Chapter 1795 One finger shakes the audience!

The sudden sound also caused the two sides in the battle to be taken aback.

Everyone looked at the place where the sound came from.

I saw a black-clothed young man with an indifferent complexion, coming towards where they were.

The young man in black is Jiang Chen.

“Who is this kid?”

Many members of the Feng Family looked at the black-clothed youth who suddenly appeared, and couldn’t help being surprised.

Now their Feng Family and Rosha Mountain erupted and rushed away, this black-clothed young man was alone, not only did not shy away from it, but also brazenly asked them to make way!

This kid is really bold.

Only the silver-robed old man from the Feng Family had a sharp light flashing in his old eyes.

Since the young man in black dared to ignore the battle between the two of them, he must have something to rely on.


The silver-robed old man is Elder, the wind master of Coldwind City, so his eyesight and insight are naturally extraordinary.

Although the black-clothed young man deliberately concealed his breath, the silver-robed old man could also feel his extraordinary strength.


Whether they can leave today unharmed, the key lies in the person in front of them.

“Boy, who are you?”

“Rosha Mountain is here to do things. If you don’t want to kill yourself, you can roll as far as you can. Don’t seek your own death!”

At this moment, on the side of Mount Rosha, the evil-tempered man of Tier 4 Heavenly God looked at the black-clothed youth who came straight, and couldn’t help shouting with murderous expression on his face.

The young man in black is naturally Jiang Chen.

After Jiang Chen discovered the conflict between the Feng Family and Mount Rosha, he did not change his route, and walked straight towards the place of the double war.

Now that he had just arrived in Hanyue State, he didn’t know anything about Hanyue State.

This Cold Wind City Feng Family should be a strong family power in Cold Moon State.

If he rescued the Feng Family, he might be able to understand the situation of Hanyue Prefecture and even Hanyue Palace through Feng Family, and even inquire about his mother’s whereabouts.

“I’m just a passing person.”

Jiang Chen said calmly, “I don’t want to care about your Luosha Mountain affairs, but now I have to go from here, please give way.”


“Where did the Maotou boy dare to run wild in front of my Mount Rosha!”

“Since you have to find your own way, then I will fulfill you!”

The evil charm man suddenly shot a cold glow in his eyes, and his blood Qi soared to the sky. A giant claw containing blood killing intent directly tore the space and came towards Jiang Chen’s claw.

“I think it’s you who is looking for death!”

Seeing the evil man taking action, a cold light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

With a movement of his hand, a sword rainbow that was as long as the length of his finger suddenly sprayed out from his fingertips.


Jiang Chen flicked his finger gently.

Jian Hong ejected abruptly, broke through the void directly, and slashed away at the evil man.

The power of this sword can no longer be described in words. When he first shot, it was still silent, but as soon as it left Jiang Chen’s fingertips, it turned into a heaven-shattering sword rainbow that pierced through the world, causing hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers to shake!

The masked man headed felt the horror of Jiang Chen’s sword, and his complexion changed drastically: “No, the sixth one is going back!”


The reminder of the masked man was obviously too late.

The sword fingers that Jiang Chen condensed at will now is extremely powerful, and it is not something that the evil spirit man can resist like the fourth-order god of the sky.

Under Jiang Chen’s sword.

The bloody claws of the evil man’s Killing intent, as if paper paste, were smashed into pieces in the blink of an eye.

call out!

The evil spirit man’s pupils shrank suddenly, and immediately the whole person turned into a blood Qi, and his face paled from a distance of thousands of meters.

“Damn, why is this kid so strong?”

The evil man looked up at Jiang Chen who was opposite, with a frightened expression on his face.

If it weren’t for the decisive cast of the secret of escape just now, I’m afraid he has fallen under that sword now!

The evil man suppressed the horror in his heart.

He knew that the person in front of him could not be dealt with by himself, and when he was about to call on some of the strong men from Luosha Mountain to besiege Jiang Chen, there was a sharp pain in his chest.

The evil man couldn’t help looking down suddenly.

I saw a faint bloodstain, from his neck, one extending down to his chest.

Before the evil man could react.

A dazzling Sword Qi suddenly exploded into the evil man’s body.


The evil man’s body was directly split into two halves, and then all the bones and flesh and blood were surging into pieces by Sword Qi, and nothing was left.

Just an understatement of a sword finger, it killed a strong man at the fourth-order peak of the god!

this moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

Whether it is the silver-robed old man and other Feng Clan people, or the many bandits of Rosha Mountain, it has been a long time to recover from the horror.

“This son…what a terrifying strength!”

The silver-robed old man recovered, and couldn’t help taking a breath in his heart.

To know.

The evil and enchanting man in Mount Rosha is a strong man at the fourth-order peak of the god.

Even though Feng Xuan, the first genius of their Feng Family, can use the third-tier Cultivation Base of the Celestial God to fight against the powerhouses of the fourth-tier Celestial God, they can only protect themselves in the face of evil men and other existences.

But the black-clothed young man in front of him underlined that the evil man was crushed by a finger!

The strength of this son, I am afraid that it will not be inferior to him in the slightest.


Seeing that the evil man was killed by Jiang Chen with a single finger, Luo Hou couldn’t help but let out an angry roar.

He stared at Jiang Chen fiercely, and said in anger: “Boy, who are you, why can’t you get past Luosha Mountain with me?”

“Because you are blocking my way.”

Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at Luo Hou, and said faintly: “If you don’t want to die, just take your people and disappear from me immediately.”


Luo Hou’s eyes changed uncertainly for a while, and finally he spit out a cold word in his mouth.

Luo Hou is very clear about the strength of the sixth.

The black-clothed youth in front of him can kill the sixth with one finger, his strength is unfathomable, I am afraid he is not inferior to him.

With such a strong joining the Feng Family’s camp, it is almost impossible for them to want to defeat the Feng Family in a short time.

Once the delay is too long and the strongest of the Feng Family arrives, their team may even be wiped out!


Luo Hou did not hesitate at all, and immediately led a group of people from Luosha Mountain and quickly disappeared in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

Seeing that Jiang Chen quickly killed the evil charm man with a single finger, forcing Luo Hou to lead the people from the Blood Fiend Mountain to retreat, many Feng Clan disciples looked at Jiang Chen with horror that could not be concealed.

Especially the several women of the Feng Family, their eyes gleamed, showing an expression of incomparable worship.

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