Chapter 1950 The Legendary Ancient Secret

Nine Void Venerable strongly suppressed the churning aura in the body, and his complexion also looked pale.

He looked up at Jiang Chen, who stood proudly above the Sacred Dragon Palace, and his eyes also showed unconcealed horror: “You…you actually control the Divine King’s Sacred Dragon Palace?”

Divine King Artifact, this is the strongest artifact that the Divine King Realm can only be able to build.

Every artifact of the Divine King has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, and contains the power of the supreme great way, also known as Dao Item.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to control the powers of non-divine king realm, such as the most powerful divine tools like the Divine King.

The Nine Profound Formation Sect is the top realm god Sect with a very long heritage in Zhenwu Great Realm. Sect’s Zhenzong treasure is a genuine artifact of the gods at a fair price.


There is no other person in their Nine Profound Formation Sect except the ancestor who obtained the Divine King Tool that can truly control this Divine King Tool.

Even if the Sect Leader and Cultivation Base of each generation of the Nine Profound Array Sect reach the powerful existence of the upper realm gods, they can only use the secret techniques left by the ancestors to reluctantly activate the divine king artifact.

And the boy Cultivation Base is only in the Celestial Realm. Although it is already a Transcendent that breaks the Celestial Limit, it is impossible to easily master the Divine King Tool, right?

“I am the inheritance of the Sacred Dragon Temple, why can’t I control the Sacred Dragon Temple?”

With a move of Jiang Chen’s palm, Shenglong Tiangong instantly turned into a palm-sized palace and fell into his palm.

He held the Sacred Dragon Palace in this way, like an unparalleled God of War, with an aura of overlooking the heaven and earth, step by step, he slowly stepped down towards the top of the Sacred Dragon Mountain.

“Heir of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, you…you can’t kill me, I am Elder of the Nine Profound Array Sect of the Great Realm of Zhenwu. If you kill me, my Nine Profound Array Sect will definitely not let you go!”

Jiu Xu Venerable looked at Jiang Chen who was holding the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

He entered the Dao with the formation, and his accomplishments in the formation are extraordinary, but the Cultivation Base is only a lower world god, comparable to the strength of Nebula Venerable and others.

Now Jiang Chen is in charge of the Divine King’s Sacred Dragon Tiangong, which is superb.

The blow just now not only killed Nebula Venerable and others, but even him, who was separated by a vast void, was severely injured by the horrific power fluctuations of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

If Jiang Chen really wanted to kill him, I’m afraid he would have no resistance at all.

It is precisely because of this.

Nine Xu Venerable moved the Nine Profound Formation Sect directly, hoping to use the name of Sect to shock Jiang Chen and save his own life.

“Zhenwu Great Realm? Nine Profound Formation Sect? Sorry, I haven’t heard of it!”

“Since you dare to help Nebula Venerable and the others come to get involved in the Holy Dragon Palace, let’s bury them with them.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and above the Sacred Dragon Palace in his palm, a burst of urging light broke out again, knocking down towards the Nine Venerable below.

The Holy Dragon Temple is the power of the god king in ancient times.

Such a site of the power of the gods came out, and if the news spreads, it will surely cause a huge sensation.

In particular, this Nine Venerable is still the world god Venerable from the real martial realm. If he is allowed to leave alive, it may cause him endless trouble.


No matter who the Nine Venerable is in front of him, he will never let him leave alive!

“Do not!”

Nine Void Venerable looked desperate and horrified, and the Realm God’s Origin broke out with all his strength, and successively evolved three different defense formations all over his body, trying to block the dazzling golden light that landed.


Jiang Chen urged the attack from the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, the divine king’s tool, how could the mere Venerable resist it?

Just a few breaths.

Nine Venerable Venerable’s Third Stage defensive array evolved from the origin of the world gods, all of them collapsed in mid-air.

And Jiu Xu Venerable’s body was also directly hit by that bright golden light, and then burst into powder with a bang.

“Unexpectedly, just activating the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace twice would consume more than half of the strength in my body.”

Jiang Chen received the Holy Dragon Palace, felt the huge consumption in his body, and he couldn’t help but let out a low mutter.

Although the power of the king’s artifact is shocking, it seems that it cannot be easily activated.

The Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace was urged twice just now, but Jiang Chen did not fully utilize the power of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

With the power of his sacred deity, I am afraid that even if he tries his best to condense a blow, he may not be able to fully display the power of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

“Holy Dragon Palace, you’d better not show it until you have to force it.”

“Especially when you get to the Shenwu Continent, you have to be more careful. I can’t take it easily.”

“The only thing you have to do now is to grow up as soon as possible and break through the Divine King Realm. Otherwise, once the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace and I are exposed, it will only bring you a murderous disaster!”

At this moment, the voice of Shenglongtian Palace Spirit rang directly in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Senior don’t worry, I understand.”

Jiang Chen was clear in his heart.

The Holy Dragon Palace represents the will of the Holy Dragon King, and the Holy Dragon King has some unknown grievances with the ancient holy dragons.

When the Holy Dragon Palace was destroyed, the Holy Dragon King must have spent a lot of thought, expelling the ancient sacred dragon relics into the eternal void, and only then saved the Holy Dragon Palace to the present.

