Chapter 2011 Eternal Ceremony

“Patriarch, this jade box is a relic left by our ancestors. It can help us resolve a crisis in God’s Domain in the future. Did you give it to Mr. Jiang Chen like this?”

Feng Yan looked at the direction where Jiang Chen had disappeared, and couldn’t help but said to Feng Chi Tianzun.

“The Golden Winged God’s Domain Clan has disappeared from the God’s Domain Continent for many years. Whether this jade box is still useful or not is unknown.”

Feng Chi Tianzun smiled slightly: “What’s more…We should not go to God’s Domain Continent in a short period of time, so we might as well give it to Jiang Chen to see if it can help him.”

The Saint-Rank Heavenly God, even in the Divine Realm Continent at the center of the Eternal Void, is an extremely rare and extremely arrogant heavenly arrogant.

And Jiang Chen is probably one of the best among the holy gods.

With Jiang Chen’s talent and potential, his future achievements in God’s Domain Continent must not be low.

If this jade box can play a role, Jiang Chen owes a favor to the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, and the future help for them to return to God’s Domain Continent will be far more real than the jade box left by the ancestors.

Feng Yan heard Feng Chi Tian Zun’s words, but didn’t say much.

Through the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan, Feng Yan knew better than anyone how terrifying Jiang Chen’s talent was.

If the Golden Winged Eagle Clan can get along well with Jiang Chen, Feng Yan would be very happy to comment on it.

“Patriarch, let’s go back to the clan first. The core heritage of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan is now on me, and I will hand these heritages to you now.”

Feng Yan didn’t waste time, and said directly to Feng Chi Tianzun.

This time he has gained huge benefits in the Golden Winged Eagle Clan ancestral land, and he has not yet fully digested it, so he plans to Closed Door Training Cultivation for a period of time to strive for the Realm of the gods and gods, and break through the two-star Venerable in one fell swoop.

At that time, even if his combat power is compared to the Patriarch Feng Chi Tianzun, he will probably not be inferior in the slightest.


Feng Chi Tianzun nodded, and there was also a touch of excitement that could not be concealed on his face.

In the battle that year, the Golden Winged Eagle Clan fled from the Continent of the Gods in a panic, and there was no time to take care of the many inheritances in the ancestral land.

Now that they have taken back the core inheritance in the ancestral land, the Golden Winged Eagle Clan finally has hope of rising.

On the blue sky, one person and one turtle walked slowly in the air. It was Jiang Chen who had left the Golden-winged Condor tribe, and the old tortoise brought out by Jiang Chen from the Golden-winged Condor tribe’s ancestor.

“Old tortoise, I have taken you out of that world as agreed. You are free now, and there is no need to follow me. Next, I want to leave the realm of Zhenwu and go to other places. What are your plans? ”

Jiang Chen asked the old tortoise beside him as he rushed.

The old turtle pondered for a moment, then looked up at Jiang Chen and said, “I want to see the Black Tortoise clan. Do you know the whereabouts of the Black Tortoise clan?”

It was born in the fall of the Black Tortoise Divine King Realm, and its bloodline has been upgraded and upgraded again and again, and it can be regarded as a trace of the Black Tortoise bloodline.

The old tortoise, who is very unfamiliar with everything in God’s Domain, now just wants to find a safe place to shelter.

And the Black Tortoise family, which has a certain relationship with its blood, is undoubtedly the best choice for the old tortoise.

“The Black Tortoise clan has completely disappeared from God’s Domain since the ancient Great Tribulation God’s Domain was broken, and almost no one knows their whereabouts.”

“If you want to find the Black Tortoise clan, then follow me to the Continent of God’s Domain.”

“The God’s Domain Continent is now the core of the entire God’s Domain. If the Black Tortoise clan still exists in this world, it should be in the God’s Domain Continent in all likelihood.”

Jiang Chen thought for a while.

The old turtle nodded and said, “Okay, then I’ll go to God’s Domain Continent with you.”

It doesn’t know anything about the world of God’s Domain now. Since there is no better place to go, it might as well follow Jiang Chen for now and go to the continent of God’s Domain to find the traces of the Black Tortoise clan.

A few days later.

One person and one turtle came to the famous Yuanwu City in Zhenwu Great Circle.

Yuanwu City is located in the central area of ​​Zhenwu Great Realm. It belongs to the Sect Martial Sage Sect, the only god in Zhenwu Great Realm. It is the most prosperous city in Zhenwu Great Realm, and there is no one.

The purpose of Jiang Chen’s trip was to go to the stronghold of the Eternal Temple in Yuanwu City, and then teleport to the Eternal Temple on the back of Zhenwu Great Realm.

By the time.

Perhaps it is possible to directly enter the continent of God’s Domain through the teleportation array of the Eternal Temple.

In this way, it can greatly shorten his time to travel to God’s Domain Continent.

The Eternal Temple stronghold is not an unnamed place in Yuanwu City. Jiang Chen only inquired about the specific location of the Eternal Temple stronghold.

An hour later.

When Jiang Chen came to the door of the Eternal Temple stronghold, he was also stunned by the situation before him.

I saw outside the door of the Eternal Temple stronghold, there were hundreds of practitioners gathered here, lined up in a long queue, waiting in turn to enter the stronghold of the Eternal Temple.

“What’s the situation, how come so many people line up to enter the eternal temple?”

In Jiang Chen’s impression, the strongholds established by the Eternal Temple in various realms would generally appear very deserted.

after all.

The eternal temple stronghold is not a place that ordinary people can enter. If you want to use the Teleportation Array of the Eternal Temple, the conditions are not so harsh.

Generally speaking.

Except for some people with special needs, few people will come to the eternal temple stronghold and use the eternal temple’s teleportation array.

But in front of this eternal temple stronghold, there are so many people waiting in line.

This was really unexpected for Jiang Chen.


Although there were some doubts in his heart, Jiang Chen did not hesitate, and directly joined the queue of people.

“I’m going. There are too many people going to the Eternal Temple this time. Brother, are you also going to the Eternal Temple to watch the Eternal Temple?”

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang behind Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked back and saw a burly young man in a red robe slowly appearing behind him.

This burly young man seemed to be familiar with himself, smiled and greeted Jiang Chen who was in front of him.

“Eternal celebration?”

When Jiang Chen heard the burly young man’s words, he was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes couldn’t help but condensed suddenly.

He now finally understands why there are so many practitioners lining up to enter the eternal temple. It seems that this has something to do with the eternal temple described by the burly youth.

“Brother, you don’t even know the eternal grand ceremony?”

The burly young man gave Jiang Chen a weird look, and then explained: “This eternal grand ceremony is an event held every ten thousand years in the Eternal Temple. Most of the people who go to the Eternal Temple now Away from the eternal grand ceremony.”

Hearing the explanation from the burly young man, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly.

He was not interested in this grand meeting held in the Eternal Temple. I only hope that this grand event will not affect his journey to the Gods’ Domain Continent.

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