Chapter 1961 No one in this world can threaten me

“court death!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t put him in his eyes, Xiaoyue Dizun sneered coldly in anger, and a force that suppressed the heavens and the earth also suddenly oppressed from the void.

Under this terrifying coercion, even realm gods like Jin Hong, Venerable, trembled in their hearts, and couldn’t help feeling like they wanted to kneel down and worship.

“Xiaoyue Earth Sovereign, this level of power can still pose no threat to me.”

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently, as if he hadn’t been affected by the monstrous coercion emanating from Xiaoyue Dizun.

Xiaoyue Dizun looked at Jiang Chen’s breezy appearance, his complexion could not help changing slightly.

He is an earth-sovereign powerhouse with a Cultivation Base reaching a middle-ranked world god, and his strength is far superior to ordinary world gods.

Even if only a projection of the earth respects, it can easily suppress most of the lower world gods Venerable.

And this kid in front of him can actually ignore the power of his earthly projection!

Although this child can kill Yin Ye and defeat Yin Tianhui, he must also be an enchanting genius who broke the limit of the gods.

But Xiaoyue Earth Sovereign still didn’t expect it.

This kid can be so powerful as to be so heaven-defying.

Being able to ignore the power of his earthly respect projection, even the vast majority of super-grade gods, it is impossible to do it easily.


This kid is already a god of super quality!

“Unexpectedly, the little friend already possesses such strength at a young age, this deity admires him.”

“But… since the little friend is not a member of the Purple Tiger Clan, why do he want to work for the Purple Tiger Clan?”

Xiaoyuedi Venerable stared at Jiang Chen for a while, then slowly said: If the little friend is willing to help me the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, no matter what benefits the Purple Tiger Clan has given you, how about the deity giving you twice? ”

From the brief confrontation just now, Xiaoyue Venerable has already felt how tricky this kid is.

If he expected it to be good.

Even if this son is not a god-ranked god, I am afraid that it is not far from becoming a god-ranked god.

Unless his deity comes in person, no one in the entire Silvermoon Wolf Clan is his opponent.

But once his deity descends on Guhuang Mountain, the ancestor of the Purple Tiger Clan, Jinhuo Dizun, will certainly appear immediately.

When the battle between the two clans broke out, this guy who was suspected of being a god of heaven was undoubtedly a huge threat to the Silver Moon Wolf Clan.


Xiaoyue Dizun had to change his mind and win over Jiang Chen with all his strength.

Seeing that Xiaoyue Earth Sovereign wanted to confuse Jiang Chen to help the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, Jin Hong’s expression suddenly changed.

Jiang Chen is a god-level deity who masters the power of the eight realms, and his combat power is strong enough to be comparable to the ancestors of the two races.

It can be said.

The existence of Jiang Chen could easily rewrite the outcome of the battle between the Purple Golden Tiger Clan and the Silver Moon Wolf Clan.

If Jiang Chen were really drawn over by the people of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, this would be tantamount to the catastrophe for the Purple Tiger Clan.

Jin Hong felt anxious.

Knowing this a long time ago, he should draw the ancestor’s earth projection from the token of the ancestor from the super-grade god of the purple gold tiger clan.


He could only pray in his heart that Jiang Chen would not be deceived by Xiaoyue Di Zun.

“Don’t worry, neither the Purple Golden Tiger Clan or your Silvermoon Wolf Clan are still not qualified to let me die.”

Jiang Chen stared at Xiaoyue Earth Zun calmly: “I just made a deal with Earth Fire Venerable, killing a Silvermoon Wolf Clan God Venerable for him. Leave Yinbaikui, I can let the Silver Moon Wolf Clan The people evacuated from Guhuang Mountain.”

Xiaoyue Dizun’s eyes suddenly chilled, and he coldly shouted, “Your Excellency, don’t bully others too much!”

This kid has already killed the silver moon wolf clan’s new super-grade god Yin Ye. If he is allowed to kill Yin Baikui, the silver moon wolf clan will be greatly damaged, and he will no longer have any advantage against the purple tiger clan. .

not to mention……

His dignified Silver Moon Wolf Clan ancestor, if he watched Jiang Chen kill Yin Baikui, what face would he have to face the Silver Moon Wolf Clan members in the future?

As for Guhuangshan, the place of cultivation of the ancient emperor Tianzun, Xiaoyue Earthzun didn’t want to give up his cupped hands.

Although he didn’t want to be an enemy of Jiang Chen, if Jiang Chen insisted on having trouble with the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, then he could only fight Jiang Chen with all his strength.

“It seems you don’t intend to agree?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but set up a slight arc, and said lightly: “I have given you the opportunity to choose, I hope you don’t regret it.”


“Don’t take the deity to give you some face, you really think that the deity will be afraid of you.”

“Since I have to be an enemy of the Silvermoon Wolf Clan, let me die.”

Xiaoyue Venerable’s eyes skyrocketed, and the whole person became murderous in an instant!


Xiaoyue Venerable stretched out his huge claws, which was a hundred feet long, and brought up a silver light that shattered into the void, and came to suppress Jiang Chen overwhelmingly.


Jiang Chen looked at the huge claws that covered the sky and sun, and he couldn’t help but let out a cold stern cry.

