Chapter 2012 What can you do if I don’t let it

“Brother, Huo Tianyang, a disciple of the Burning Fire Sect, this time is going to the Eternal Temple to experience. By the way, I will see the grand ceremony held in the Eternal Temple. I don’t know the name of Xiongtai?”

Huo Tianyang introduced himself with a smile.

Jiang Chen glanced at Huo Tianyang lightly: “My name is Jiang Chen, and I am not from the real martial arts world.”

The Burning Fire Gate, this is a well-known realm god sect in the Zhenwu Great Realm, and its strength almost ranks above the Nine Profound Array Sect and the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

The guy in front of him called Huo Tianyang, Cultivation Base has reached the Realm of the Super Grade Celestial God, and he must be one of the top geniuses in the Fire Gate.

“It turned out to be Brother Jiang Chen.”

A curious look appeared in Huo Tianyang’s eyes: “Didn’t brother really go to see the eternal event?”

after all.

The Eternal Temple is not a place that ordinary people can easily go to. At this time, it is not for the eternal event, and it is even rarer.

“I just passed by.”

Jiang Chen just smiled faintly, and then asked curiously: “What is the situation of this eternal grand ceremony?”

Passing by?

Huo Tianyang couldn’t help being surprised when he heard Jiang Chen’s words.

As far as he knows, the Eternal Temple at the back of Zhenwu Great Realm is one of the four main halls of the Eternal Temple, and among them is the teleportation array leading to the eternal void center of the God Realm continent.

Is this guy in front of him going to God’s Domain Continent?


The teleportation array leading to the God’s Domain Continent is not something that ordinary people can afford.

Even with the background of their flame gate, using a teleportation array, the price paid is simply unbearable.

“I don’t know much about the eternal grand ceremony. I only know that this is a grand event once every 10,000 years in the Eternal Temple. At that time, the Eternal Temple will be distributed in the sub-temples of the Eternal Void and will come to participate. The scene is very grand.”

Huo Tianyang suppressed the shock in his heart and introduced to Jiang Chen.

Intuition tells him that the black-clothed youth in front of him is probably very difficult.

The sub-temples of the Eternal Temple will all come to participate in this Eternal Temple.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shudder in his heart.

The north of Zhenwu Great Realm is indeed an eternal void on the verge of God’s Domain Continent. The eternal temple here, even in the mysterious and powerful force of the eternal temple, probably has a very high status.

Jiang Chen just waited in line while talking with Huo Tianyang.

After about an hour, it was finally Jiang Chen’s turn.

One of the guards of the Eternal Temple at the door looked at Jiang Chen faintly: “Boy, it’s time for you. Non-Eternal Temple members must pay a fee of 20,000 High Grade God Crystals to enter the Eternal Temple.”

Regarding the high consumption of the Eternal Temple, Jiang Chen had already experienced it the first time he entered the Eternal Temple.

He did not hesitate at all, and directly paid the cost of entering the Eternal Temple.

As for the Black Tortoise on the side, the guard of the Eternal Temple seemed to treat it as Jiang Chen’s pet, but did not charge extra.

Huo Tianyang behind him also quickly handed over 20,000 high-grade god crystals, and then walked towards the eternal temple stronghold with Jiang Chen.

“Excuse me, the number of teleporters today is full, everyone wants to enter the Eternal Temple, please be early tomorrow.”

At this moment, the faint voice of the guard of the Eternal Temple also immediately rang behind Jiang Chen and the others.

With the words of the guard of the Eternal Temple, many practitioners waiting in line in the back row couldn’t help but burst into an uproar.

“Fuck… I didn’t expect that the eternal temple’s teleportation quota today is full again.”

“It seems that tomorrow will come early in the morning and wait.

“Yes, it is said that the eternal grand ceremony is about to begin soon. If we can’t enter the eternal grand ceremony tomorrow, I am afraid that we will miss this grand event.”


While everyone was talking about it, they had no choice but to leave the stronghold of the Eternal Temple.

Although they were very dissatisfied with the daily limit of the eternal temple’s transmission quota, they did not dare to show it in the slightest.

To know.

The Eternal Temple has always been synonymous with the powerful and mysterious in God’s Domain. Even the true Martial Sage Sage of the Zhenwu Great Realm must be polite to the Eternal Temple. How dare they question the decision of the Eternal Temple?

Huo Tianyang couldn’t help but smile at Jiang Chen when he saw the situation behind him, “Hehe… Brother Jiang Chen, it seems that you and I are lucky.”

“It’s lucky indeed, let’s go.”

Jiang Chen nodded and smiled.

He didn’t expect that he and Huo Tianyang just got the last two teleportation places today.


Just when the two of Jiang Chen were about to enter the stronghold of the Eternal Temple, a sudden cold shout, but abruptly rang in their ears.

“The two boys in front, stop for me!”

Jiang Chen frowned and couldn’t help looking back abruptly.

In the crowd behind, an extraordinary-looking young man in Jin Yi, accompanied by a white-haired old man, walked straight towards Jiang Chen and the others.

“Martial Saint Jie, Yun Tian Zun, turned out to be a person from the real Martial Sage sect!”

Huo Tianyang looked at the two people who walked straight, and his expression couldn’t help but change drastically.

“Are you talking to us?”

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, pointed at himself with a finger, indifferently.

Today, the transfer quota is full. Not only did the young man in Jinyi didn’t leave, but instead stopped him and Huo Tianyang, which clearly came from unkindness.


Although the talent of this Jinyi youth is not weak, his strength should not be under the Huo Tianyang, the white-haired old man beside him is also a Tianzun-level powerhouse, Jiang Chen did not care about this either.

Such a power may be considered very powerful in the real martial arts world, but it is not worth mentioning in front of him.

“Aren’t you talking nonsense? This son is not talking to you, who else can you talk to?”

The young man in Jinyi snorted, and said directly with an overbearing look: “I want Martial Saint Jie for the quota for the two of you. If you are acquainted, please let me come out obediently.”


As soon as the young man in Jinpao said this, many practitioners who were about to leave suddenly gathered their eyes together.

“Who is this guy, who is going to openly grab the spots of those two boys.”


“Hey! It turns out to be from the real Martial Sage sect. No wonder they are so overbearing.”


While everyone was talking about it, the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen and the other two couldn’t help showing a look of sympathy.

These two guys, I’m afraid they can only give up their quotas obediently.

“Hehe…what are you worthy of asking me to give you the place?”

Jiang Chen ignored the gazes around him, but just glanced at Martial Saint Jie with a disdainful look: “I want to see, if I don’t let you today, what can you do with me?”

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