Chapter 1969 Divine Body Vision, Human Emperor Sword

In the cultivation system of God’s Domain.

Generally, the gods of the heavens are limited by their talents. After mastering the power of the six realms, the six realms will be unified and break through the realm of the gods.

Such a breakthrough world god Venerable is also the most common world god Venerable in God’s domain.


There are also many peerless geniuses in the God Realm who have broken the limits of the Heaven Gods. Because they have a deeper foundation in the Heaven God Realm, the breakthrough Realm God Realm is naturally far more powerful than the ordinary realm God Venerable.

Such a world god Venerable is also called star Venerable.

For example, if the super-grade god who masters the power of the seven realms is the breakthrough realm, the lower realm is a one-star Venerable, the middle realm is a one-star earth-zun, and the upper realm is a one-star heavenly zun.

The gods and gods of the gods, after breaking through the realm of the gods, can become more powerful than the one-star Venerable and the two-star Venerable and the three-star Venerable!

In short.

The strength of the world god Venerable is closely related to the accumulation of the heavenly gods.

With the one-star Venerable breakthrough of the super-grade gods, you can easily kill most ordinary Venerables in seconds, and even the ordinary earthly statues can hardly compete with the one-star Venerable!


Although the star Venerable is extremely powerful, the difficulty of breakthrough is far from what ordinary Venerable can match.

after all.

Celestial God Realm To break through Realm God Realm, you need to integrate the power in your body into one and advance to a higher level of Realm God power.

If there are more types of Martial Dao powers mastered by the Heavenly God Realm, the difficulty of fusion will naturally increase exponentially.


Even if it can be successfully integrated, it will still have to face a more difficult test, that is, the world divine calamity.

Not to mention the two-star Venerable and the three-star Venerable World Divine Tribulation, the one-star Venerable World Divine Tribulation alone has reached an extremely terrifying point.

The One-Star Venerable World God Tribulation is also the Heavenly Tribulation triggered when the Super Grade Heaven God breaks through the World God Venerable.

Generally speaking.

When the sixth-order Tianshen broke the limit, the super-grade Tianshen Tribulation faced was already comparable to the ordinary Venerable World Divine Tribulation.

From this, we can imagine how terrifying the world divine calamity of the Super Grade Celestial Breakthrough One Star Venerable will be.

It is also because of the difficulty of the breakthrough of the star Venerable, there are some geniuses in God’s Domain who have broken the limit of the gods. They either have problems with the internal energy of the fusion, or they are annihilated by the world gods and will be blocked forever by the stars. Outside the door of Class Venerable.

Martial Dao practice is heaven-defying.

Especially at the level of the Heavenly God Realm and the Realm God Realm, if you want to gain stronger power, you have to pay double the price and bear the double risk!

It is precisely because of this.

One-star Venerable is definitely a rarer existence in God’s Domain than Super Grade Celestial God.

The white-robed youth in front of him is also the first one-star Venerable that Jiang Chen has seen since entering God’s Domain!

“The Nine Profound Array Sect is worthy of being one of the few super large sects in the Zhenwu Great Realm, and it actually has a Venerable existence like you.”

Jiang Chen looked at Xuan Xin in front of him, his sword eyebrows could not help but raised slightly: “But…your Nine Profound Array Sect only sent you a one-star Venerable to deal with me, it would be too much for you.”

“Huh! I’m not afraid to flash my tongue when you speak big words!”

“Today, I want to see, you, the god of domineering power, how capable you are!”

Xuan Xin let out a cold snort and made a bold move directly.


Countless starlight tides, like ocean waves, instantly centered on Xuanxin, surging in all directions.

Xuan Xin was in the starlight tide, unscrupulously radiating his own breath of the weather around, as if he was the master of all things.

The super-grade gods can be the enemy of the world gods Venerable.

And the one-star Venerable with the breakthrough of super-grade gods, the strength is definitely not inferior to the existence of ordinary earthly respect.

It is even more terrifying than a powerful person like the Silver Moon Earth Sovereign!


Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense. He swiped the Heavenly Fire Divine Sword in his palm and once again gathered the power of his whole body, turning it into a chaotic sword light that split the world and fell down against Xuanxin.

Xuan Xin carried his hands on his back, standing proudly in the void. The power of the surging and vast world god radiates out in all directions without restraint.

He stretched out his hand towards the void, and silver thunder lights intertwined above his head. The power of countless thunders turned into a huge black hole with it as the center, as if it was attracting infinite power.

In the face of Jiang Chen’s pioneering sword, Xuan Xin just faintly shot it out.


Thousands of thunder powers entangled in midair for an instant, and then turned into Tai Chi Yin & Yang fish, like a black and white halo, facing the Chaos sword light.



The light exploded, the energy blasted.

The Chaos Sword Light collided with the black and white halo, causing the void to burst and collapse.

The entire sky above Guhuang Mountain was transformed into a chaos.

If it weren’t for the battle between the two people, it was carried out in the void above the ancient emperor mountain, I am afraid that the entire ancient emperor mountain would be transformed into nothingness under the strike of the two.

Xuan Xin stands proudly in the void, black and white, like Yin & Yang fish turning behind him, setting off the mysterious and extraordinary.