Once he hasn’t grown up yet, let the ancient holy dragons know the existence of the holy dragon heaven, which will surely bring him a disaster!


Thinking of Shenglong Tiangong, Jiang Chen’s mind flashed, and a new question suddenly appeared in his heart.

The Saint Dragon King is a person from the ancient Saint Dragon tribe.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t know, for what reason the Saint Dragon King betrayed the ancient Saint Dragon clan, and then came to the Eternal Void to establish the Saint Dragon Heavenly Palace, and take charge of a territory.

But even though the strength of the Holy Dragon Temple is not weak, it is still not worth mentioning compared to the strongest races that inherited the ancient times like the ancient Holy Dragon tribe.

The ancient sacred dragons were born in the endless eternal void, found the sacred Dragon King and the sacred dragon palace, and shot them to annihilate them.

So he guessed right.

Saint Dragon King’s body, perhaps hides some earth-shattering secrets.

This secret, even the ancient holy dragon clan, I am afraid they will be peeping at it!


The above-mentioned low temperature of the ancient sacred dragons in the Shenwu Continent, why bother to fight for the sake of a sacred dragon palace?

“Senior, the ancient Sacred Dragons are the ancient tribes of the Shenwu Continent. They spent a lot of time to come to the Sacred Dragon Realm to destroy the Sacred Dragon Palace, what on earth did they do?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but ask his own doubts in his heart.

“The owner did not mention this.”

“However, in that battle, the strong man of the ancient Sacred Dragon clan who destroyed the Sacred Dragon Heavenly Palace had a brief conversation with his master.”

“The master’s body seems to be in an ancient secret that is enough to stir up the entire Shenwu Continent!”

The faint voice of Shenglong Tiangong directly rang in Jiang Chen’s mind.


Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help taking a breath.

It is no wonder that the ancient sacred dragons will hunt down from the Shenwu Continent to the endless eternal void. I did not expect that the Holy Dragon King possesses an ancient secret that is enough to stir the entire Shenwu Continent!

Shook his head, Jiang Chen didn’t dare to think more.

No matter what secrets Saint Dragon King mastered, he knew now that it was not good.

These ancient secrets that are enough to stir up the entire Shenwu Continent are really too much involved.

Even the great power of the Saint Dragon King, such as the god king realm, has fallen because of this.

Before becoming a great power in the Divine King Realm, he did not have the qualifications to explore such ancient secrets!

Jiang Chen cast aside his thoughts, his gaze swept slightly, and he couldn’t help falling on the Baizhang Holy Dragon Stele standing on the top of the Holy Dragon Mountain.

“Senior, can I bring this holy dragon stele?”

Jiang Chen looked at the Sacred Dragon Stele in front of him, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Although Shenglong Tiangong is a divine king’s weapon, it is not an attacking divine weapon.

The Sacred Dragon Stele in front of him was the weapon that the Sacred Dragon King had used before, and its power might be more powerful than that of the Sacred Dragon Temple.

If possible, Jiang Chen naturally hopes that he can also control this sacred dragon stele.

“No, you can’t move this sacred dragon stele now. When you become a god king realm power, maybe you can come and try it.”

Hearing Jiang Chen mentioning the sacred dragon stele, the tone of the palace spirit of the sacred dragon sky also had a somewhat more solemn expression.

Even to become a god king realm power, can you only come and try?

Jiang Chen was suddenly shocked.

He originally thought that the Holy Dragon Stele and the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace were both divine artifacts, and that he could refine and control the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace. It should not be too difficult to control the Holy Dragon Stele.

But now Jiang Chen realized that he might have underestimated this sacred dragon stele.

Could it be…

This sacred dragon stele is already a heaven-defying existence that surpasses the divine king’s artifact?

“You guessed it right, this sacred dragon stele is not a god artifact, but a real Dao Item!”

At this moment, Shenglongtian Palace Spirit said directly in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“The real Dao Item?”

Jiang Chen was startled slightly, his eyes could not help showing a look of confusion.

As far as he knows, the Divine King Tool created by the Great Power of the Divine King Realm already contains the power of the Dao, and it can also be called Dao Item.

In other words.

Dao Item should be the king’s artifact.

But Shenglong Tiangong now tells him that the Divine King Tool is not a real Dao Item, which is too unbelievable.

“Although the Divine King Tool created by the Divine King Realm Great Power also contains the power of the great power, it is bestowed by the Divine King Realm Great Power and can only be counted as a Houtian Dao Item.”

“In this world, there are some treasures born from Xiantian that contain the power of the supreme avenue, also known as Xiantian Dao Item.”

“Shenglong stele is a Xiantian Dao Item!”

Shenglongtian Palace Ling explained directly.

Holy Dragon Stele, Xiantian Dao Item!

Jiang Chen looked at the Sacred Dragon Stele in front of him, his pupils shrinking slightly.

The origin of this sacred dragon stele seems to be more terrifying than it expected.

“Xiantian Dao Item is not the one that is easy to control. Even the master, such as the god king realm, could only cooperate with the Holy Dragon Monument at the beginning.”

When the Holy Dragon Heaven Palace Spirit said this, he couldn’t help but pause slightly, and the astonishing voice sounded directly in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“If I guess right, the ancient secrets mastered by the master will probably be related to this sacred dragon stele!”

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