Chapter 1970 Ruthless Crush

Xuan Xin stared at the golden divine sword behind Jiang Chen, his expression frightened.

The Nine Profound Formation Sect is one of the few super-large sects in the Zhenwu Great Realm, and the inheritance of history is naturally very long.

Xuan Xin was the supreme genius of the Nine Profound Formation Sect, and his knowledge was far beyond that of a man.

He once saw some records about the ancient Divine Armament in the Divine Realm in an ancient book of the Nine Profound Array Sect. Among them was an ancient Divine Armament called the Human Emperor Sword.

This man’s sword is rumored to be the treasure of Xiantian superior to the king’s artifact.

Even the great power of the Divine King Realm has to be afraid of it by three points.

The biggest feature of the Human Emperor Sword is that it depicts mountains, rivers and trees on one side, and the sun, moon and stars on the other.

The golden divine sword behind Jiang Chen is exactly the same as the mountains, rivers and trees, and the sun, moon and stars, almost exactly the same as the description of the human emperor sword in ancient books!

“This guy’s divine body vision actually condenses the legendary ancient Divine Armament!”

Xuan Xin’s eyes were dull, almost unable to believe his own eyes.

Generally speaking, any practitioner in the realm of the gods condenses the vision of the divine body in the realm of the gods, and it has a close relationship with the condensed vision.

For example, some races with the blood of ancient gods and beasts may be able to evolve and grow into a real ancient god beast.

Jiang Chen’s divine body vision can condense the adult emperor sword, and it must also have some connection with the ancient Divine Armament human emperor sword!

“Human Sword?”

Xuan Xin’s sudden exclamation also made Jiang Chen’s eyes narrow slightly.

Since the true spirit realm condensed the divine body vision, Jiang Chen had never understood the vision he condensed.

Now Xuan Xin called his divine body vision the Human Emperor Sword.

this moment.

Jiang Chen almost immediately thought of the Seal of the Emperor and the Palace of the Emperor who belonged to the ancient emperor Tianzun.

This man’s sword is also related to the mysterious man’s palace.

And he is probably also because of the blood of the Jiang family of the Human Emperor Palace, only then was able to condense the divine body vision exactly the same as the Human Emperor Sword.

“Jiang Chen, no matter who you are, dare to kill my Nine Profound Formation Sect Venerable, and today I will take you back to the Nine Profound Formation Sect to ask the crime!”

Xuan Xin stared at Jiang Chen tightly, his expression extremely sharp.

Although Jiang Chen has an extraordinary background and strong strength, he is naturally not a vegetarian as a breakthrough star Venerable genius.

As long as the ancient emperor Tianzun behind Jiang Chen does not show up today, he will definitely capture Jiang Chen back to the Nine Profound Formation Sect.


Xuan Xin changed his hands into a mysterious gesture, black and white energy surrounded him, and then turned into two black and white divine dragons, with the power to destroy the world, and kill Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen stood proudly in the void, his heart moved at will, and the golden divine sword that went straight to the sky behind his back, like a collapsed pillar of heaven, smashed down against Xuanxin.


A trace of Sacred’s ancient breath was brewing from the golden sword, as if the sun and moon void was suppressed by the golden sword.

“not good!”

Feeling the terrifying power in the golden divine sword, Xuan Xin’s heart was inexplicably cold, and his expression couldn’t help but change drastically.

But it is too late now.

I saw the golden divine sword crashing down, and suddenly the whole world was shaken by it.

Lines of brilliant Sacred Sword Ray spread out in the void.


The black and white dragon of black and white condensed by Xuanxin was the first to bear the brunt, and almost instantly shattered under the Sacred Sword Ray.

His whole body kept clicking and clicking, and formation barriers emerged out of thin air, and then shattered out of thin air under Sacred Sword Ray.


Even though Xuan Xin condensed three defensive formations in a row, he still failed to withstand the impact of Sacred Sword Ray.

I saw him pale, and his figure receded.

In the end, Xuan Xin had to take out a silver jade charm with mysterious rune flowing, and turned it into a round of silver light, blocking Sacred Sword Ray.


Even so, Xuan Xin was beaten back by Sacred Sword Ray for more than three thousand feet before barely stabilizing his figure.

“It deserves to be the divine body vision related to the ancient Divine Armament human sword, it is really terrifying!”

Xuan Xin forcefully suppressed the churning aura in his body, and he was also terrified in his heart.

Although he also knew that Jiang Chen’s divine body vision was very strong, he still didn’t expect it to be so terribly powerful.

With the strength of his one-star Venerable, it was even hard to resist.

If it weren’t for the use of a Tianzun Jade Talisman at the last moment, I’m afraid he would have to be severely injured by this strike by Jiang Chen even if he did not die!

As the supreme genius of the Nine Profound Formation Sect, Xuan Xin hadn’t seen the gods of the gods.

When he was still in the super rank god, he even fought against the god rank god of the true Martial Sage sect.

Even though the god-ranked god is also very powerful, there is absolutely no heaven-defying like Jiang Chen in front of him.

Although this son is also a god-level god, his combat power is even more terrifying than a normal god-rank god. Whether it is an ordinary earthly respect or a one-star Venerable, I am afraid that few people can compete with it.

“Ha ha……”

“Xuan Xin, it seems that you, the one-star Venerable of the Nine Profound Array Sect, are nothing more than that. Try another trick with me!”

