Chapter 1962 The Legendary Blood Demon God Fruit

“The ancestor’s earth-zun projection was destroyed like this?”

Yin Tianhui’s eyes were dull, and they almost couldn’t believe their own eyes.

Although Jiang Chen is a god-level god who masters the power of the eight realms, their ancestor is also a Cultivation Base to reach the title of the middle-level god.

Even if the ancestor is just a projection, it shouldn’t be killed by Jiang Chen’s sword, right?

“Tianhui, this son is invincible, I will stop him for a while, you can run away.”

Yin Baikui took a deep breath, suppressed the horror in his heart, and quickly said to Yin Tianhui who was beside him with a solemn expression.

at this point.

With the terrifying power that Jiang Chen showed, it was almost impossible for the two of them to leave at the same time safe and sound.

He also had to stay to stop Jiang Chen and create a chance to escape for Yin Tianhui.

after all.

From the very beginning, Jiang Chen named him to kill Venerable, a world god of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan. It was almost impossible for him to escape under Jiang Chen’s eyes.

not to mention……

Yin Tianhui is now the first genius of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, and in the future there is hope to become an earth-sovereign powerhouse, representing the future of the entire Silver Moon Wolf Clan.

no doubt.

Yin Tianhui’s importance to the Silver Moon Wolf Race is far greater than his Venerable, an ordinary world god.

Even if he tried his best, he had to fight for Yin Tianhui to get a chance!

“Commander Bai Kui, be careful yourself.”

Yin Tianhui was also very clear at this moment that they were not Jiang Chen’s opponents. If this continues, I am afraid neither of them will leave.


Yin Tianhui did not hesitate at all, and solemnly said to Yin Baikui, and immediately turned into a silver light, blasting towards the sky on the side of the valley without looking back.


At the same time, Yin Baikui screamed, with a surge of vigor, he rushed towards Jiang Chen without hesitation.

“Brother Jiang Chen, leave this guy to me, go and deal with Yin Tianhui!”

Jin Honghu’s eyes skyrocketed Jin Mang, and directly greeted Yin Baikui who was rushing forward.

The Silver Moon Wolf Clan is a hostile race of the Purple Tiger Clan.

As a member of the Purple Tiger Clan, Jin Hong naturally did not want to let go of either of the two in front of him.

Jiang Chen had previously killed Yin Ye and destroyed Xiaoyue Earth Zun’s projection. If you kill the two people in front of you again, you will be able to cause the Silver Moon Wolf Clan to suffer an unprecedented severe damage.

By the time.

The Silver Moon Wolf Clan will no longer pose any threat to the Purple Tiger Clan!

Today, Jiang Chen, the god of heaven, is here. How could Jin Hong miss this opportunity to severely damage the Silver Moon Wolf Clan?

Jiang Chen hadn’t planned to let the two of them flee.

Seeing that Jin Hong had stopped Yin Baikui, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate anymore, stepped directly out, and chased Yin Tianhui, who was fleeing towards the sky.

Although Yin Tianhui’s speed was fast, Jiang Chen’s speed was even faster.

He took three steps in the void in a row, and his whole person had appeared in front of Yin Tianhui. The powerful aura of the god-level god was also firmly locked in Yin Tianhui’s expression.

Looking at Jiang Chen who appeared in front of him, Yin Tianhui’s expression suddenly changed.

He saw his silver awn skyrocketing, and his whole person instantly transformed into a huge silver wolf, bringing a force of shattering the void, and rushing towards Jiang Chen in front of him.

Jiang Chen is a god-level god who can kill the ancestor’s projection. Yin Tianhui is very clear at this moment that he is definitely not Jiang Chen’s opponent.

If he wants to survive, he must escape from Guhuang Mountain as quickly as possible.


Yin Tianhui didn’t have the slightest reservation at all, and directly transformed into the body of the Yinyue Wolf Clan, wanting to break through Jiang Chen’s obstruction.


Jiang Chen looked at the silver giant wolf that came crashing, his expression didn’t change at all, and a cold word was directly spit out from his mouth.


Jiang Chen suddenly flipped his right hand, and the golden glow of Huanghuang suddenly rose up from the void like a golden sun.

After a while.

I saw that dazzling golden light directly turned into an open god seal and smashed down against the complex silver giant wolf.


The silver giant wolf transformed by Yin Tianhui suddenly raised to the sky with a long roar.

An infinite power of worship also suddenly radiated from his body, like a peerless beast from the ancient times, trying to break through the smashed opening of the gods.


Jiang Chen used the power of the gods to display the last seal of the human emperor’s seal. How could Yin Tianhui be able to easily resist it?

Along with that dazzling Kaitian Divine Seal smashed down, the huge body of the silver giant wolf was directly smashed into the ground from the void.

At that moment, the mountains and rivers turned upside down, and the sky fell apart.

A huge pit with a diameter of more than one kilometer also appeared directly in the forest below.

In the huge pit, there was no longer any figure of Yin Tianhui at this moment, only a puddle of blood was left, staining a piece of soil in the huge pit into a demon red color.


Jiang Chen’s seal of opening the gods directly crushed Yin Tianhui’s body and soul into nothingness.

