Chapter 2039 Don’t want to destroy the clan, just be honest with me

Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at Guiyu Mountain, and said lightly: “We came to experience the wasteland of a hundred races from outside, is there any problem?”

Guiyushan’s eyes narrowed slightly: “So, you should have just entered from the Black Mist Forest?”

There are many races in the wasteland of the Hundred Races. Among the many races, the mountain ghost race is almost the weakest existence, and can only survive by relying on some powerful races.

By coincidence, the mountain ghost tribe has a relationship with the soul-eater of the eight god-tier tribes in the wasteland of the hundred tribes.


The patriarchs of the mountain ghost tribe know well that the reason why the mountain ghost tribe can be favored by the Soul Eater is because the mountain ghost tribe is located in the outermost part of the hundred-ethnic wasteland, very close to the black mist forest.

It can be said.

The Mountain Ghost Race is a nail inserted by the Soul Eater Protoss to guard the Black Mist Forest for the Soul Eater Protoss.

Just now, news came from the Soul Eater Protoss that something went wrong in the Black Mist Forest!

For the mountain ghost tribe, this is a big deal.

He must understand what happened in the Black Mist Forest as soon as possible, otherwise the Soul Eater Protoss will be blamed, and it is not the Mountain Ghost Race that can bear it.

The two men in front of him had just entered the Hundred Clan Wasteland through the Black Mist Forest, and he must have known what happened in the Black Mist Forest. He had to catch these two people and torture them.

“Jiang Chen Dage, although the mountain ghost tribe is only a race in the wasteland of a hundred tribes, they seem to have some relationship with the soul-eater of the eight god-tier tribes. We still don’t provoke it.”

Ji Lingwei looked at the people of the mountain ghost tribe and couldn’t help but whisper to Jiang Chen.

The Soul Eater Protoss is the most mysterious race in the wasteland of a hundred races. Although Jiang Chen is powerful, even the fierce soul of the Divine Realm in the Black Mist Forest is easy to kill.

But it can’t be forced, and there is no need to provoke the soul-eaters.

“Are you from the Soul Eater Protoss…”

Jiang Chen’s heart was stunned. It seemed that Guiyu Mountain, the patriarch of the mountain ghost clan, came to the Black Mist Forest in all likelihood.


Jiang Chen didn’t care too much either.

Don’t say it’s just a small mountain ghost clan, even if the soul-eaters came in person and dared to trouble him, it would be a dead end.

“Yes, we just came here through the Black Mist Forest. Because we are not familiar with the Hundred Clan Wasteland, we came here to ask you some news.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were calm, and he said lightly.

Following Jiang Chen’s words, many Shangui tribes almost all looked at Jiang Chen with foolish eyes.

Race wars, even the world god Venerable, are shunned.

But these two guys went to the battlefield of their battle to inquire about the news. What’s the difference between this f*ck and being sent to death?

“Hehe…you came just right, I have something to ask you about, let me go to the mountain ghost clan for a visit.”

Gui Yushan smiled coldly and said to the two Jiang Chen in an indisputable tone.

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth suddenly raised a sneer of disdain: “You said that if you let me go with you, I have to go with you? Who do you think you are?”


“Human kid, dare to speak like this in front of our patriarch, I think you are getting impatient.”

“Patriarch, this kid dares to be disrespectful to you, I will kill him now.”


Many people from the mountain ghost clan heard Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, and they were furious, and they wanted to rush to tear Jiang Chen to pieces.

“Boy, since you have to toast and not eat fine wine, don’t blame me for being polite.”

Gui Yushan’s expression became cold: “Who wants to take him down for me, don’t kill him, I want to live!”

“Don’t worry, the patriarch, leave it to me.”

A middle-aged Venerable of a mountain ghost tribe suddenly stepped out, and the world god with the sensuous Ghost Qi was overwhelmingly oppressing Jiang Chen and the others.

On the mountain peak.

A world god of the Taurus tribe, Venerable, looked at this scene and couldn’t help but said to Niu Tai in front of him: “Patriarch, the mountain ghost tribe has a conflict with the two humans, shall we take action?”

Niu Tai said solemnly: “Don’t be nosy, just guard this mountain.”

The strength of the mountain ghost tribe is not weaker than the Jinniu tribe. Now the mountain ghost tribe is willing to retreat, which is a good thing for the Jinniu tribe.

If these two humans have the strength of the realm of the gods, he may also consider joining forces with the two to severely damage the mountain ghost tribe.

But these two people are just hairy boys in the Heavenly God Realm, and even if they shoot, it doesn’t make any sense.

“A rubbish who has just entered the realm of the gods, dare to shoot at me?”

Jiang Chen curled his lips, but made a fluttering punch, the invisible fist surpassed everything in an instant.

The middle-aged Venerable of that mountain ghost tribe hadn’t even reacted, but was hit by a fist that contained vast power.


With only a loud noise, the heart of the middle-aged Venerable of the mountain ghost tribe was blown up.

Immediately afterwards.

The body of the middle-aged Venerable Ghost Qi pervading the world god, also instantly centered on the fist, bursting apart, including the bones, and finally the whole person turned into a cloud of blood, and it was sprayed from mid-air. Down.

this moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

Whether it is a mountain ghost or a Taurus tribe, they are all like ghosts, and it is difficult to recover from the horror for a long time.

With just one punch, he lightly killed a world god Venerable!

Such power is definitely not something that an ordinary heavenly god realm can possess.

“Good! Good! Good!”

“Unexpectedly, you turned out to be a monster genius who broke the limit of the gods, but I underestimated you.”

Gui Yushan smiled furiously, staring at Jiang Chen with sorrowful eyes: “But even so, people who dare to kill my mountain ghost clan, don’t want to leave alive today!”


Standing with his hands in his hands, Jiang Chen glanced at Gui Yushan faintly: “I would advise you, if you don’t want the mountain ghost clan to exterminate, just be honest with me.”

“Don’t be ashamed!”

Gui Yushan yelled, the monstrous power of the ghost realm god surging out of his body, and instantly condensed a huge six-armed ghost god behind him.

The boy in front of him can kill the world god Venerable with one punch. I am afraid that he is at least a top-level super god, and maybe it is a god god who has broken the limit twice!

Such an enchanting genius, the general world god Venerable is no longer its opponent, Guiyushan did not hesitate to choose to take it personally, and the Secret Technique of the mountain ghost clan was used as soon as he took it.

“Boy, die for me.”

Gui Yushan’s face was cold, and he saw his hands snap on his chest, and the six-armed ghost behind him shot.

Its six arms are like six pillars that destroy the sky and the earth, constantly waving in the void, with a huge body stepping on the sky and the earth, volleying in the sky, with the power of a palpitation ghost and god, it overwhelmingly kills Jiang Chen…

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