Chapter 1840


“Who is that kid who dares to talk to Gong Ling like this?”

“Did you not see that he was with Xiang Hong and Xu Qingming? If I guess right, he is the direct disciple that Xuandao Venerable received not long ago!”

“Tsk tusk… It turned out to be him, now there is a good show to watch.”


Everyone looked at this scene, and they couldn’t help showing a strange look.

Jiang Chen didn’t pay any attention to the surrounding comments.

He looked at the palace with a calm expression and said lightly: “Yes, it is the disciple of Xuan Dao Venerable, Jiang Chen.”

Gong Ling stared straight at Jiang Chen: “You are good at strength. It’s no wonder that Xuan Dao Venerable can see you. I hope you won’t let me down in the Tianjiao Challenge.”

“Don’t worry, you won’t be disappointed.”

Jiang Chen also stared at the palace without evasiveness, and said domineeringly: “Because this time the Tianjiao Challenge is the number one, I have to make it.”

“Really? I’ll wait and see!”

An icy chill flickered in Gong Ling’s eyes, and he ignored Jiang Chen, turned around and walked away.

five years ago.

The Supreme Elder of the Hanyue Palace sat down, leaving behind a precious crystal of the mind. Unexpectedly, the Supreme Elder passed on to a new disciple named Ji Wushuang.

Master Haoyue Venerable wanted to help him capture the Jie Xin Shen Jing, but at the last moment, Venerable had to make a concession on the Profound Dao Venerable, and placed the ownership of Jie Xin Shen Jing in the Tianjiao Challenge five years later.


This time the Tianjiao Challenge, the palace has only one purpose, to win the Tianjiao Challenge to get the first place, so as to obtain the Jie Xin Jing Jing.

As long as he obtains the Jie Xin Shen Jing, he will surely make his own strength a level of Ascension.

At that time, he will be able to shine in the Great Desolate Tianjiao.

It is not impossible to even win a place in the top ten list of the Great Desolate Tianjiao!

It is precisely because of this.

Gong Ling is already inevitable for the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge.

If anyone dares to take the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge, he will make the opponent pay an extremely heavy price!

“Junior Brother Jiang, when Gong Ling challenged the thirty-second place on the Dahuang Tianjiao list twenty years ago, he was already at the top of the fifth rank of the Celestial God. Now I am afraid that he has broken through the sixth rank of the Celestial God, so don’t be careless.”

Xiang Hong looked at the back of Gong Ling’s departure and couldn’t help but stared at him solemnly.

Although he had a ten-stroke battle with Jiang Chen half a month ago, knowing that Jiang Chen’s strength is far better than himself, but Gong Ling is the ultimate arrogant on the list of the Great Desolate Tianjiao after all.

To know.

Of the thirty-six Tianjiao on the list of the Great Desolate Tianjiao, each one is a talented and stunning generation.

Even though Jiang Chen is capable of Transcendent, it is probably not an easy task to challenge the geniuses of the Great Desolate Tianjiao.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, “Don’t worry, brother, I won’t be careless.”

The first place in the Tianjiao Challenge this time, but has a close relationship with his mother, Jiang Chen will naturally not be careless.

By the time.

Even if it caused the Heavenly Tribulation to break through the sixth-order Heavenly God, he would never give the palace any chance!

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but search on the martial arts field.

If today’s Pride Challenge is about to begin, why hasn’t my mother shown up yet?

“Could it be…what accident happened to my mother in the Cold Moon Palace?”

Seeing that his mother Ji Wushuang hadn’t appeared yet, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing an anxious look on his face.

Just when Jiang Chen was a little impatient, a breath that made Jiang Chen blood connected suddenly came in from the outside of the martial arts field.

Jiang Chen was shocked and couldn’t help but suddenly looked up.

I saw a majestic and majestic woman slowly walking in from outside the martial arts arena.

Her face is exquisite, the green silk is like a waterfall, and a water-colored dress is on her, like water waves, and she exudes a breath of majesty and beauty.

This handsome figure, who is not his mother Ji Wushuang?

“Mother, I finally found you!”

Seeing this familiar figure after a long absence, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but an expression of excitement appeared in his eyes.


Jiang Chen also knew that it was not the time to go up and meet Ji Wushuang at this moment, so he had to take a deep breath and forcibly suppress the excitement in his heart.

“Huh…Who is this, why have I never seen this before?”

Some disciples of the Cold Moon Palace looked at Ji Wushuang who suddenly appeared, and a look of surprise appeared in their eyes.

Others who knew Ji Wushuang’s identity couldn’t help but quickly said: “Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, she is Ji Wushuang, the personal disciple whom Elder took before he took his seat!”

“It turned out to be her!”

Many disciples of the Hanyue Palace were shocked.

Five years ago, because of the appearance of this one, Hanyue Palace almost broke out in a civil turmoil.

Later, the two great realm gods of the Hanyue Palace, Venerable, took the initiative and suppressed the incident, and the personal disciple of the Supreme Elder was also missing.

Unexpectedly, this time the Tianjiao Challenge, even this one appeared.


Just when everyone was shocked, there was a sudden violent spatial fluctuation in the center of the martial arts field, and a white-haired old man appeared silently in everyone’s sight.

The old man looks ordinary, but in the ordinary, he is sharp and vigorous, and his old eyes are also piercing, which makes people afraid to look directly.

“Everyone, it’s the new Tianjiao Challenge of the Cold Moon Palace. Elder Zhong Lishui, the old man of the Cold Moon Palace, is also the host of this Tianjiao Challenge.”

“The Tianjiao Challenge is a grand event held only once in my Hanyue Palace a thousand years ago. Therefore, as long as the disciples who participate in the Tianjiao Challenge have performed well, they can receive Sect’s generous rewards.”

“In addition, the top three in the Tianjiao Challenge will be eligible to participate in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club in half a year!”

Zhong Lishui’s gaze swept slightly across the martial arts field, and the old voice spread across every corner of the martial arts field in an instant.

As Zhong Lishui’s voice resounded in the martial arts field, the eyes of countless disciples who signed up for the Tianjiao Challenge became extremely hot.

The Tianjiao Challenge is a grand event in Hanyue Palace that was born because of the Great Desolation Tianjiao Meeting. It will only be held once in a thousand years.

Every Tianjiao Challenge, if you can get a good ranking, you can get a lot of rewards.

Especially the top three, they can represent Sect in the Great Wilderness God Sect and participate in the Great Wilderness Tianjiao Club, which is admired by people and has countless reputations.

Zhong Lishui ignored the excitement of the crowd, his eyes swept across Ji Wushuang’s body, and the faint voice resounded through the entire martial arts arena again.

“Everyone, after discussion by Sect’s senior management, this time the Tianjiao Challenge will be the first and will receive a very precious reward.”

“This reward is the crystal of mind left by Tai Shang Elder sitting five years ago!”

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