Chapter 1839 Hanyue Palace’s first arrogant, palace mausoleum

With the appearance of the two Bai Xingjian, the powerful aura caused many energetic Hanyue Palace disciples to lose their confidence in an instant.

Only a few other Sect Tianjiao, the eyes that looked at them all burst out except for a strong will to fight.

after all.

These two are the top three Tianjiao in Hanyue Palace, and they are also the ones who have the most chance to compete for the top three in the Tianjiao Challenge.

It can be said.

As long as they defeat one of these two people, they will be able to enter the top three and obtain a place to participate in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club.

As for the challenge to Sect’s first Tianjiao palace, they dare not even think about it.

As the thirty-second genius on the list of the Great Desolation Tianjiao, Gongling is almost synonymous with invincibility among the disciples of the Hanyue Palace.

As long as there is no accident, the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge this time is the palace tomb.

Challenge Bai Xingjian and Yue Shuangshuang, they may still have a chance.

But if you challenge the mausoleum, it will be no different from death.

“Junior Brother Jiang, the strength of this White Star Sword seems to be much stronger than before.”

At this moment, Xiang Hong looked at Bai Jianxing who walked into the martial arts field and couldn’t help but suddenly said.

Jiang Chen glanced at Bai Xingjian and couldn’t help but smile indifferently: “He should have broken through the fifth stage of the Celestial God, not bad…”

With Jiang Chen’s eyesight, he can naturally feel that the breath of the White Star Sword has become a lot stronger, and in all likelihood, he has broken through the fifth stage of the Celestial God.


Even though the Bai Xingjian broke through, Jiang Chen didn’t care about it at all.

In his eyes, Bai Xingjian couldn’t even compare to the woman named Yue Wushuang next to him.

Not only did this woman not breathe under the White Star Sword, but she also gave people a very mysterious feeling.

Intuition tells Jiang Chen that Yue Wushuang is probably much more difficult to deal with than Bai Xingjian this year.


Jiang Chen’s current space Martial Dao’s origin is complete, and he can break through the sixth order of the gods at any time. Once the Celestial God Tribulation of Tier 6 is triggered, it can be fearless of any opponent under the Realm God Venerable.

Unless the world god Venerable takes the shot, he is bound to win the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge this time!

When Jiang Chen and the others were looking at the two of Bai Xingjian, Bai Xingjian’s gaze also turned towards Jiang Chen and the others in response.

“Jiang Chen, I will have fun with you in the Tianjiao Challenge for a while!”

Bai Xingjian sneered in his heart, and a touch of cold light flashed across his eyes.

“call out!”

While everyone’s eyes were still on the Bai Xingjian two, a bright purple Sword Ray burst out of the sky toward the martial arts field.

After a while.

I saw a purple-clothed young man with a purple long sword, who appeared directly in the sight of everyone.

The purple-clothed youth’s eyebrows are sharp like a sword, and the gaze under the eyebrows is like a heavenly sword, shining brightly, as if even the space has been pierced wherever he goes, and his whole body exudes a fierce aura that people dare not look at.

At the moment when the purple-clothed youth appeared, the huge martial arts field fell into silence for an instant.

Jiang Chen didn’t need to think about it.

This purple-clothed youth should be the number one Sect Tianjiao, palace mausoleum!

“As expected to be the No. 1 Sect Tianjiao in the Hanyue Palace, the top Tianjiao on the list of the Great Desolation Tianjiao, really well-deserved reputation.”

Jiang Chen looked at the imperial sword coming from the palace, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Since stepping into God’s Domain, Jiang Chen has seen a lot of God’s Domain geniuses.

The palace mausoleum in front of him is undoubtedly the most powerful existence among the geniuses Jiang Chen has ever seen.

The strength of this guy,

If he had the strength before apprentice to Venerable, facing this Hanyue Palace’s number one arrogant, perhaps he was really not sure of winning.

“The palace mausoleum!”

Xiang Hong looked at the imperial sword coming from the palace, could not help clenching his fists, his eyes almost burst into flames.

“Brother Xiang, don’t be impulsive. When I meet the palace in the Tianjiao Challenge, I will definitely seek justice for you and bring back the world artifacts belonging to the Xiang family for you.”

Jiang Chen looked at Xiang Hong beside him and couldn’t help but said quickly.

He was really worried that Xiang Hong would be dazzled by the anger for a while, so he rushed to find trouble with the palace.

Xiang Hong took a deep breath and suppressed his impulse.

He also knew very well in his heart that even though he had devoted himself to cultivation under the profound path Venerable in the past hundred years, there is still an insurmountable gap between him and the palace.

If he really rushed to find Gong Lin’s troubles, he would only be insulting himself.

“Junior Brother Jiang, thank you very much.”

Xiang Hong glanced at Jiang Chen gratefully, and then said solemnly: “Although I hate the penetrates the bone of Gongling, I don’t even deny that this guy is very strong. When you meet him, be careful. .”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, brother, I have a sense of measure.”

When the two were talking, the palace tomb where the sword floated down was also found in the martial arts field Xianghong.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and immediately under countless gazes in the field, he walked straight to Xiang Hong and said coldly, “Xiang Hong, I didn’t expect you to appear in this Tianjiao Challenge. Do you continue to do the tortoise?”

A hundred years ago.

In order to obtain a realm artifact, he did not hesitate to destroy the Xiang family where Xiang Hong was located. Only Xiang Hong escaped by chance, and happened to be rescued by Xuan Dao Venerable and brought into Hanyue Palace as a named disciple.

Chopping the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates!

Gong Ling had always wanted to get rid of Xiang Hong’s remnants, but Xuan Dao Venerable protected Xiang Hong extremely well and didn’t give him any chance at all.

This time.

If Xiang Hong participates in the Tianjiao Challenge, even if he can’t kill Xiang Hong, he will abolish Xiang Hong and make Xiang Hong a waste forever!

“Isn’t that one of Sect’s top ten arrogances? Why did the palace go to Xiang Hong’s troubles as soon as the mausoleum appeared?”

“It is rumored that there is a grievance between Gongling and Xiang Hong, which seems to be true.”

“Tsk tusk… I didn’t expect that the Tianjiao Challenge has not yet started, and there will be a collision with Sect Tianjiao.”


Everyone looked at this scene, and they couldn’t help but talk about it.

Hearing the public humiliating words of the palace, Xiang Hong’s fist was exposed with blue veins, and even his nails had blood stains in his palms.


Before Xiang Hong could speak, Jiang Chen stood up first.

He looked at the palace tomb in front of him, and said indifferently: “I’m sorry, I may disappoint you. This time the Tianjiao Challenge, I only need to participate in the Tianjiao Challenge. You don’t need Brother Xiang Hong to take action.”

Gong Ling looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes condensed slightly: “Are you the new disciple Jiang Chen of Xuan Dao Venerable?”

Naturally, the palace has already heard of the fact that Xuan Dao Venerable has newly accepted a personal disciple.

For such a new disciple, Gong Ling didn’t care about it.

But when he really saw Jiang Chen, he just realized that he was underestimating Jiang Chen.

The aura on this kid’s body could not even be seen completely by him.

He even vaguely felt a hint of danger from Jiang Chen’s body.

This son…may really become his biggest enemy in this Tianjiao Challenge!

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