As the first arrogant of the Nine Profound Array Sect, Xuan Xin has achieved a one-star Venerable with a super-grade god, and he has cultivated an unpredictable array way.

Throughout the formation, you can use the power of heaven and earth to lay out some powerful formations between your hands and feet, exerting a powerful force far beyond the ordinary.


The world god Venerable of the cultivation formation, the combat power is even better than the other world god Venerable of the same Realm.

“Jiang Chen, you deserve to be able to break through the existence of the gods, and you are indeed somewhat capable.”

Xuan Xin looked down at Jiang Chen with his hands on his back and looked down on Jiang Chen indifferently: “My son always cherishes his talents. If you are willing to surrender to me and join the Nine Profound Formation Sect, this son can report to Sect Leader and spare you the death penalty!”

“Huh! If you want me to surrender, you have to ask whether the sword in my hand can answer it!”

Jiang Chen coldly snorted expressionlessly, a monstrous breath rushed straight into the sky, evolving a bright Northern Dipper seven-star pattern in the endless void.

“Seven-Star Heavenly Sword, kill!”

Jiang Chen screamed, and the Heavenly Fire Divine Sword slashed out in the air.


In the void, a dazzling star giant sword burst out of the Northern Dipper seven-star pattern under the lead of the Skyfire Divine Sword.

The invisible coercion came from the Star Giant Sword.

“Since you have to find your own dead end, this son will do you well!”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s bold move, Xuan Xin’s indifferent face also passed a cold light.

There was a change in his hands, and the two black and white rays of light instantly evolved a two-dimensional infinite formation, which collided with the straight-cut Star giant sword.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, he can fully display the Divine King Skill Seven Star Heavenly Sword Art, and his power can be said to be extremely sharp.

The endless void above the entire Ancient Emperor Mountain was cut by this sword from top to bottom, and a gap in the sky was cut, as if the sky and the earth were divided into two halves.


This Star’s giant sword with the mighty power of the sky was slashed on the formation of Xuanxin’s evolution, but it was like slashing on a ball of cotton.

These two rituals have no great formations, but the supernatural powers condensed from the two qi of Yin & Yang evolved by Xuan Xin.

Formation is rigid and flexible, and extremely tough.

Even if it was the Star sword condensed by Jiang Chen with the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art, he still couldn’t destroy the Liangyi Wuji Formation.

Instead, the mysterious energies of black and white in the formation directly turned into divine cords, gradually spreading along the Star’s giant sword, as if they were about to entangle Jiang Chen’s whole person.

“Jiang Chen, my two rites have no great formations, but one of the three god-tier king-level magical powers of the Nine Profound Formation Sect.”

“Even if it is an ordinary earth-sovereign-level powerhouse, once trapped by my Liangyi Wuji Formation, there will be death or no life.”

“Although you are a god-level god, and you master a powerful god-king skill, you don’t have the qualifications to be wild in front of me!”

Xuan Xin looked at Jiang Chen contemptuously, with his palms gently closed, and the overwhelming black and white energy instantly turned into a huge black and white ball, enclosing Jiang Chen’s entire body.

“Young Master Xuan Xin deserves to be a one-star Venerable from the Nine Profound Formation Sect.

Seeing the situation in front of him, all the members of the Silver Moon Wolf Race, including Xiaoyue Earth Sovereign, also showed unconcealed exclamation in their eyes.

Even Jinhuo Dizun couldn’t help but sighed secretly.

Although the gods of the gods are already very powerful, they are still slightly inferior to the one-star Venerable with the breakthrough of the super gods.

Unless the ancient emperor Tianzun behind Jiang Chen descends today, I’m afraid he is doomed to escape.


Just when everyone thought that Jiang Chen would definitely lose, a bright golden light suddenly spread from the black and white ball.

That golden light is so sharp and so dazzling.

One strand, two strands, three strands…

Thousands of golden lights burst out continuously, illuminating the entire black and white sphere.


Those thousands of golden lights gathered directly behind Jiang Chen and turned into a golden divine sword exuding brilliance.

When the Golden Excalibur first started, it was only three feet long.

But in just a few breaths, the golden divine sword had turned into a hundred-foot giant sword and stood behind Jiang Chen, exuding a breath of ancient times.

I saw that the black and white energy balls that trapped Jiang Chen were all cut in half by the golden divine sword.


Xuan Xin’s complexion changed, and his face spurred the Liangyi Promise Formation, and the overwhelming black and white energy surging out again.


No matter how Xuan Xin used it, he couldn’t stop the rapidly growing golden divine sword.

To the end.

Xuan Xin’s Liangyi Promise Formation was directly overwhelmed by the life of the Golden Excalibur.

that moment.

Thousands of miles in the void burst into pieces, exposing one black hole after another.

The terrifying kendo energy slammed Xuan Xin’s body fiercely, knocking him out in the air.

Xuan Xin stepped on the void and flew upside down a distance of several hundred feet before slowly stabilizing his figure.

He raised his head, his eyes fixed on the golden divine sword that went straight to the sky behind Jiang Chen, and there was an unprecedented shock in his eyes.

“Human Sword!”

“You… your divine body vision actually condenses the legendary Human Emperor Sword, this… how is this possible?”

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