Chapter 1871 Venerable’s Gamble

Hanyue Palace, Yanwu Square.

Tens of thousands of disciples of the Hanyue Palace gathered in Yanwu Square, almost completely surrounding the entire Yanwu Square.

Three days ago.

After Hanyue Palace’s newly promoted first day arrogant returned to Hanyue Palace, he gladly accepted the challenge of Mo Zihan, the first day arrogant of the Glacier Sect.

Today is the day when the two peerless arrogances fight.

Many disciples of the Cold Moon Palace came to Yanwu Square early, wanting to witness this unprecedented battle with their own eyes.

Jiang Chen, accompanied by Xiang Hong and Xu Qingming, went straight to Yanwu Square.

With the appearance of Jiang Chen, many of the disciples of the Cold Moon Palace couldn’t help discussing.

“Do you think Jiang Chen can win this battle?”

“Is it necessary to say that Mo Zihan was defeated by the palace 20 years ago. Jiang Chen has the strength to crush the palace. Wouldn’t it be easy to defeat Mo Zihan?”

“It’s not that simple. Since the Glacier Sect dared to challenge the door, wouldn’t he have no preparation? It is said that Mo Zihan is a natural divine body, and I am afraid that it is no longer inferior to the palace.”


Among the many disciples of the Cold Moon Palace, some had absolute confidence in this battle, and some of them couldn’t help but show a worried look on their faces.

The strength of Sect Tianjiao’s disciples, to a large extent, represents the strength of a Sect.

If Jiang Chen loses this battle, their dominance of Hanyue Palace in Hanyue Prefecture will undoubtedly be impacted by the Glacier Sect.

There was a lot of discussion among everyone.

Over Yanwu Square, there was a sudden fluctuation in space.


Several white figures emerged directly from the void of space.

The head of the person was an old man in white with a fluttering robe, with a sense of fairy style.

He doesn’t seem to be very old, and there are no wrinkles that old people should have on his face. On the contrary, it is like a piece of warm jade, exuding a bright luster.

The old man in white just stood there quietly, and a powerful pressure that made one could not help kneeling down in worship filled Yanwu Square.

Looking at the Daoist shadows that appeared in the void, Xiang Hong couldn’t help but constricted suddenly: “Jiang Brother, the people of the Ice River Sect are here.”

Jiang Chen nodded.

The Venerable of the white-clothed old man was released without reservation. Even without Xiang Hong’s reminder, he knew that this person was the Sect Leader of the Glacier Sect, Tianhe Venerable.

Beside Tianhe Venerable, there are three young disciples with extraordinary momentum.

All three of them wore all white robes.

The Cultivation Base of the two of them has reached the fifth rank of the Celestial God, which is not inferior to the White Star Sword in the Cold Moon Palace.

The last young man with a cold face, Cultivation Base has already broken through the sixth order of the gods.

There is a crystal clear pattern on the center of the young man’s eyebrows. If a person with poor strength looks up, it seems that even the soul will feel frozen.

Jiang Chen didn’t need to think about it.

This cold-hearted young man is the opponent he will face today, Mo Zihan, the first arrogant of the Glacier Sect.

“It deserves to be the existence of a divine body with attributes, this cultivation speed really crushes the palace tombs.”

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but exclaimed in his heart.

With the strength shown in the Gongling Tianjiao Challenge, facing the Mo Zihan in front of him, I am afraid that he will definitely lose.

Watching this scene, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but said solemnly to Xiang Hong and the other two: “The strength of the disciples of Glacier Sect Tianjiao seems to be even stronger than that of the disciples of Hanyue Palace Tianjiao.”

“In recent years, the strength of Hanyue Palace has been declining, and it has been a long time since there has been a more amazing genius.”

“During the peak of Hanyue Palace, three people were ranked in the Great Desolate Tianjiao list, and the strongest one even entered the top ten on the Great Desolate Tianjiao list.”

“The last time the Great Desolate Tianjiao List, Hanyue Palace even had a fault in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Ranking, until Gong Ling defeated a genius from the Great Desolation Tianjiao list a hundred years ago and barely squeezed into the Great Desolation Tianjiao list.”

Xu Qingming couldn’t help but sighed softly.

With the fall of Taishang Elder, the strength of the Cold Moon Palace was once again weakened.

It was precisely because of the decline of the Hanyue Palace that the Glacier Sect had the guts to come to the Hanyue Palace to provoke it openly.

“The Glacier Sect has been developing low-key, and the strength in all aspects is indeed no less inferior than that of the Hanyue Palace.”

Xiang Hong also said solemnly: “Before you came back, Bai Xingjian and Yue Wushuang had discussed with two disciples outside the Glacier Sect, and the results were one win and one loss. Now it’s up to you and Mo Zihan’s battle. ”

“Haoyue, haven’t you seen me yet?”

When the three of Jiang Chen were talking, Tianhe Venerable’s strong voice echoed over Yanwu Square.

In the billowing voice, there is a touch of supernatural power.

Many disciples of the Cold Moon Palace in Yanwu Square turned pale in an instant.

“Huh! Tianhe, don’t go too far, this deity, Hanyue Palace, is not a place where you can go wild at will.”

At this moment, a faint humming sound came from the void space, instantly suppressing the realm god above the square into nothingness.

The next moment…

I saw Haoyue Venerable’s figure slowly emerging from the opposite side of Tianhe Venerable.

He glanced at Tianhe Venerable lightly: “Stop talking nonsense, since you insist on comparing this one, let’s start.”

Tianhe Venerable smiled and looked at Haoyue Venerable: “Haoyue, today is your Cold Moon Palace and my Glacier Sect’s strongest Tianjiao duel today, I don’t know if there is any interest in it.”

“It seems that you are very confident in this battle.”

Haoyue Venerable smiled coldly: “Say, how do you want to bet?”

Tianhe Venerable said indifferently: “The Great Desolate Tianjiao Club is about to begin, so let’s bet on a place in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club. What do you think?”

“Yes, you want to bet, I will be with you.”

Haoyue Venerable could not help but raise a ghostly arc

If before Jiang Chen returns to the Cold Moon Palace, facing the gambling fight proposed by Tianhe Venerable, Haoyue Venerable might still consider one or two more.

after all.

Mo Zihan, the first arrogant of the Glacier Sect, not only made Cultivation Base a breakthrough in the sixth order of the gods, but also possessed the Ice Dao divine body, and his strength was far above the palace.

Even if Jiang Chen had the strength to defeat Gong Ling, he might not be Mo Zihan’s opponent.

But when Haoyue Venerable saw Jiang Chen again three days ago and learned of Jiang Chen’s current strength, the whole person was completely shocked.

He didn’t expect it.

After not seeing him in just a few months, Jiang Chen actually broke through two realms from the fifth rank of the deity, and became the super deity who broke the limit of the deity!

Today’s Jiang Chen, even if he is a genius on the Great Desolate Tianjiao list, who can compete with him, I am afraid he can count it with one hand.

How could Mo Zihan, a glacier sect, be Jiang Chen’s opponent?

Since Tianhe Venerable wants to bet on a place in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club, Haoyue Venerable is naturally willing to accompany him.

He will soon let Tianhe Venerable know what it means to lift a rock and hit his own foot!

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