Eight radiant powers of the world rushed out of Jiang Chen, and finally turned into a chaotic divine light, intertwined all over his body.

From a distance, Jiang Chen was like that Immortal, with an immortal, indestructible, and eternal aura.

Jiang Chen urged the power of the eight realms of the divine rank god to the extreme, and raised his hand to meet the huge claws suppressed by Xiaoyue Earth Zun.


Jiang Chen’s slap instantly collided with the claws of Xiaoyue Earth Venerable, and a storm of energy that ruined the sky and the earth also rippled from the void.

I saw that Xiaoyue Dizun’s body that was as high as a thousand feet was shaken and flew upside down a distance of hundreds of feet, and even the silver brilliance of the whole body became a lot dim in an instant.

“With the power of the Eight Paths, this kid is indeed a god of heaven.”

Xiaoyue Dizun stabilized his figure, and the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shrink suddenly.

The god-ranked god, who mastered the power of the eight realms, could truly be comparable to the earthly deity.

Although his earthly respect projection is not weak, it is almost impossible to deal with a genuine god-level god.

“Xiaoyue Earthly Sovereign, if your deity is here, you might still be able to face up to three points. But you are only a mere projection of the Earthly Sovereign, and I want to suppress it, it’s just a matter of turning hands.”

Jiang Chen stepped across the air, appeared directly above Xiaoyue Dizun’s head out of thin air, and then slammed his foot on it.


The void exploded, and the extremely bright chaotic divine light burst out from under Jiang Chen’s feet, like an ancient sacred mountain smashed down from the Nine Heavens, crushing the heavens.

Xiaoyue Earth Zun’s expression changed drastically, and his whole body was enveloped in surging silver light.

I saw countless silver thunder and lightning blasting around his body, and the surging energy turned the void of thousands of miles into a piece of silver thunder purgatory.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, the dazzling chaotic light on the soles of his feet gleamed.

Wherever he went, Thunder Purgatory became nothingness.

“Kacha Kacha…”

Jiang Chen’s kick almost broke the Thunder Purgatory with a force of destruction, and even hit the silver light on the whole body of Xiaoyue Dizun.

Only heard a loud noise, the projection of Xiaoyue Dizun’s Qianzhang Dizun was directly hit by an unrivaled force from the void into the ground, and a huge crack in the ground was knocked out. Valley.

this moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

Yin Tianhui and Yin Baikui stared at this scene blankly, and there was a look of horror that could not be concealed in their eyes.

Even the projections of their ancestors of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan were easily suppressed by the opponent.

With such an existence, what else do they use to contend with it?

Looking at the illusory figure of Xiaoyue Dizun constantly struggling in the rift valley, Jiang Chen put his hands behind him, like a god of war, slowly stepping down into the air step by step.

“Ah… bastard, if you dare to destroy the projection of the deity, the Silvermoon Wolves will be immortal with you!”

Xiaoyue Dizun stood up from the ground in embarrassment. He looked at Jiang Chen, who was slowly approaching from the void, and finally showed a panic in his eyes.

The world god Venerable projection is an energy body projected by the world god Venerable with its own Blood Essence and a certain medium through secret techniques.

This energy body has a close relationship with the body.

Once the projection is destroyed, the body will suffer severe damage. And the more powerful the projection, the greater the impact on the ontology.

This realm god projection of Xiaoyue Earth Venerable is almost the strongest projection that Xiaoyue Earth Venerable can condense.

If this projection was destroyed by Jiang Chen, it would be difficult for his body to return to its peak state without decades or even hundreds of years.

“Are you threatening me?”

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes slightly, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent: “Sorry, no one in this world can threaten me!”


Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and above the void above his head, a huge and incomparable Northern Dipper seven-star map was directly condensed ghostly.

The seven powers of Star, under the stimulus of Jiang Chen, finally turned into a dazzling Star giant sword, locked down the Xiaoyue Earth Sovereign below, and crashed down with the power of slashing the sky and destroying the earth.


The Star Giant Sword instantly slashed on Xiaoyue Earth Venerable’s body, and that Xiaoyue Earth Venerable who had already suffered heavy damage was hard to resist.

I saw that half of his body was buried in the ground under the pressure of Star’s giant sword.


The Star Sword Qi on the Star Giant Sword continued to wreak havoc on the body of Xiaoyue Earth Zun, causing Xiaoyue Earth Zun’s thousand-foot body to collapse continuously from the beginning.

Just a few breaths.

The projection of Xiaoyue Earth Zun was completely defeated by Star Sword Qi, leaving only an angry roar resounding between heaven and earth.

“Boy, you wait for me, today’s insult, the deity will definitely want you to return it ten times!”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, he didn’t pay attention to Xiaoyue Dizun’s roar at all, his icy eyes shot directly at Yin Tianhui and Yin Baikui.

Today, he first cut the Silver Moon Wolf Clan Super-Rank Heavenly God Realm genius Yin Ye, and then killed the Xiaoyue Earth Zun Projection, and he was destined to be only enemies with the Silver Moon Wolf Clan.

In the face of enemies, Jiang Chen has never been soft-hearted!

Feeling Jiang Chen’s cold gaze, Yin Tianhui and Yin Baikui only felt the souls in their hearts, and their faces instantly turned pale…

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