Chapter 1951 True Martial Domain

Jiang Chen’s heart suddenly shook.

The sacred dragon stele is actually related to the ancient secrets mastered by the sacred Dragon King!


Jiang Chen changed his mind, and felt that the divine spirit of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace’s guess should be correct in all likelihood.

The Holy Dragon King originally preferred the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace to be overthrown, and did not hand over the ancient secrets he had mastered to the ancient Holy Dragons, so he must have preserved this secret together.


The most important things preserved by the Saint Dragon King in the original battle are probably the Saint Dragon Heavenly Palace and the Saint Dragon Stele.

If the Holy Dragon King had placed this ancient secret in the Holy Dragon Temple, the spirit of the Holy Dragon Temple could not have been aware of it.


Most of the ancient secrets held by the Saint Dragon King should be in this Saint Dragon Stele.

The Shenglong stele is the legendary Xiantian Dao Item, and its origin is extremely mysterious. Even the temple spirit of the Shenglong Tiangong is rarely known about it.

Jiang Chen even had a feeling.

The ancient secrets mastered by the Saint Dragon King are not only hidden in the Saint Dragon Stele, but are also very likely to have a close relationship with the Saint Dragon Stele itself!

“Senior, now that the ancient sacred dragon remains have been completely opened, is it really okay to leave the sacred dragon monument here?”

Although he was not qualified to get the Holy Dragon Stele and the secrets left by the Holy Dragon King, he didn’t want this thing to be easily taken by others.

The origin of the sacred dragon stele is extremely extraordinary, and there must be some shocking chance hidden in it.

If possible, Jiang Chen will definitely come to open the Holy Dragon Stele and explore the secrets hidden in the Holy Dragon Stele after he breaks through the Divine King Realm.

“It’s okay, when I leave for a while, I will also destroy all the passages that can come to the ancient sacred dragon ruins.”

“Furthermore, you killed Nebula Venerable and others. Knowing that the four realms where the ancient sacred dragon relics exist have been greatly injured, I am afraid that I will not be able to explore the ancient sacred dragon relics in the future.”

“Besides… Xiantian Dao Item is difficult to shake even the power of the god king realm. Unless the ancient holy dragon clan stands at the top of the gods realm continent, no one should be able to easily take the holy dragon stele away.”

The Spiritual Voice of the Holy Dragon Heaven Palace fell, and directly appeared ghostly above the Holy Dragon Heaven Palace, and then quickly made a series of mysterious handprints in several different directions.

The move of the Holy Dragon Palace Spirit directly destroyed several passages of the ancient sacred dragon ruins.

Back then, the ancient Sacred Dragon clan powerhouses attacked, and the Sacred Dragon King fought with him. That extraordinary battle shattered the entire Sacred Dragon Realm.

When the Saint Dragon King fell, he exhausted his life’s strength to expel the eternal void and seal the broken world where the Saint Dragon Palace was located, making it the remains of the ancient sacred dragon.


The Holy Dragon King exiles and seals this broken world, but is in the protection of the Holy Dragon Palace and does not want the Holy Dragon Palace to be sealed in the ancient sacred dragon remains forever.


While sealing the ancient sacred dragon relics, he left several entrances with weaker seals in order to find someone to inherit the inheritance of the sacred dragon palace.

As a divine king realm power that dominates a region.

The Holy Dragon King’s supernatural powers are overwhelming. If he didn’t do it deliberately, how could ordinary people find the ancient sacred dragon relics and enter it unless the god king realm can make a big move?

“Senior, are you destroying the passage of the ancient sacred dragon ruins?”

Jiang Chen was stunned for a while, a bit of a wry smile: “I haven’t gotten out of this ancient sacred dragon relic yet?”

“Don’t worry, Shenglong Tiangong can ignore the seal that the owner originally arranged, and come and go freely. Now you can break the seal with Shenglong Tiangong and you can directly enter the eternal void.”

After the Holy Dragon Palace Spirit finished speaking, it turned into a golden glow and sank into the Holy Dragon Palace.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and with a slight movement of his palm, a burst of bright light burst out from above the Holy Dragon Palace, covering his whole body.

call out!

Jiang Chen, who was enveloped in the shining golden light, broke through the space directly and crashed into the endless space cracks.

The next moment…

I saw Jiang Chen’s figure slowly solidifying directly in a vast eternal void.

“Sure enough, it has entered the eternal void.”

Jiang Chen looked at the situation around him, but he was a little bit troubled.

Although he ignored the seal of the Holy Dragon King with the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, and entered the eternal void directly from the ancient remains of the Holy Dragon, he didn’t know where he was now.

For a moment, Jiang Chen didn’t even know where to go.

He used his mind to inquire about the temple spirit of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, but this guy didn’t even know the specific location of the ancient Holy Dragon relics that the Holy Dragon King had expelled.

“It seems that you have to find a practitioner who is walking in the eternal void and figure out where it is.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

The eternal void is vast and infinite, Jiang Chen now knows nothing about this place, he must find someone to understand the situation, and then mark this place.

Have enough strength in the future.

