Chapter 1787 Three Thousand Nanli Guards!

In the Great Hall.

Dozens of high-level Nanli tribes learned that Yanjin’s four had fallen, and it has been a long time for them to recover from their horror.

As the only realm god power in Nanlizhou, Nanlizu has dominated Nanlizhou for tens of millions of years, and no force has ever dared to challenge their status.

Yan Jin, the young master of the Nanli Clan, the first genius of the Nanli Clan, the fourth-tier Cultivation Base deity, but the power is not inferior to the sixth-tier powerhouse of the Cultivation Base.

Guardian Elder Yan Liekong, one of the 6th-order powerhouses of the Nanli tribe.

The two elders of Phoenix, the two most powerful elders of the Nanli clan’s strength, are second only to the existence of the patriarch Yan Wuji!

The combination of these four is enough to sweep any force in Nanlizhou.

Even if it was Huangfu’s family, a pseudo-world god power, it was impossible to win them.

Who on earth was able to kill all Yanjin’s four!

“Patriarch, this…what the hell is going on, how could the young masters suddenly fall? Could it be that the forces of the world gods in other states made the move?”

A high-level executive suppressed the shock of his heart, and his expression instantly became extremely solemn.

Three strong men of the sixth rank, plus the young master of the Nanli tribe, the most promising breakthrough world god Venerable genius.

The fall of these four people was enough to hurt the vitality of the Nanli clan.

Since the establishment of their Nanli Clan, they have almost never fallen like so many powerful men at once.

“This is impossible. If the world gods of other states take action, we can’t be unaware of it!”

A middle-aged man wearing a red flame armor said solemnly: “As far as I know, Young Master Yan Jin seems to be heading to the Huoyuan Mountain Range this time.”

The middle-aged war armor is Yantai, the leader of the Nanli tribe’s three thousand Nanli god guards, and one of the sixth-order powerhouses of the Nanli tribe’s six great gods!


Yan Wuji nodded and slowly said: “Not long ago, Huangfu’s family obtained the Huoyun Venerable heritage map. Yan Jin led the team to the Huoyun Mountain Range in order to compete for the Huoyun Venerable heritage!”

Yan Wou-ki closed door training all year round, seeking an opportunity to break through the realm of the world, and almost handed over all matters concerning the Nanli clan to Yan Jin to take care of.


However, Yan Wuji was also very clear about Yan Jin’s plotting of the Huoyun Venerable’s legacy.

after all.

Yan Jin wanted to take Phoenix to the Huoyun Mountain Range, and it was with his consent.

Originally he thought.

Huangfu’s family only had two powerful sixth-order deities, and Yan Jin took three sixth-level deities to go there, which was more than enough.

not to mention……

On Yan Jin’s body, there is also the world god’s decree of the Nanli Clan God’s ancestor and the world god weapon god Yan Baojia.

Unless the world god Venerable makes a move, no one will help him!

Now that Yan Jin and others are in trouble, in all likelihood, something has happened in the Huoyun Venerable’s remains.

Fire Cloud Venerable legacy!

Everyone heard Yan Wuji’s words, and the appearance of many Nanli clan high-levels changed slightly.

The Huoyun Venerable heritage was left by Huoyun Venerable, which was famous in the southern Lizhou tens of millions of years ago, and must have some means left by Venerable.

Could it be that Yan Jin and his party all fell into the Huoyun Venerable’s remains?

Although Yan Jin and the others were competing with Huangfu’s family for the Huoyun Venerable legacy, almost no one in the entire Nanli tribe took Huangfu’s family seriously.

With the strength of Yanjin’s four, how could Huangfu’s two gods of the sixth rank be able to deal with it?

“Patriarch, I don’t know what you plan to do if you call me to wait today?”

Yan Tai took a deep breath, his expression dignified.

“No matter what, now that the Huoyun Venerable remains have appeared, our Southern Li family must hold it in our hands!”

Yan Wuji’s eyes flashed with brilliance, and a fierce and domineering aura filled the Great Hall in an instant!

This time.

The four Yanjin fell on the Huoyun Mountain Range, and the Nanli Clan was greatly injured.

In any case, he has to obtain the Huoyun Venerable remains to make up for the huge losses of the Nanli tribe.

after all.

The Huoyun Venerable heritage is a treasure that everyone in Nanlizhou dreams of, and it also has the spirit of the world after the Huoyun Venerable sits.

As long as he can obtain the Huoyun Venerable heritage, he will have a ten-percent grasp of the breakthrough realm!

By the time.

Their Nanli Clan will have two great realm gods, Venerable.

And the loss caused by the fall of Yanjin’s four is nothing to worry about!

Thought of this.

Yan Wuji’s faint voice also resounded directly in the Great Hall.

“Yantai, immediately summon three thousand Nanli guards and follow me to the Huoyun Mountain!”

The Three Thousand Nanli God Guards were the most powerful force of the Nanli Clan, and almost gathered all the elite disciples of the Nanli Clan.

These three thousand Nanli guards, the weakest of the Cultivation Base, at least all reached the top true gods.

Among them, there are no less than a hundred strong in the gods.


Sanqian Nanli Shenwei still holds an extremely powerful formation. Once the formation is activated, the world god Venerable is almost unstoppable.

This time, the remains of Huoyun Venerable, Yan Wuji is bound to win!


Yantai didn’t hesitate, turned around and left the Great Hall, and quickly summoned three thousand Nanli guards.

Not long.

Yan Wuji and Yan Tai directly led the three thousand Nanli guards, and smashed toward the Huoyun Mountain Range.

South from the city of God.

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions also seemed shocked.

Yan Wuji, the patriarch of the Nanli clan, personally led three thousand Nanli guards to the Huoyun Mountain Range. It seems that something big must happen in the Huoyun Mountain Range.

And while Yan Wuji was heading toward the Huoyun Mountain Range in a mighty manner.

South from the north gate of God City, on the void of thousands of feet.

Fang Yubo, the ancestor of the Fang family, looked at the direction in which Yan Wuji and others disappeared, and a look of shock also appeared in his old eyes.

Beside him, there is also a white-haired old man with a fairy style.

“Brother Wan, Yan Wuji personally took Three Thousand Nanli Shenwei to the Huoyun Mountain Range, what do you think?”

Fang Yubo stared at the front for a long time before turning his head to the white-haired old man beside him.

“Brother Fang must have guessed in his heart.”

The white-haired old man’s eyes flickered slightly, and slowly said: “In the entire Huoyun Mountain Range, apart from the Huoyun Venerable remains, what else is worth the Nanli tribe to dispatch the three thousand Nanli guards?”

“Tsk tusk… It seems that the Huoyun Venerable remains buried in the Huoyun Mountain Range for tens of millions of years, may be coming out soon.”

Fang Yubo exclaimed, and a hot look flashed in his old eyes.

He took a deep breath, and said solemnly to the white-haired old man: “Brother Wan doesn’t plan to see the Huoyun Venerable’s legacy? Together, you and I may not be able to get a piece of the Huoyun Venerable’s legacy. ”

The Huoyun Venerable remains, a treasure that has been handed down in Nanlizhou for thousands of years.

Especially for them who have yet to find a breakthrough opportunity for the sixth-order Tianshen, it has a fatal attraction!

“Huoyun Venerable remains, naturally you have to see it, let’s go!”

The white-haired old man’s voice fell, and Fang Yubo quickly blasted towards the Huoyun Mountain Range…

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