Chapter 2040 Terrifying Ghost Jade Mountain

“Patriarch, that kid is quite strong, and he killed a world god Venerable of the mountain ghost tribe with a punch. This is an opportunity, do we want to make a move?”

On the peak, Venerable, a god of the Taurus tribe, came back to his senses and couldn’t help but said with excitement.

The Jinniu tribe and the Shangui tribe are adjacent to each other, and they keep rubbing against each other.

Over the years, I don’t know how many elite disciples of the Taurus tribe have fallen into the hands of the Shangui tribe.

For the mountain ghost tribe, the Taurus tribe has long hated penetrates the bone.

Now that the mountain ghost tribe has lost a world god Venerable, under the anger of Guiyu Mountain, it has also taken action against the human kid.

If their Taurus tribe attacked at this time, they would surely be able to severely damage the mountain ghost tribe in one fell swoop.

This is simply a golden opportunity.

Niu Tai’s golden eyes flickered slightly: “Wait a second, as soon as the human boy shows signs of invincibility, we will take action immediately!”

Niu Tai was still very jealous of the Guiyu Mountain, a strong master of the mountain ghost clan.

Guiyushan Cultivating Ghost Dao is a very difficult opponent.

Over the years, he has fought against Guiyushan more than once, and he has almost never obtained any advantage in Guiyushan’s hands.

That human kid can kill Venerable with one punch, and his strength is extremely strong. Even if he is not an opponent of Guiyu Mountain, he should be able to consume Guiyu Mountain’s power greatly.

When the time comes, he will make another move, it will be much easier to defeat Gui Yushan.

When Niu Tai and others were discussing countermeasures, the huge six-armed ghost and god, also with the power of the ghost and god, appeared above Jiang Chen’s head, making the Baili Void seem to be transformed into a region.

Jiang Chen looked indifferently at the six-armed ghost and god who had come from the culling, and directly pinched his finger into a sword, and a bright sword light was also condensed between his fingers in an instant.

As soon as this sword light appeared, the six-armed ghost only felt as if he was enveloped by a shadow of Death, and his expression instantly became horrified.


Jiang Chen gave a soft drink, then flicked his fingers, and the sword flew out, bringing a long tail light, like a comet hitting the moon, slashing towards the six-armed ghost.

Six-armed ghosts let out a terrifying roar, and hurriedly waved their six arms, condensing six Ghost Qi defense barriers in front of him.


His defenses, under Jiang Chen’s sword light, had almost no effect, as if they were imaginary.

Just blink of an eye.

The six defensive enchantments were all smashed into pieces by the sword light. Even the six arms and huge body of the six-armed ghost were cut off by this sword.

To the end.

Only a bang was heard, the body of the six-armed ghost and god blasted apart and turned into a black mist, floating in the void.


The six-armed ghost was slashed by Jiang Chen with a single sword, Gui Yushan trembled, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but spout out wildly.

Seeing this scene before him, whether it is a mountain ghost or a Taurus tribe, they are all standing there as if petrified.

For a while, the world seemed silent.

No one could have imagined that Gui Yushan, the patriarch of the mountain ghost clan, was defeated by a sword!

“You…who are you?”

Gui Yushan looked at Jiang Chen on the opposite side with a pale face, and finally an incredible panic appeared in his eyes.

He dignifiedly respected the realm powerhouse, and while fully displaying the Secret Technique of the Mountain Ghost Clan and Town Clan, he was defeated by the kid in the Heavenly God Realm in front of him with an understatement of the sword!

Even if it was a god-level god who broke the limit twice, it was impossible to do this step at all.

Holy product god!

The young man in black in front of him is most likely a holy god who has broken the limit three times.

Ghost Yushan didn’t expect that he would provoke a sacred deity who is comparable to the power of the heavenly realm!

A sacred god came to the wasteland of the Hundred Races, and when he first came to the Wasteland of the Hundred Races, something went wrong in the Black Mist Forest.

this moment.

Ghost Yushan even had some suspicions. The changes that occurred in the Black Mist Forest were probably inseparable from the saint god in front of him.

“let’s go!”

Gui Yushan suppressed the panic in his heart, no matter where he dared to care about Jiang Chen, he turned around and was about to flee here with the people of the mountain ghost tribe.

He must pass this news to the Soul Eater Protoss as soon as possible!

“Haha…Guiyu Mountain, your mountain ghost tribe is sure to kill yourself because of many unrighteous acts. I will walk the way for the sky today and destroy your mountain ghost tribe.”

At this moment, Niu Tai laughed wildly, leading the Taurus tribe directly, and slaying towards the mountain ghost tribe fiercely.

He originally wanted to wait for the human kid on the opposite side to consume part of Gui Yushan’s strength before making a move, but he didn’t expect the kid to be so perverted that he severely wounded Gui Yushan in one move.

Nowadays, the mountain ghost tribe first fell to a world god, Venerable, and now even the ghost jade mountain in the earthly realm has been severely wounded, which can be described as a serious injury.

This is a great opportunity for their Taurus tribe to destroy the mountain ghost tribe, how can Niu Tai miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

“Niu Tai, dare you!”

When Guiyu Mountain saw Niu Tai and the others rushing to kill him, his expressions became furious in an instant: “Our mountain ghost tribe is a soul-eater, if you dare to destroy the mountain ghost tribe, the soul-eater god tribe will definitely not let you go. of.”

Now that the mountain ghost tribe is seen by the black-clothed youth in front of them, it is impossible to contend with the Taurus tribe. If the Taurus tribe makes a move at this time, their mountain ghost tribe may be completely finished.

“Tsk tsk…Guiyu Mountain, let alone these useless things, do you treat me as no one behind the Taurus clan? Today your mountain ghost clan is destined to be destroyed, kill me!”

Niu Tai smiled coldly, his whole body shot up into the sky, and he directly swung a golden axe in his hand, and smashed it against Guiyu Mountain with its shocking power.

Looking at Niu Tai who was struck by the axe, Gui Yushan’s expression was also ugly to the extreme.

If he was in his heyday at the moment, he would naturally not have the slightest fear of Niu Tai. But he was seriously injured by the black-clothed youth just now, and even 70% of his combat power at his peak could not be used.

With his current state, how can he compete with Niu Tai?


Facing Niu Tai’s all-out attack, Gui Yushan didn’t have time to think about it.

He could only push the origin of the ghost realm god in his body with all his strength, turning into a ghost hand that covered the sky and the sun, and blasted against the sky-shattering axe that Niu Tai had struck.

that moment.

A terrifying storm of destruction also swept away centered on the two.

Gui Yushan’s figure trembled, and the whole person flew upside down in the void for hundreds of feet in an embarrassing manner, and his face instantly became paler.

And behind him, many people from the mountain ghost tribe were shaken by the devastating storm that swept away.

Some disciples of the mountain ghost clan with weaker strength were instantly annihilated into nothingness under the impact of the destruction storm!

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