Yiyin Town killed Yin Tianhui, Jiang Chen looked back at Jin Hong and Yin Baikui in the battle, and raised his hand to point out.

This finger seemed to span time and space, and there was no time for Yin Baikui to react at all, and it had already penetrated through his body.


Only a loud noise was heard, and Yin Baikui’s body also exploded directly in the void.

“Let’s go, go inside and see.”

Resolving the two of Yin Baikui in an understatement, Jiang Chen glanced at Jin Hong, who hadn’t recovered from the shock for a long time, and walked toward the depths of the valley with his feet directly on the void.

Not long.

Hundreds of miles away, a water pool about a thousand meters in size appeared directly in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

Beside the water pool, dozens of Daoist shadows gathered here, and they were members of the Silvermoon Wolf Clan.

Jiang Chen didn’t care, his eyes fell directly on the Qianzhang water pool.

The quality of the water in this pool is peculiar, it looks faintly red, giving people a very strange feeling.


What shocked Jiang Chen most was that in the middle of the water pool, there was a small island about ten meters in radius.

On the island, there is a fruit tree that Jiang Chen has never seen before.

At the top of the fruit tree, there is a mysterious fruit that emits a blood-red light and is shaped like a heart, which is particularly dazzling.

And farther away from the water pool, a medicine garden exuding rich Spiritual Qi also vaguely appeared in Jiang Chen’s sight.

Jiang Chen didn’t need to think about it.

In all likelihood, this is the medicine garden left by the ancient emperor Tianzun.

This medicine garden seems to be guarded by the defensive Restrictions left by the ancient emperor Tianzun, and it is difficult for ordinary people to enter it easily.

It is precisely because of this.

Those dozens of people from the Silvermoon Wolf Clan were all blocked from the pool by the defensive Restrictions.

Among them are two Silvermoon Sirius who are proficient in formation. They are sitting cross-legged outside the pool, constantly condensing formation rune, apparently trying to break the defensive Restrictions here.

Jiang Chen didn’t stay too much, and swaggered towards the pool in front of him.


The group of Silvermoon Wolf Clan also quickly spotted Jiang Chen and two of them flying by, and their expressions suddenly changed drastically.

Someone had previously attacked the valley occupied by the Silver Moon Wolves, and Yin Ye, who guarded Taniguchi, seemed to have had an accident.


Their leader Yin Baikui and the first arrogant Yin Tianhui of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan went to Taniguchi to investigate the situation together.

Unexpectedly, before the two returned, Jin Hong, the leader of the world god of the Purple Tiger Clan, appeared here with an unfamiliar young man in black.

They had clearly sensed just now that a terrifying battle broke out in Taniguchi.

Could it be…

Commander, they have also encountered an accident?


Jin Hong was too lazy to talk nonsense, a fierce killing intent burst out in his eyes, and he directly killed the group of people of the Silver Moon Wolf Race.

The Zijin Tiger clan and the Silver Moon Wolf clan are already rival races. As the leader of the Zijin Tiger Guard of the Zijin Tiger clan, Jin Hong will naturally not let go of any opportunity to weaken the strength of the Silver Moon wolf clan.

“The situation has changed, everyone runs away separately!”

Looking at Jin Hong who had just killed him, the look of a silver moon wolf clan of the sixth rank of the gods instantly became horrified, turning around and fleeing in panic.

Now that these two people can come to them, it is enough to prove that their leader and Yin Tianhui are already very bad luck.

To know.

The leader is one of the six Venerables of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, and Yin Tianhui is also a super-grade deity comparable to the world god Venerable.

Even if they can’t stop these two people in front of them, how can they be opponents?

Not to mention the mysterious black-clothed youth beside Jin Hong, just Jin Hong, the world god Venerable of the Purple Tiger tribe, can’t handle them.


At this moment, these people of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan could not care about exploring the Ancient Emperor Mountain, and hurriedly fled toward the surrounding valley with all their strength.


These people of the Silver Moon Wolf Race only have the Celestial Realm Cultivation Base, and the strongest is no more than the sixth-order Celestial God.

In front of Jin Hong, the world god Venerable, they had no resistance at all.

With a wave of Jin Hong’s palm, a piece of golden light suddenly fell from the void, covering the void of three thousand miles.

The people of the Silver Moon Wolf Race who fled in all directions, as if they had been used with the Movement Technique, could no longer move a single minute.

Jin Hong’s face was indifferent, and his palm was lightly held again.


A storm of destruction suddenly surging out from the cracks in the void, and then swept through the void in a radius of three thousand miles.

The people of the Silver Moon Wolf Race who were held in the void by Jin Hong were strangled clean by the destruction storm in the blink of an eye, without even leaving a trace of blood.

“Brother Jiang Chen, this should be the medicine garden cultivated here by the ancient emperor Tianzun.”

“Unexpectedly, the ancient emperor Tianzun not only cultivated many talents here, but also created a blood pool and cultivated the legendary blood demon god fruit!”

“I will let the formation division of the Purple Tiger Clan come and break the defensive Restrictions.”

Jin Hong solved a group of people from the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, his eyes could not help being locked tightly on the mysterious plant in the center of the blood pool, his eyes also flashed with extremely hot light.

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