Chapter 1794 You are blocking my way!

Hanyue State, one of the thirteen states in the Great Wilderness, is located in the northeast of Nanli State.

Between the two, there is only Yunmeng State, one of the thirteen states in the Great Wilderness.


Although Hanyue State and Nanli State seem to be separated only by Yunmeng State, the distance is also very far away.

after all.

The Great Wilderness Realm is the only upper realm in the Great Wilderness Cosmos, and its area is extremely wide. The area of ​​each state is comparable to that of the ancient dragon world.

There are even some state regions, which are much larger than the ancient dragon world.

According to the map given to him by the Eternal Temple, Jiang Chen headed towards Hanyue Prefecture.

Along the way, Jiang Chen was extremely smooth and didn’t encounter any troubles.

Even so.

It took Jiang Chen more than half a month to cross Yunmeng Prefecture and enter Hanyue Prefecture.

On the endless plain southwest of Hanyue State.

A black figure came slowly from the distant sky.

The black figure was Jiang Chen who had come all the way from Nanlizhou.

“Finally, I have entered Hanyue Prefecture. At my speed, I can resist the Hanyue Palace in three days at most. I hope this trip will be able to find my mother smoothly.”

Jiang Chen looked up at the north of Hanyue Prefecture, and he couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

Among the thirteen states of the Great Wilderness, Hanyue State is ranked in the middle and upper ranks.

It can be said.

Except for the four major states in the center of the Great Wilderness, the strength of Hanyue State is not inferior to any other state.

Hanyue State not only has two great realm god powers, but the pseudo realm god power is more than one hand, and it is a big state far from the south.

The Hanyue Palace, as the number one Sect in Hanyue Prefecture, is even more unfathomable.

Even with Jiang Chen’s current strength, facing the world god Sect like Hanyue Palace, he had to deal with it carefully.

“Do you Rosha Mountain want to die? Even our Coldwind City Wind Clan team dare to rob!”

While Jiang Chen was on the road while thinking about the situation in Hanyue Palace, a cold stern shout suddenly came into Jiang Chen’s ears.

Jiang Chen was startled slightly, his eyes couldn’t help but followed the voice and looked over.

A hundred miles away, there was a big silver ship floating in the air, and dozens of Daoist shadows stood on the ship.

The first person is a silver-robed ancestor of the fifth rank of the gods.

Behind the ancestor of the silver robe, there are still twenty or thirty figures in very similar dresses.

Most of these people are very young, but Cultivation Base is very good, the lowest has reached the first rank of the gods, and at first glance, they are elite members of a certain force in Hanyue State.

Among these twenty or thirty people, there was a male and a female, extremely prominent, like stars arching over the moon.

The man has good features and extraordinary temperament, while the woman is even more like Celestial Immortals, with willow leaf curving eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, and a brilliant posture.

The talents of these two are extremely extraordinary, and the Cultivation Base has reached the third-order peak of the gods.

Compared to characters like Yanjin, the first genius of the Nanli Clan, they are only slightly inferior!

At this moment.

Everyone on the big ship stared straight ahead.

Hundreds of feet away in front of them, dozens of men with ferocious expressions stopped in front of them, all exuding the aura of the heavenly gods.

The first black-clothed man with a mask exudes a terrifying Killing intent all over his body.

“Hehe…What about the Wind House of Cold Wind City? We robbery on Mount Rosha, but we never care about the origin of the target!”

Beside the masked man, a man with blood in his eyes smiled evilly: “Stop talking nonsense, if you want to survive, just leave all your boats and storage rings.”


The silver-robed old man’s face was cold: “If you dare to touch a hair of my Feng family today, I promise that the Feng family will level you Luo Sha Mountain!”

Their Chillwind City Fengjia, in a word, can be regarded as possessing the top Celestial power in the sixth rank of Celestial God.

Although Rosha Mountain is this prestigious bandit force, the Feng Family will not have the slightest fear.


Their current strength is simply not enough to contend with the people of Mount Rosha, and they can only use the name of the Feng Family to frighten the people of Mount Rosha.

The masked man was not moved by the Yinpao ancestor’s words, and said indifferently, “Don’t talk nonsense with him, just do it!”


As the masked man’s voice fell, a group of bandits behind him were all excited to kill the silver-robed old man and the others.

“Huh! A trivial group of bandits dare to attack my Feng Family’s idea. Today, Feng Xuan will act for the sky and destroy you!”

On the silver building, the energetic young man in the center screamed, and immediately took out a silver long sword, raising his hand was a wind thunder that tore through the void, Sword Ray slashed out!

“Everyone, help Fengxuan Dage to kill all these bandits from Mount Rosha!”

Following the action by the young man named Feng Xuan, many disciples of the Feng Family also broke out one after another, fighting out together.

In an instant, the majestic power of the world continued to collide in this piece of heaven and earth, and the sound of earth-shaking explosions continued to spread in midair.


Although the Feng Family disciples are not weak in strength, they are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength and number compared to the people of Rosha Mountain.

Just a moment’s time.

Several Feng Clan disciples couldn’t resist Rosha Mountain’s offensive, directly screamed, and were seriously injured by Rosha Mountain’s people.

“court death!”

The silver-robed old man’s complexion was just as he was about to rescue him, the masked man directly blocked him.

The silver-robed old man stared at the masked man, and shouted in anger, “Luohou, get out of the way. If you don’t stop, my Feng Family will definitely let Luo Shashan be removed from Hanye Prefecture!”

“Old man, stop bluffing here.”

The masked man smiled faintly: “Others are afraid of your Feng Family, and I am not afraid of Rosha Mountain! Although your Cold Wind City Feng Family is very strong, I am not a vegetarian.”

The silver-robed old man’s face was pale, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Luo Hou, what do you want?”

“Naturally it was robbed.”

Luo Hou said lightly: “Finally, I will give you a chance to leave all your belongings, and I will forgive you not to die!”

The silver-robed old man’s eyes changed uncertainly for a while, and finally he chose to compromise.

Now there are all the five ranks of the three major gods of Luosha Mountain, and the Feng Family has only one fifth rank of the gods.

Even if Feng Xuan and other geniuses had extraordinary combat power, they couldn’t cope with the situation at hand.

If Feng Xuan and other talented disciples of the Feng Family were allowed to fall here, he would really have no face to meet the ancestors of the Feng Family.

The silver-robed old man was holding back the anger in his heart, and when he was about to let everyone hand over all their belongings, a faint voice suddenly came from behind them.

“Sorry, please give in. If you want to fight, please go and fight slowly. You are blocking my way!”

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