Chapter 1872 Then I’ll Play With You

Seeing that Haoyue Venerable had agreed so simply, Tianhe Venerable’s eyes couldn’t help but narrowed slightly.

Before coming to Hanyue Palace, Tianhe Venerable had already inquired about the situation of the Hanyue Palace Tianjiao Challenge.

Although Hanyue Palace’s breakthrough emerged as a peerless genius like Jiang Chen, he easily defeated Hanyue Palace’s first Tianjiao Palace Mausoleum.

But Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base is only at the fifth level of the Celestial God.

But Mo Zihan, the first arrogant of the Glacier Sect, successfully broke through the sixth order of the gods not long ago!

Mo Zihan is also an ice god body that is unparalleled, and his combat power is one of the best among the Tianjiao of the Great Wilderness and Realm.

Using Mozi’s Cultivation Base of the sixth-order Han Tianshen to defeat Jiang Chen of the fifth-order Tianshen, wouldn’t it be easy?

Tianhe Venerable really didn’t understand.

This Haoyue Venerable, where did the confidence come from, bet against him.


This is the end of the matter, and Tianhe Venerable naturally cannot go wrong.

He took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Mo Zihan, and said lightly: “Zihan, go to meet Hanyue Palace, the newly promoted first arrogant.”


Mo Zihan responded, and immediately flashed down from the void, and landed in the center of Yanwu Square. The cold voice instantly resounded through the audience.

“Jiang Chen, don’t you come out to fight with me?”

In Yanwu Square, everyone’s eyes fell on Jiang Chen.

Upon seeing this, Xiang Hong couldn’t help but said solemnly to Jiang Chen: “Junior Brother Jiang, be careful, this Mo Zihan’s strength may not be simple.”

“rest assured.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and then slowly walked to the center of Yanwu Square under the gaze of countless eyes.

He lazily looked at Mo Zihan on the opposite side, and said casually: “Since you want to fight, then I will play with you.”

“Is this the first arrogant Jiang Chen of Hanyue Palace now?”

Tianhe Venerable looked at Jiang Chen, who slowly walked to the center of Yanwu Square, his pupils suddenly shrank.

As the dignified world god Venerable, Tianhe Venerable’s perception is so keen, he just glanced at it and sensed Jiang Chen’s extraordinaryness.

What shocked Tianhe Venerable even more.

With his eyesight, he couldn’t see through Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base at all!

“How can this be?”

Tianhe Venerable couldn’t believe his own eyes.

Realm God Venerable and Heaven God Realm are two completely different levels.

Even practitioners of the sixth order of the ordinary gods have nowhere to hide in front of the world god Venerable.

Tianhe Venerable has stepped into the world god Venerable for millions of years. In this life, he has encountered an invisible young Tianjiao, almost all of whom are few in number.

And such an existence is undoubtedly not the kind of super-grade deity that surpasses the sixth-order deity and breaks the limit!

But Jiang Chen in front of him, in the Hanyue Palace Tianjiao Challenge a few months ago, the Cultivation Base was no more than the fifth rank of the Celestial God.

“This guy should have a treasure that can hide the Cultivation Base.”

Tianhe Venerable’s eyes flickered slightly.

He didn’t believe it anyway.

Jiang Chen has now stepped into the Realm of the super-grade gods.

“Jiang Chen, today I want to see what you can do to defeat the palace in the Hanyue Palace Tianjiao Challenge!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t put him in his eyes, Mo Zihan snorted in anger, and immediately stretched out his hand to face Jiang Chen’s volley.

Chi Chi…

The weird white ice cube condensed out of thin air, and then turned into a dozen ice spears, rushing towards Jiang Chen like lightning.

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently, just lightly pointed out that a dozen cold ice spears had broken apart in mid-air before they were close to the distance of one hundred feet of Jiang Chen.

“Come on, let me see how powerful your Ice Dao divine body is.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and the mighty power of the world whizzed out, but it turned into a black square seal and smashed against Mo Zihan.

Destroy the soul seal!

Now Jiang Chen Cultivation Base breakthrough super grade god, even the first seal of the human emperor seal, the power has reached a very terrifying point, can easily kill the power of the ordinary sixth-order god.

In the face of Jiang Chen’s fierce offensive, Mo Zihan’s expression could not help changing slightly.

With a movement of his palms, a huge ice cone of hundreds of feet suddenly spun up at a high speed, and violently collided with Jiang Chen’s Soul Destruction Seal.


The sky-shattering sound of energy skyrocketing, instantly resounded throughout Yanwu Square.

The terrifying storm of destruction, also centered on the place where the two clashed, quickly spread to the surroundings.

Wherever he went, even the space was annihilated into nothingness.

If this storm is allowed to sweep down, I am afraid that countless followers of the Cold Moon Palace around will be affected by the devastating storm.

Upon seeing this, Haoyue Venerable directly raised his hand with a wave, and saw that the thousands of meters in the center of Yanwu Square instantly turned into a vast and boundless plain.

This vast plain seems to be an independent world in the eyes of everyone.

Jiang Chen looked at the suddenly changing environment around him, and in his heart he was amazed at the means of the world god Venerable.

The world god Venerable has evolved the original world in his body and has the ability to create the world.

The plain in front of him was obviously a world created temporarily by Haoyue Venerable in order for the two to fight with all their strength.

Thoughts flickered slightly.

Jiang Chen looked up at Mo Zihan, who was forced to retreat hundreds of feet by the Soul Extinguishing Seal, and when he turned his hand, a seal of God Zhuo confronted Mo Zihan and suppressed him.

The incomparable Zhuzi God Seal smashed down with an endless force.

The void within a radius of hundreds of miles was constantly collapsing under the pressure of Zhuzi Shenyin.

“Damn it, isn’t this kid only the fifth-tier Cultivation Base of the Celestial God, how can it be so terrifying!”

Mo Zihan looked at the divine mark of Zhu Zihan from the suppression, and he was also frightened in his heart.

He gritted his teeth, the crystal pattern on the center of his eyebrows suddenly shone brightly, and the power of terrifying ice and cold was constantly pouring out!

Under Mo Zihan’s control, the force of ice cold quickly condensed in front of him, transforming into a huge ice palm.

With the appearance of the giant ice palm, the space of hundreds of miles around seemed to be frozen.

“Xuanming Frozen Heavenly Palm!”

Mozi’s cold face was like frost, and he slammed his palm against the mark of Zhuzi in the sky!


Under the gaze of countless eyes in Yanwu Square.

The imprint of Zhu Zi Shen and the giant ice palms collided like two meteors across the sky.

that moment.

A terrifying energy storm spreads from the sky, and there are huge space cracks that are thousands of feet long, like ancient fierce beasts opening their hideous and big mouths in the void, making people feel chills.

“Ding Ding Ding…”

As the energy storm spread in the sky, a white figure suddenly flew out of the void.

Every time he took a step back, the soles of his feet would stamp out a space black hole the size of ten feet in the void…

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