He can return here to open the Holy Dragon Stele and explore the ancient secrets left by the Holy Dragon King!

Jiang Chen’s thoughts flashed, and immediately walked slowly in the eternal void.

Not long after, Jiang Chen was thousands of miles away and felt a huge energy fluctuation.

“Huh? Someone ahead!”

Jiang Chen suddenly raised his head and looked at the place where the energy fluctuations were coming from.

There, a blue void building ship, like a blue sharp arrow, was galloping in the direction where Jiang Chen was.


Jiang Chen’s figure flashed, and he flew directly towards the Void Building Ship, and quickly blocked the Void Building Ship.

at the same time.

The Void Building Ship, which was rapidly shuttled through the Eternal Void, also changed from extremely fast to still, and stopped a hundred meters away from Jiang Chen.

Immediately afterwards.

More than a dozen Daoist shadows quickly flew out of the void building ship.

The first person is a middle-aged man with a burly figure and a monster with a tiger pattern on his forehead.

The middle-aged man’s Cultivation Base has reached the early stage of the lower world god, and is the most powerful existence in the entire void building ship.


The world god Venerable was slightly pale at this moment, his breath was vacant, and he had obviously suffered serious injuries.

“Your Excellency, why do you stop me from waiting?”

The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen who was blocking the Void Tower, his expression also appeared alert.

“In the next Jiang Chen, I appeared here because of an accident. I just want to find out with you, where is this place?”

Jiang Chen hugged the cupped fist and asked politely.

Although the middle-aged man remained vigilant in his heart, he still replied: “This is an eternal void within the realm of Zhenwu.”

“Zhenwu Tianyu…”

When Jiang Chen heard the middle-aged man’s words, he couldn’t help being stunned.

Not long ago.

The Jiu Xu Venerable invited by the four of Ziyun Venerable seems to be from the Nine Profound Array Sect of Zhenwu Tianyu.

Jiang Chen obviously didn’t expect it.

The ancient sacred dragon relics sealed in the eternal void by the Saint Dragon King are actually in the realm of Zhenwu.


At the beginning, Nebula Venerable and the others were able to invite the Jiu Xu Venerable from the Great Realm of Zhenwu to help.

This ancient sacred dragon relic was banished to Zhenwu Tianyu by the sacred Dragon King, but it was reasonable.

“I don’t know where is the closest boundary to this place?”

Jiang Chen thought for a while and couldn’t help asking again.

He just wanted to find a place to stay, figure out where he was, and then decide where to go.

“The closest realm to this place is the Zhenwu Great Realm of the Zhenwu Heaven Realm. We are now going to the Zhenwu Great Realm. If this young man doesn’t mind, he can walk with us!”

At this moment, a girl in a blue skirt with outstanding temperament beside the middle-aged man said softly.

“Miss, how can we bring other people now, besides, the origin of this person is unknown, I think…”

The leading middle-aged man couldn’t help but persuade.

“Uncle Qing, it’s just on the way, take this young man, I don’t think this young man looks like a bad person.”

The girl in the blue skirt smiled slightly, and immediately opened the defensive formation of the ship building, and said to Jiang Chen: “Master, please get on the ship.”

“Thanks a lot!”

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and flew directly into the Void Tower Ship.

The middle-aged man gave Jiang Chen a slightly dissatisfied look, but in the end he could only sigh bitterly in his heart.

Miss is so kind-hearted, good people and bad people can do it at a glance.

Now that they can’t protect themselves, Miss still wants to bring this guy with unknown origins, and doesn’t know whether it will be a blessing or a curse next.

After Jiang Chen entered the Void Building Ship, the middle-aged man gave an order, and the Void Building Ship also set sail again.

And Jiang Chen entered the interior of the void building at the invitation of the girl in the blue skirt.

Jiang Chen was not polite, and as he followed the blue skirt girl into the cabin, he inquired about the information he wanted to know.

After a conversation.

Jiang Chen finally had a general understanding of where he was now.

Zhenwu Tianyu is an area very close to the center of the eternal void, even if it is the endless eternal void, it is extremely famous.

The main realm of Zhenwu Tianyu, Zhenwu Great Realm, is a super realm with more than one God King’s power.

Even the Great Wilderness Realm of the Great Wilderness Cosmos is far from being compared with the Zhenwu Great Realm.

And in the south of Zhenwu Tianyu, it is a chaotic place, and there are some small territories scattered in the eternal void.

This chaotic place, in the ancient times hundreds of millions of years ago, was also a heaven with the power of the god king realm.


This divine king realm was so powerful that it fell, and the entire universe fell apart as a result.

When Jiang Chen heard the information, he knew it in his heart.

The god king realm power that fell in the mouth of the blue skirt girl should be the holy Dragon King. The chaotic place south of Zhenwu Tianyu is almost always the Holy Dragon Tianyu ruled by the Holy Dragon King.


Just as Jiang Chen digested some of the situations explained by the blue skirt girl, a sharp eagle’s cry also instantly penetrated the endless space and resounded in Jiang Chen’s ears.

Immediately afterwards.

A powerful and fierce Monster Qi also suddenly spread over the sky above the Void Tower…

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