such a strong man was defeated by Jiang Chen in just three seals!

This… how is this possible?

“Is this the power of the power of the ten realms? It really is not an ordinary horror.”

Mie Hun Tianzun stared at Jiang Chen steadily, and there was also a look of horror on his face.

The Heavenly God Realm, which masters the power of the Ten Dao, has even completely surpassed the peak of Heavenly Sovereign.

He didn’t have any resistance at all in front of Jiang Chen.

Miserable Soul Tianzun took a deep breath, then took out a jade bottle containing a drop of pale golden blood, and quickly swallowed the Blood Essence inside.


At the moment when Miserable Soul Heavenly Sovereign swallowed Blood Essence, the aura on his body soared wildly, his soul power surged violently, and it faintly exudes a palpable supreme power.

“what is that?”

Many onlookers were shocked.

A strong-eyed Tianzun strong said in a deep voice: “It should be the powerful Blood Essence of the Divine King Realm.”

God King Blood Essence!

Everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

The powerful Blood Essence of the Divine King Realm is many times more precious than most magical medicines in the world.

Any drop of God King Blood Essence contains the insight of God King Realm’s great power on God King Dao. It is not only a great help for Tianzun’s breakthrough of God King, but also can strengthen bloodline, change aptitude, and have the ability to reincarnate.

Not only that.

The God King Blood Essence can also be used in combat.

Once the God King Blood Essence is swallowed at a critical moment, the power God King Blood Essence can exert a far beyond ordinary combat power!


Like the precious treasures of God King Blood Essence, in general, no one would be so extravagant to swallow God King Blood Essence to Ascension combat power.


At this moment, in the face of heaven-defying Jiang Chen, Heaven-defying Heavenly Venerable also had to use a drop of God King Blood Essence.

“Jiang Chen, you are proud to be able to force me to use the God King Blood Essence.”

Soul-killing Tianzun stared at Jiang Chen coldly, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent: “Even if you can break the taboo and hold the ten powers, you will undoubtedly die today!”

The God King Blood Essence, but contains a trace of the power of the God King realm.

He has now swallowed a drop of the God King Blood Essence, although it is far from being comparable to the real God King Realm power, it is more than several times stronger than the power of the ordinary Heavenly Sovereign Peak!


Soul Miser Tianzun did not waste time, once again condensed the Soul Miser Heavenly Sword, and slashed it at Jiang Chen.

This sword is more than ten times stronger than the Soul-killing Heavenly Sword previously displayed by the Soul-killing Heavenly Sovereign. The pitch-black blade of the sword crossed the sky, suppressing everything, and even Tianzun dared not look directly at it.

“As expected to be the God King Blood Essence, it is really terrifying!”

Many practitioners couldn’t help taking a breath as they watched the terrifying power erupting from the soul-killing Tianzun swallowing the god-king Blood Essence.

They stared at Jiang Chen, wanting to know that Jiang Chen seemed to be able to perform miracles, blocking the world-killing blow blessed by the god-king Blood Essence by the soul-killing Tianzun.

“Ha ha……”

“Soul Destruction Heavenly Sovereign, you want to kill me with a drop of God King Blood Essence, it is too whimsical.”

“Even if the real Divine King Realm might come to me, I am not afraid. A drop of Divine King Blood Essence can kill me?”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and the golden light from behind soared into the sky, and then quickly turned into a golden giant sword straight through the sky, a powerful aura that seemed to come from the ancient times, also filled the void.

“Break it for me!”

Jiang Chen directly urged the Emperor Sword of the Divine Body Vision Man, as if opening up the world, and collided with the world-killing blow of the Soul-killing Heavenly Sovereign.


that moment.

The sky above the entire ancient city suddenly darkened, turning into a chaotic world.

In this world, only a golden giant sword and a soul-killing heavenly sword are in fierce encounter…

After the two terrifying powers stalemate in the void for a moment, in the end the golden giant sword slowly gained the upper hand.


The Soul-killing Heavenly Sword, which is blessed by the God King Blood Essence, is still difficult to contend with Jiang Chen’s Emperor Sword of Divine Body and Visionary Man.

To the end.

The golden giant sword directly smashed the soul-killing heavenly sword with the force of crushing the sky, and then directly penetrated the endless space and hit the body of the soul-killing heavenly sovereign.


With a scream from Miserable Soul Tianzun, the whole person was beaten and flew thousands of feet away, and the space along the way was constantly shattered by the Miserable Soul Tianzun.

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