“Qianlong formation, give me town!”

Repelling Xuanxin with one move, Jiang Chen didn’t give Xuanxin any chance to breathe. He directly used the Void Sacred Dragon Diagram to stimulate the internal energy of the body with all his strength, and evolved a Qianlongzhen sky diagram that traverses the sky, opposing Xuanxin to suppress Xuanxin. Away.

“This is… God King Cultivation Technique vision?”

Feeling the horror of Jiang Chen’s strike, Xuan Xin’s pupils suddenly shrank, where he dared to hesitate.

The origin of the vast realm god surged from the body, and then turned into two black and white qi that was several times thicker than before and swam through the air. The surging vitality and death also intertwined from the black and white qi.

that moment.

The entire sky above Guhuang Mountain was transformed into a world of black and white.

This black and white world is a world of Array Dao supernatural power evolved by Xuan Xin’s fusion of the divine body vision and the origin of the realm god.

This strike brought together Xuanxin’s lifelong strength, enough to destroy the sky of thousands of miles.


Just as Xuanxin Nirvana World had just condensed, the sky map of Qianlong Town that covered the sky and sun in the sky also collided with the Nirvana World abruptly.

A splendid firework bloomed from the void, turning the entire sky into chaos.

Xuan Xin was in the Silent World, looking at the gradually dissipating Qianlong Zhentian map, he was also slightly relieved.

His fully concentrated array of magical powers extinguished the world, and finally blocked Jiang Chen’s strike.


Before he had time to be happy, a more terrifying energy in the void was brewing out of thin air.

Xuan Xin’s expression changed, and he could not help but suddenly raised his head and looked into the void.

I saw a picture of Long Xiao Nine Heavens with the mighty power of the sky, which had quickly condensed in the void.

“Not good… the second stage vision of God King Cultivation Technique!”

Xuan Xin was in horror.

The First Stage vision that Jiang Chen had previously displayed had already forced him to use all his strength. Now that the Second Stage vision is several times more powerful than the previous vision, how can he resist it?

this moment.

Xuan Xin didn’t even mean to continue fighting, and as soon as his figure flashed, he wanted to escape from the area covered by Long Xiao’s Nine Heavens picture.

But it was too late.

Long Xiao, Nine Heavens, with the power to suppress the sky, instantly blasted Xuanxin’s dying world to pieces, and then fell fiercely on Xuanxin’s body.


Under the terrifying power of Long Xiao Nine Heavens, even Xuan Xin’s physical body is not weak, and he has a world god-level treasure armor body on his body, it is still unbearable.

He saw his body explode on the spot, exploding into countless golden bones and blood, splashing in all directions.

“Master Xuanxin… is dead?”

Xiaoyue Dizun stared blankly at the situation in the sky, almost unable to believe his own eyes.

This is the supreme genius of the Nine Profound Array Sect, a very rare Venerable in the Zhenwu Great Realm.

Even looking at the real world of Zhenwu, a Tianjiao figure who can be comparable to Xuanxin, that is one of the few existences.

Such a star Venerable was so ruthlessly crushed by Jiang Chen, the Celestial God Realm!

Although Jiang Chen is a god-level god who masters the power of the Eight Dao, he is not so powerful as to be so terrifying, right?

Xiaoyue’s face is like ashes.

He originally thought that this time with the Nine Profound Formation Sect as a backing, it was a great opportunity to avenge Jiang Chen and the Purple Tiger Clan.

But I didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be powerful, completely beyond imagination.

Even Xuan Xin, who was much stronger than him, was ruthlessly crushed by Jiang Chen.

Such a horrible existence, even in his heyday, is not an opponent at all, let alone the severely injured body now?

Xiaoyue Dizun regrets extremely in his heart.

If he had known that Jiang Chen was so abnormal, he said that he would not easily lead the Silver Moon Wolf Clan back to Guhuang Mountain under Xuanxin’s instigation.

If you are a little careless today, I am afraid that the Silver Moon Wolf Race will be in a situation where it will never be restored.

“What a pervert…”

Jin Huo Di looked at Jiang Chen, who stood proudly in the void, for a long time, it was difficult to recover from the shock.

This guy’s combat power is too strong.

The Silver Moon Earth Sovereign, who was almost the same in strength as him, had no power to fight back in front of Jiang Chen.

Even Xuan Xin, the enchanting genius of the Nine Profound Array Sect, Cultivation Base reached the existence of one-star Venerable, and was also ruthlessly crushed by Jiang Chen with thunder means.

Thinking of his choice when facing Jiang Chen, Jin Huo Di couldn’t help feeling fortunate.

Fortunately, there was no enemy with Jiang Chen at the beginning, otherwise I am afraid it will really bring annihilation to the Zijin Tiger clan!


Jiang Chen stood proudly with his hands in his hands, looked at a place in front of him calmly, and said lightly: “Xuan Xin, I know you are not dead yet, do you get out by yourself, or do you want me to invite you out?”


As Jiang Chen’s words fell, only Xuan Xin’s illusory figure slowly condensed from the void of space.

He stared at Jiang Chen ferociously, and the cold voice that contained endless killing intent was also rippling through this piece of heaven and earth.

“Jiang Chen, you dare to destroy my physical body, this son must cut you a thousand swords to vent my hatred!”

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